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A survey shows that one of the #1 challenges that coaches face today is dealing with parents. Learn to deal successfully with parents so that you can get back to coaching. This is your proactive guide to spending less time reacting to criticism, responding to parent emails and looking over your shoulder and more time doing what you love. Coaching.
Get back to your passion and stop dealing with parents.
With the help of several industry experts, including David Jacobson (Positive Coaching Alliance), Chris Hickey (Institute for Sports Coaching), Janis Meredith (Sports Parenting) and Daryl Weber (elite high school coach), Ive put together a package that will change your coaching career, renew your passion and help you stop focusing on parents and start focusing on winning championships.
Jim Harshaw, Riot Sports
Heres whats you get
The Guide to Dealing Successfully with Parents
3 Worksheets
4 Expert Interviews
Interviews include
The Complete Coach
If youre not satisfied for any reason,
you will be provided a refund, no questions asked.
Work Smarter, Not Harder: Delegate!
Sick of doing all of the work when it comes to planning events like banquets and team get togethers? Get a free copy of the annual team banquet and event planning guide and timeline so that you can delegate it and forget it.
Jim, I read the book and loved it!! I love the approach of taking ownership of what is not working along with helping to explain a way to communicate and educate!!
William Evans, head wrestling coach, Chartiers Valley High School
Questions? Email Us
Finden Sie heraus, wie Sie so viel Geld verdienen wie Sie wollen und dies nur mit einem Internetanschluss, etwas freier Zeit und einer Meinung!
Das ist der perfekte Job! Arbeiten Sie von Zuhause aus und teilen Sie Ihre Arbeitsstunden selbst ein. Sie haben das Sagen!
Wie gefllt Ihnen die Vorstellung, von Zuhause aus an Online-Umfragen oder an Testgruppen teilzunehmen und Ende Monat einen grozgigen Gehaltscheck zu erhalten? Ja, das knnen Sie wirklich. Wenn Sie noch heute beginnen, erhalten Sie den ersten Gehaltscheck bereits in der nchsten Woche.
Haben Sie soeben Ihre Arbeit verloren und mssen finanziell unten durch? Wrde Ihnen monatlich etwas Zusatzgeld helfen? Dann ist dies eine groartige Mglichkeit, etwas Geld dazuzuverdienen, ohne dazu die eigenen vier Wnde verlassen zu mssen.
Sie knnen arbeiten, wann immer Sie es wnschen. Morgens, nachmittags, nachts oder sogar um Mitternacht, einfach wann immer Sie mchten, es spielt keine Rolle. Sie brauchen sich nur einzuloggen, die Umfragen an denen Sie teilnehmen mchten auszuwhlen und Sie werden fr Ihre Zeit bezahlt. Arbeiten Sie fr 30 Minuten oder drei Stunden, es steht Ihnen frei, Sie teilen sich Ihre Arbeitsstunden selbst ein.
Das ist die Gelegenheit fr Vollzeitmtter, Studenten, jemanden, der einfach keine Zeit hat zu einem Halbtagsjob zu pendeln oder fr diejenigen, welche im Pyjama von Zuhause aus arbeiten mchten.
Das ist ein wahrer Traumjob! Es gibt keine faulen Tricks, keinen Haken. Arbeiten Sie von Zuhause aus, wann immer Sie wollen.
Das ist kein "Werden Sie schnell reich System. Sie werden nicht Millionr werden, wenn Sie an Online-Umfragen teilnehmen, aber Sie knnen leicht einige hundert oder gar einige tausend Dollar monatlich dazuverdienen.
