Minggu, 07 Juli 2013

Speed Dating Formula - 75% Commission - Secret Tips

By on 16.21

 Speed Dating Is About To Get Easier

From The Desk Of: Evan D.
Location: Toronto, Canada

Fellow Frustrated Speed Dater:

If youre struggling to get even a single match at Speed Dating Events

If youre tired of spending your evenings and weekends ALONE and wondering
if you will ever get this part of your life handled

If youre thinking about throwing in the towel and giving up on this entire area of
your life called WOMEN and DATING 


My name is Evan D.

And in this controversial, but short report, that definitely wont be up for long

Im going to show you how you can totally CRUSH IT at your next Speed Dating

How you can get ANY WOMAN dripping wet with excitement while she eagerly
chooses YOU as her number one match


In fact, if you simply pay attention to what Im about to show you, and do what I say
just like hundreds of guys before you youll be amazed at just how easy it really is to seduce women
at Speed Dating events.

How simple it is to fill your calendar with more dates in one week
then youve had in the last year

and how you can finally experience the type of deep satisfaction that comes with knowing
that you will NEVER have to go to bed alone EVER AGAIN!

Youll get to experience the kind of fun, exciting, and steamy hot sex you have always wanted
with the type of women you have always fantasized about while every other guy at the event will be wrecking
his brain trying to find out how you are doing it.

But first:

Im going to tell you about why you are continually failing to get any matches at Speed Dating events,
why women just dont seem to respond to you, and why no matter how hard you try nothing seems
to be working!

In fact, if you are like most guys who have tried Speed Dating you might have attended dozens of these
events (because you know its an easy way to meet a lot of single women in a short period of time) but you
just cant seem to catch a break

youre at the end of your proverbial rope and youre getting ready to toss in the towel on this dating thing
once and for all

You see the truth is Speed dating is a last ditch effort for a lot of guys, and youre probably
one of them.

Youre probably thinking to yourself, If I cant make this work Im giving up

But lets face it giving up isnt a great option because:

If youve ever tried to push your way though an overly crowded loud bar
full of meat heads and drunk morons, just to approach a girl you find attractive

then you know how FRUSTRATING it can be just to try and carry on a conversation
over the music.

If youve ever spent hours in front of a computer sending out hundreds of messages
on an internet dating site, only to get exactly ZERO responses then you instinctively know
it shouldnt be THIS hard to meet a great woman that you can make a solid connection with.

And if youve ever tried to work up the courage to approach a woman in a coffee shop or a
book store you know how embarrassing it feels to freeze up draw a complete blank and end
up looking like a total loser because you couldnt think of anything interesting to say.

Experiences like this just make you feel humiliated and awful about yourself like a total
failure as a man for not knowing how to approach and talk to a woman you are interested in.

And horrible experiences like these are probably why you decided to try Speed Dating in the first
place because you know it should be easier, lower pressure, and more fun

If any of this sounds familiar

This has been the experience for most of the students I work with, and Im going to tell you the same thing I first told them

 Let me reiterate that to you once again so that it REALLY sinks in your lack of
success at speed dating events is NOT your fault!

A recent study in a popular psychology publication revealed a disturbing (although
very scientific) fact

When women are seated and men rotate during the Speed Dating process, the
percentage of women who choose a match is EXTREMELY low


When the men are seated and the women are the ones rotating around the room,
the percentage of women who choose a match INCREASES dramatically!

And get this

The percentage of men who choose a match in that same situation actually DECREASES.

This interesting fact tells you the following:

The SELECTOR (or the perceived selector) has all the power in the Speed Dating dynamic.

What Im about to tell you next might make you so FURIOUS that you want to douse your
computer in gasoline, set it on fire, and throw the flaming mess out the nearest window

Speed Dating companies study and understand psychological facts just like these
and use them AGAINST you!

They purposely keep you single and struggling by continually seating the women and putting them
in a less receptive psychological frame of mind

So you (and the women) keep on coming back and giving the organizers your hard-earned money

But just in case you have more faith and trust in these types of unscrupulous business practices and
you wish to assume that a few Speed Dating companies decide to take the ethical high road

by having women rotate during the first half of the event, and men rotate for the second half of
the event

What happens if you end up dating all the women you find most attractive during the portion of the
night where you are the one who is rotating?

That would totally suck!

Thats why Im going to show you EXACTLY how you can manipulate this unfortunate organizational
flaw, and regain the upper hand so that YOU become the SELECTOR.