Sie fragen sich, warum jemand fr Ihre Meinung bezahlen wrde? Nun, das ist einfach. Unternehmen, welche Produkte herstellen und verkaufen wollen wissen, was Verbraucher denken. Wie sie denken. Was sie mgen und was nicht. Die Unternehmen geben Millionen fr Produktforschungen aus, bevor sie diese auf dem Markt zulassen. Sie sind also bereit fr Ihre Zeit zu bezahlen. Dieser Vorgang nennt sich Marktforschung und ich bin mir sicher, einige von Ihnen haben bereits davon gehrt. Wussten Sie, dass Filmunternehmen Menschen dafr bezahlen, sich Filme anzusehen? Sie lassen die Zuschauer diverse Filmversionen, Filmausschnitte und Filmendungen ansehen und fragen nach deren Meinungen um schlussendlich bestimmen zu knnen, was der grte Kassenschlager werden knnte. Wie gesagt, diese Leute werden natrlich bezahlt und das ist exakt genau das, was Sie tun werden; Ihre Meinung abgeben um so Unternehmen den besten Weg zu zeigen, Produkte zu vermarkten und zu verkaufen. Das Beste daran, Ihre Meinung ist Geld wert!
Frher mussten die Menschen direkt in die Unternehmen gehen, sitzen und warten, Formulare ausfllen, Produkte testen und noch mehr Formulare ausfllen. Dies war sehr zeitraubend und umstndlich, zumal diese Personen nebenbei auch noch andere Dinge zu erledigen hatten. Die Zeiten haben sich gendert! Das Internet ermglicht den Unternehmen nun, die Informationen direkt zu Ihnen nach Hause zu senden.
Teilnehmer unserer Datenbank berichten regelmig von ihren Erfolgen. Vielleicht bald auch Sie?
"Ich mchte Ihnen zu Ihrer Starthilfe und zum ganzen Konzept gratulieren. Ich habe den Betrag fr mein Umfragen-Paket vor einem Jahr bezahlt und das Paket auch kurz darauf bekommen. Von den Firmen erhalte ich jeden Tag neue Umfragen zugemailt. Ich habe mir mit Hilfe dieser Umfragen und Ihrer zustzlichen Verdienst-Beispiele ein monatliches Einkommen von ungefhr 1600 EUR gesichert. Mal etwas weniger, mal etwas mehr. Und das nachdem ich vier Jahre arbeitslos war! Vielen Dank!" |
"Seit einem halben Jahr bin ich dank Ihrer Datenbank als regionale Interviewerin bei einem groen deutschen Marktforschungsunternehmen ttig. Hierbei verdiene ich sogar recht gut! Ich wnsche mir, dass auch andere diese Chance erhalten!" Nadine A., Dortmund |
"Ihre Angaben sind grundsolide und vollkommen realistisch: Sie versprechen nichts, was Sie nicht halten knnten anders als die Anbieter von MLM-Geschften mit ihren berzogenen Teilhabe-Kosten." Jrg P., Wien |
Es gibt zahlreiche Unternehmen, welche bereit sind, Sie fr Ihre Meinungen zu entlhnen und sie richten sich dabei ganz nach Ihrem persnlichen Zeitplan. Die Zahl solcher Meinungsumfragen und Forschungen nimmt brigens tglich zu.
Damit Sie von diesen Unternehmen Umfragen erhalten, bentigen Sie Zugang zu den Marketingunternehmen, welche Sie fr Meinungsumfragen entlhnen.
Das ist der Punkt, an dem BezahlteOnlineUmfragen.com ins Spiel kommt. Bezahlte Online Umfragen hat nmlich bereits Zeit und Geld investiert, herauszufinden, welche Marketingunternehmen fr ihre Online-Umfragen entsprechend entlhnen.
Unser Umfragenfhrer bietet Ihnen:
Sehen Sie hier wie viel Geld Sie mit diesen Umfragen verdienen knnen |
Wenn Sie an 2 Umfragen pro Tag teilnehmen, erhalten Sie 10 EUR pro Umfrage. Dies ergibt ein Total von 140 EUR pro Woche oder 560 EUR im Monat, 6,720 EUR im Jahr! |
Wenn Sie an 4 Umfragen pro Tag teilnehmen, erhalten Sie 10 EUR pro Umfrage. Dies ergibt ein Total von 280 EUR pro Woche oder 1,120 EUR im Monat, 13,440 EUR im Jahr! |
Wenn Sie an 8 Umfragen pro Tag teilnehmen, erhalten Sie 10 EUR pro Umfrage. Dies ergibt ein Total von 560 EUR pro Woche oder 2,240 EUR im Monat, 26,880 EUR im Jahr! |
Einfacher gehts nicht einfach anklicken und fertig!