Another thing that you really need to understand is not only how female psychology and the
attraction process works

But why you need to calibrate and amend the rules slightly for maximum effect and results at
Speed Dating.

A former student, named Allan, came to me about a year ago when I was fine-tuning
this system.

He was 35 years old and desperate. It was a struggle just talking to the guy

I mean he was seriously depressed about this area of his life.

Allan was at the breaking point where he just never thought it was ever going to happen
for him.

He wanted to meet someone that he really connected with and could start a family with

Allan wasnt so much concerned with being a player and bedding a different woman every night
of the week (which is totally possible using this system) he just wanted someone to curl up with
at the end of the day, with a bottle of wine, and grow old with.

When I mentioned Speed Dating, he immediately rolled his eyes before I even got the words out

He was fed up.

He told me that he had tried it multiple times in the past and decided that it just wasnt for him.

I asked him to be open to trying it again, and he said he was thats when I made him
PROMISE me that hed do just ONE THING

I made him promise me that hed try it MY WAY!

After a few hours of one on one coaching, teaching him the system you are about to learn I sent
Allan on his merry way

Monday morning I received a phone call from Allan who tells me that he has spent the weekend with an amazing woman and thanking me for everything

Oh and that hes no longer a virgin.

The bottom line is:

If he can do it, and hundreds of other guys just like him can do it so can YOU!

But you MUST be open to doing things a little differently then what you are normally used to.

What you have been doing isnt working, and if you have ever heard the definition of insanity
then you know it is doing the same thing over and over, but expecting different results

If you want to experience a radically different result at Speed Dating, then you need to
change the way you approach it, and you need to change the way you interact with the women
who are attending.

Its just that simple

You see if you keep playing the game by the Speed Dating companys rules youll lose every
single time!

You have got to change the rules of the game if you are going to succeed.

And do you know what else?

Most of the Speed Dating how to advice available online is not only HORRIBLE and
detrimental to your success its actually put there by the very same companies that host these events.

These so called expert Speed Dating tips are causing you to (unknowingly) do most of the
many tiny little things that cause women to flat out REJECT you!

The vast majority of guys dont know what these mistakes are and even more dont know how to correct them.

So why should you listen to me?

Well like I said, my name is Evan D and I have been a professional dating coaching for over 5 years Ive been learning about the science of attraction for over 12 years I have appeared in major media publication across the country and have even been approached about staring in my own reality TV show not to mention

Guys just like you have paid me thousands of dollars to learn the secrets Im about to share with you

You see a few years ago I was approached by two different MAJOR Speed Dating companies to work with them side by side to help several of their long term returning male customers one of these companies which I secretly infiltrated

After two years of INTENSE in the trenches research I discovered some disturbing facts about how Speed Dating companies are actually structuring their events to ensure you FAIL and keep returning to give more of your hard earned cash!

I also discovered some secret loopholes that if you exploit them, you can literally have women begging you to select THEM as a potential match!

How a few magic questions will flip her primal attraction triggers and ignite her sexual appetite

And how a sneaky little trick can completely ruin it for every other guy at the event while she does nothing but think about you the entire time. Wondering if you are going to select her as a match and fantasizing about you taking her home that very same night and treating her like the naughty girl she is

The result is the Speed Dating Formula a complete system for meeting, attracting and dating the hottest women at local Speed Dating events.

The techniques you are about to discover in this course are easy-to-learn and will give you immediate results and put you in the 2% of men who get all the attention and matches!

  • A simple three (3) step formula for seducing the hottest women at local speed dating events and getting more matches then you can handle (fill your calender with dates every night of the week)
  • The number one biggest mistake youre making at speed dating events and how you can fix it if youre like most guys you arent even aware you are doing THIS one thing and its completely killing your chances
  • How to covertly sabotage every other guy at the event and make her think about YOU the entire time she is with another man (this sneaky trick is so under the radar no one will ever suspect a thing)
  • A crazy powerful way to create attraction in less then five (5) minutes that will have her eagerly leave the event with you and excitedly crawl into bed with YOU that exact same night
  • Powerfully trigger a womans attraction for you ( and have her checking your name at the end of the night so that she can see you again) 
  • Never have to worry about whether or not a woman is interested in you again ( or feel the disappointment of not receiving a single match)
  • Potentially leave the event with a woman that very night ( and bypass the entire selection process)
  • An organization flaw that will give you the upper hand and have her see you as a powerful leader (unleash you inner alpha male with this simple trick)
  • A simple cut and paste message that you can send her after you receive her as a match that will ensure she agrees to meet you again (eliminate flakes for good) 


Because of the small time frame you have to infiltrate her mind and make a lasting impression one that gets
her soaking wet with anticipation wondering if shes even going to speak to you again

You need to make sure that you flip all of her attraction switches and pull all of her biological
selection triggers that literally FORCE her to select your name at the end of the event!