Alles was Sie tun mssen um Zugang zu diesen Marketingunternehmen zu erhalten und um baldmglichst mit dem Geld verdienen anfangen zu knnen ist, bei BezahlteOnlineUmfragen.com den Umfragenfhrer fr nur 29,90 Euro anzufordern.
Nach Ihrer Bestellung knnen Sie den Umfragenfhrer direkt vom Internet auf Ihren Computer herunterladen und sich bereits innerhalb von wenigen Minuten fr die ersten Online-Umfragen anmelden.
Online Bestellung - 24 Stunden pro Tag, 7 Tage pro Woche, 365 Tage im Jahr
Falls Sie nach dem Erwerb des BezahlteOnlineUmfragen.com Umfragenfhrers nicht zufrieden sein sollten oder er nicht Ihren Erwartungen entspricht, kontaktieren Sie uns innert 60 Tagen nach dessen Kauf und wir werden Ihnen umgehend 100% Ihres Geldes zurckerstatten.
Mit unserer Geld-zurck-Garantie haben Sie nichts zu verlieren, Sie knnen nur gewinnen.
Stellen Sie sich vor! In wenigen Minuten knnten Sie bereits Ihre erste Online-Umfrage ausfllen. Schlieen Sie Ihre Augen fr einige Sekunden und lassen Sie die Vorstellung auf sich wirken Spt morgens erwachen, im Pyjama an einer Umfrage teilnehmen und dafr bis zu 100 Euro verdienen.
Es ist alles mglich, wenn Sie eine kleine Einlage in den BezahlteOnlineUmfragen.com Umfragenfhrer investieren.
"Wir waren anfangs sehr skeptisch, weil wir schon vieles im Internet probiert hatten: erfolglos. Aber dann fingen wir an mit den Meinungsumfragen Ihrer Firmen zu arbeiten und verdienten in nur einer Woche zusammen 1000 EUR und das, obwohl wir nichts anderes taten als ca. drei Stunden am Tag diese Umfragen auszufllen. Wir knnen Ihr Produkt sehr weiterempfehlen!" Agnes und Uwe S., Stuttgart |
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Kelvin Brown, The "Famous Internet Marketer,"
Has Just Changed The Way You Use Autoresponders
Discover The Best Autoresponder
Deal On The Internet
From: Kelvin Brown, "The Famous Internet Marketer"
To: All Value-Conscious Online Business Owners
Subject: A Superior Deal On Powerful Autoresponders
You can have 20 powerful, easy-to-use autoresponders at your instant disposal five minutes from now.
Price won't be an issue. You can afford this easily. Your competitors can, too, so there's really no time to waste. The only question is whether you'll use this versatile autoresponder system to give your profits a powerful and long-lasting boost.
Imagine having the ability to forge long-lasting, personal relationships with customers worldwide.
Imagine getting to know them better and tailoring your autoresponder messages to meet their precise needs. Imagine having the ability not only to address them by name, but also to showcase offers that speak to their personal interests.
You're probably acquainted with Internet Marketers who use a scattershot, one-size-fits-all approach. Perhaps they simply type a message and press "Send," paying no attention to targeting while hoping against hope they'll be able to extract a few sales from a broadcast.
That approach works only if you have a big list and the advantages of scale two things ordinary Internet Marketers lack. Smaller marketers who use the shotgun approach don't have a prayer of competing effectively.
You've probably been on the receiving end of the shotgun approach. Ever get the notion that the marketer who's sending you all those emails doesn't have a clue about who you are and what makes you tick?
Our autoresponder system gives you the power to understand your customers and build relationships one at a time. Find out what makes customers tick and invite them into your sales funnel.
Today is the day you can seize the power to develop multiple lists and communicate with customers based on demographics and their unique interests.
You even can make offers based on where a customer lives, enabling recipients to respond to offers tailored exclusively for them.
Our autoresponder gives you the optional power to insert up to 20 customized questions in convenient drop-down boxes. You'll have the option of using our forms to learn customers' preferences like never before!
"Better price and MUCH better "Your service is as good as all the "biggies" at a better price and a MUCH better customer service. I highly recommend your service to anyone needing autoresponders which is anyone wanting to do business online!" Jimmy D. Brown |
A Commitment To Excellence
But now it's time to expand on a closely controlled basis. This means a great deal for you. Once we've reached our target number of new customers, we'll remove this offer. Becoming a behemoth is simply not in the cards for us.
Here's who we're reaching out to:
Beginners, Advanced and Intermediate Internet Marketers who want to take advantage of the best autoresponder deal on the Internet.
Customers who have autoresponder accounts elsewhere who want to ensure their "eggs aren't all in one basket."
Price-conscious consumers, including customers looking for a solution that has no monthly fee.
Internet marketers looking for a tailored autoresponder solution that uses customer data to make more sales.
Marketers who use the $7 Secrets, Rapid Action Profits or other scripts to deliver products to customers, build Affiliate programs and get paid instantly. Our system is easy to employ with delivery scripts.
Writers, editors, designers, teachers, professors, lawyers, doctors, sales people and retail/wholesale businesses of all sorts any person who needs to create messages and respond to inquiries though the use of labor-saving automation.
"I appreciated the phone call during the one problem I had that couldn't be solved with one or two emails." Hi Kelvin, I just wanted to thank you for the new service. I admit I've tried the other services in hopes the hype was true and I'd get more signups and more email delivered, but experience and testing has shown me that any difference I might enjoy is offset by the higher price! In four years of using your service, I have never had a situation where my email couldn't be delivered because the site was down, and I'm extremely impressed by your "hands on " approach to customer service. I can't tell you how much I appreciated the phone call during the one problem I had that couldn't be solved with one or two emails. That told me then how much you care about your business and your people! I also love the new interface with everything I need on one page so I don't have to run all over to find the function I need at the time. Oh yeah, before I close, be sure and let me know when you get the new "Pre-Written Autoresponders" online. I want to be at the head of the line to sign up! I've been a customer of yours since 2003, and I'm not going anywhere! You're stuck with me for life! Best regards, |
You Have Control Of The Message
Get started on the right foot if you're an Internet Marketing novice. Take your business to the next level if you're a marketing professional. Our customizable service is dynamic and versatile, placing a powerful tool at your fingertips.
The screenshot below is from our back office. Notice just a few of the management tools. You'll have one-click access to all of these functions and more.
Your personal relationship with customers begins immediately after a new subscriber enters his or her name and email address in our form. Customers are redirected to a "Thank You" page on your server and addressed by name.
They'll get instructions to look for a confirmation email. Once they confirm, they're quickly routed to another page that thanks them for opting-in.
Included in this offer are a "Thank You" page and "Confirmation" page you can edit easily to personalize your first greeting to your new customer or subscriber. Personalization of their names are made possible by a small piece of code you easily can copy and paste into the html of your "Thank You" and "Confirmation" pages.
Simply enter a test name and email address into the form below. (We are not collecting this data. This form is for demonstration purposes only.)
Sample autoresponder - form has been disabled. |
An Incredible Bargain
Purchase today and you'll get 20 autoresponders, each capable of sending up to 22 messages.
No programming knowledge is required to use our service. There is nothing to install. You'll be up and running quickly. Spend a little time tailoring the pages included with this incredible package. Tell customers who you are and give them a personal greeting and important instructions the moment they arrive on your "Thank You" page.
Take advantage of our targeting and demographic tools to learn as much as possible about your customers and subscribers. Develop multiple lists. Perform split-mailings. Place you offers in front of customers who've already told you what they like to see.
All this power is yours today for only $10.00 per month. Your package will be delivered automatically to your inbox. You can order this service even if it's 2 a.m. Delivery is quick.
Take action now. This offer is for a limited time. It will be pulled once we've reached our target number of new customers, so don't delay.
Kelvin Brown, "The Famous Internet Marketer" And Owner Of FollowUp101.com.
"I back my autoresponder service with quality customer support. You won't find a better combination of price, power and support anywhere online. "Your back office at FollowUp101.com is rich with features to enable you to forge long-lasting, personal relationships with customers. Our personalization tools help you tailor your messages and target them precisely, meaning you can direct them to precise audience segments. "And because our forms permit you the option of asking specific questions and gathering unique data, you'll know your customers better than most Internet Marketers and be able to serve them more efficiently and effectively." Kelvin Brown |
Your initial charge will be $10.00.