Women are evolutionarily designed to respond to certain innate sexual selection triggers, and in the Speed Dating
Formula Ill show you how to manufacture two of the most powerful ones, so you can virtually guarantee that she will be salivating at the idea of going to bed with you

possibly even that very same night.

Here is what you will get when you invest in your dating life right now:

  • Module 1  Speed Dating Domination
  • Module 2  Speed Dating Questions
  • Module 3  First Date Formula
  • Bonus  Five Deadly Mistakes
  • Bonus  Five Dirty Tricks

Step 1: Click The Add To Cart Button Below

Its as simple as that.

Youll be taken to a secure order form handled by www.ClickBank.com.

Clickbank sells my course they are a trusted online retailer specializing in digitally delivered products. They
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ClickBank processes over 10, 000 orders a day, and growing! Security is their number one priority.

Once your order has been processed, youll get instant-access to the secure, customers-only download page. You
can either enjoy the entire package from your computer, or you can print everything out or burn them on to CDs so
youll have your very own hard copy.

Remember, no physical items will be shipped. This works out in your favor.

Initially, I intended for this program to be a hard-copy, physical package. However, I figured waiting 6 weeks
for my program to arrive was way too long. I know youll want to start using it right away!

Providing instant download access was the only way to achieve this.

Not only will you benefit from instant-access, but offering this product digitally literally cuts the price of
my program in half. and you dont have to pay ANY shipping or handling costs this way, either.

Step 2: Download Your Copy and Dive Into The Material

Thats it

In just seconds you will be able to access your download and start learn everything you need to know about
mastering Speed Dating events.

This is by far the easiest way to meet and date DOZENS of hot women, and it is the first and only seduction
system available for Speed Dating available online.

This program is so step-by-step simple that even if youre a complete newbie when it comes to dating and
seduction, it will work for you what could be better than that?

But If You Want To Really Succeed
Youve Got To Act Now

Look, the last thing you want is every other guy at the event knowing the secrets that youre about to learn

you dont want these tactics becoming over saturated and you definitely dont want women calling you out
because shes heard the same questions asked 5 times already

If you have ever purchased an online dating program with cut and paste systems, then you know they become
un-effective and useless when everyone is using them Im not going to let that happen with the Speed Dating Formula.

If you dither around and sit on the fence with this you run the risk of letting your competition beat you to the
punch and using these strategies against you!

Im deadly serious when I say that Im not sure how long Im going to be keeping this system online

My one on one coaching clients have paid me thousands of dollars to learn this stuff straight from
the horses mouth and they are cleaning up by using this material because Im making it available to you
today for only a  measly $47, I may have to pull this down or jack the price before I end up making some people very angry.

Have a question? Contact Us Here

Act fast and secure your copy now!

Your copy of the Speed Dating Formula will arrive via email in your Inbox in PDF format (make sure your Adobe Acrobat is up to date).

Dont forget that youre protected by my personalized 60-day challenge: if you dont get more dates within the next 60 days, then you have in the past 2 years, my 100% guarantee covers you AND you get every last penny back.

However, I am so convinced that you will feel totally satisfied making this decision that Im going to give you continual support and lifetime updates to this program totally free of charge.

To protect your privacy, credit card charges will be from ClickBank/CLCBANK*COM.

  1. You can keep doing what you have been doing struggling to get matches and meet women the way you have been doing it up until now. Im sure youll get lucky eventually


       2. You can make the decision right now to invest in a proven system that is going to get you massive results with
women the choice is yours I know youll make the right one.

 I look forward to seeing you on the inside

Your friend,

Evan D.

PS. Just think about how amazing it will feel when you walk into a room, where you will be meeting handfuls of hot women, knowing that in just a few short hours you will be leaving with dozen or more dates lined up for the coming weeks dont hesitate any longer click the add to cart button and learn these secrets in just seconds from now!

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The formula for speed is distance divided by time. Dating Friends Education & Activities it takes the person 45 minutes or 0.75 hours. 6.,Speed dating London, (age range: males 18-18, females 18-75) Carburton Street it just means by using the link we may get a small commission for , retrieved

Click on the button below and I will show you how to get your Speed Dating Formula - 75% Commission E-Book now :

About Syed Faizan Ali

Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.

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