You will then be charged $10.00, per month, there-after.
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You don't realize it yet, but inthe next two minutes you're going to learn a foolproof simple system that is proven to make you the primary breadwinner within your household.
I know exactly what it is like nothaving any money at all for long periods of time, depending solelyon my last couple of bottles of baby formula to get my baby throughthe next couple of days whileI wait for mynext pay check.
I understand the fear of not beingable to pay bills and being kicked out of my apartment. I've beenthrough it all. Now I make a full time income online taking surveysand I'd like to share my success secrets with you.
But first I'd like you to...
... Picture yourself one month fromnow ranking in $2,500 or more a month from the comfort of yourhome, doing what ever you like and paying bills on time.
The results are truly unlimited.$2,500 is just an example and its an average number that many ofour members are receiving each month. Remember the more surveys youtake, the more money you'll make!
How much can you personally expectto make? That depends on your work ethic. With the chart below youcan figure out the potential:
If you took 3 surveys a day @ $5 per survey =$105 If you took 5 surveys a day @ $10 per survey =$350 If you took 8 surveys a day @ $15 persurvey = $840 per week or $3600 per monthor $43,200 per year! |
"Chart is based onestimates"
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"Purchase your now and get FREE membership to my newsletter and premiere personal coaching from me. Yes, not from my employee, not from a call center, but from me PERSONALLY!" |
And now even Barnes & Noble sells it!!!
If you sit at your desk and browse the internet all day, or are someone who is a casual web surfer at nights and on weekends, you might as well get paid for your time online right?
I will teach you how to make money online now in a stress free and easy way all from the comforts of your own home! How? Through paid surveys online!
Don't believe me? email me and I will send you proof of several $1,000+ monthly checks that I am currently getting.
I dont want to sit here and display all kinds of checks like everyone else does on their website.
I don't want to waste your time or the valuable space on this page. I'd rather present you with all the facts and benefits of this opportunity.
I am not here to make this page look any bigger or more glamorous than it should be. It shouldn't, this is all very simple - you just need to sit down and get started with it.
How I discovered making a lot of money with paid surveys...
Hi, my name is Sunil and I am no genius. I have simply figured out system and how it works. I am an average person who has learned the tricks of the trade and discovered a lucrative way to make money online from home.
I discovered this "secret" while I was working as a consultant for one of my clients who happened to be one of the biggest advertising and marketing firms in the world.
I discovered how these firms leverage people like you and I and make a ton of money. And because they make a ton of money, these companies are willing to pay us top dollar for our feedback.
I make up to $250 per day at times in my spare time. On a bad day I will end up with about $100!
That is a lot of money for a lot of people. In fact, many do this on a full-time basis all from home. The best part is that it doesn't cost anyone a dime to do this. It is quickly becoming one of the favorite home based business opportunities for many.
Don't worry, you don't have to chase rats and rabbits either. Companies will REACH OUT TO YOU and spoon-feed you with money!
And to make your life much easier, I have prescreened and tested hundreds of survey companies and have weeded out all the losers that don't stick to their promises. I have compiled a list of the top paying survey companies all in this book.
All you really need to know to take advantage of paid surveys is how to turn on a computer, read email and point and click a mouse. Just always remember, if I can do it, then I'm sure you can do it too!
Do you know how much US companies spend in advertising and marketing?
But why?
Because they have finally realized that there is no better way to gather people's feedback and opinion that to hear it from them directly!
One of the best ways they can do that is through paid surveys. That is why they are willing to pay you a lot of money to try their products for FREE and give them your valuable feedback.
All that boat load of cash is just waiting to be handed to people like you and I in exchange for our valuable feedback so that companies can find out what consumers exactly want.
Where can you find these marketing companies?
Typically they are scattered all over the place. But I have gathered all the high paying ones for you right here in this book!
I have a list of over 60 legitimate, time tested, proven & top paying companies just salivating for your feedback so they can pay you cold hard cash for surveys!
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