Kamis, 26 Desember 2013

Carpal Tunnel Master And Beyond - Secret Tips

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ATTENTION! If You Suffer from any of the following: Hand Numbness, Tingling Fingers, Wrist Pain, Forearm Pain, or Hands that Keep you Awake at Night ...

Self-Help Methods with Video Instruction

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Keep reading to find out more about a REAL solution today.

From Hilma Volk, LMT
Licensed Massage Therapist since 1991


Do you remember a time, years ago, when the only time you even noticed any sensation in your hands was when you hurt a finger or they got really cold?

That's the way your hands should be.

Photo of Hilma Volk

How are your hands now? Maybe you just have tingling once in a while, OR maybe you get numb fingers when you comb your hair or ride a bicycle OR maybe you mostly get numbness at night maybe causing you to lose sleep.  Maybe they hurt.  Perhaps you drop things or find it difficlult to use keys.  

Maybe you've already given up activities you love.  Maybe you have to hold dishes in two hands for fear of dropping them.  Or maybe you're scared about the future.

Now imagine, if you don't do anything to help yourself,  how they will be two years from now, five years from now, ten years from now.

What would happen if you couldn't use your hands for anything?

Do you think your problem will just go away? Think again.

Or maybe you think you will wait until you need to have surgery. Bad idea.

Why? I'll talk about this later but surgery is risky and has a high failure rate. And even when successful, your carpal tunnel syndrome often comes back years later.  

But really, wouldn't you like to end your suffering?  

YOU can avoid surgery and get your hands back to normal.

Besides that, most of the time it isn't even carpal tunnel syndrome that is causing your problem. (Even if a nerve conductivity test says it is).

I am here to tell you...

You do not need.... Pills .... Shots .... Braces ..... Gadgets .... Gizmos .... Surgery.... Office Visits.

I've been a licensed massage therapist since 1991.  Years ago I was having numbness in my own overworked hands. The stretches I learned in massage school weren't working.  In the evening I would dip my arms in alternating hot and cold 5 gallon buckets. There had to be a better way.  

While massage training was the basis of everything. None of the techniques I teach here were ones I learned in massage school.

Some I developed for myself out of necessity - to work on the problems my own hands were getting, and to keep them in good shape.  

Then I got numb hands again, but this time it was coming from somewhere else.  I didn't know where until a continuing education course instructor casually mentioned that a tight pectoralis minor muscle could cause FALSE carpal tunnel syndrome.  Ahha.  

So I modified his technique to a self-help one - and the results were INSTANT.  

Since then, through research and Continuing Education Courses, I learned of more locations where tight muscles pinch on the nerves that give feeling to the fingers.

So I created or modified other techniques to become self-treatment that I could teach my clients.  And now I teach it to you.

By the way, I'm 62, and my hands feel better than they did when I was 18.

So Let me ask you...

Are hand troubles threatening your career? Your enjoyment of Life?

Yes, YOU CAN Get Your Hands Back to Normal.

Pills, Shots, or Surgery Aren't the Answer.

You see most (not all) medical doctors treat most conditions with pills or shots or surgery. 

If you have a back pain, they give muscle relaxants.  That's what they were taught.

When you have numbness in your fingers, the majority of doctors will only think of the carpal tunnel area, which is in the wrist.  

The common treatment is anti-inflammatory drugs.  Knowledgeable doctors now know they not only are not effective, they actually block the body's natural healing process.

Drugs Have NEVER Cured Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
In the short term they may make you feel better, but in the long run they only Make Your Problem Worse.
Why Anti-inflammatory Drugs Are Horrible for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The nine tendons that go through you carpal tunnel of your wrist are each in a hollow tube (called a sheath) can swell up when irritated. This is mostly because the fluid that lubricates them can dry up when repeated movement of the fingers makes the tendon go back and forth, back and forth inside that hollow tube.  Pieces of the tendon and tendon sheath scrape off, causing more irritation in the tendon. 

This signals your body's immune system to send in fluid with special remarkable cells called macrophages.  These guys can squeeze in and out of just about anywhere.  What they do is gobble anything that doesn't belong there -- whether it is bad bacteria, dead cells, or even little pieces of metal.

When you take anti-inflammatory drugs, it is like turning the engine warning light off in your car.  The macrophages don't get the warning alarm that there is a problem.  So that gunk accumulates in your tendon sheaths.   

In the the short term drugs  make you feel better.  In the long run it will make your problem worse.  Some doctors know this.  But unfortunately hoards of doctors still prescribe these drugs even though there is no evidence that they are effective in treating carpal tunnel syndrome.  The use of drugs for carpal tunnel syndrome is old school literature (which unfortunately gets copied and sent all over the internet).

If you need temporary relief, use ice or cold (just not while you are using your hands for work).  Ice promotes the healing process.  Drugs do not. 

"You Do Not Have Numbness Because of an Ibuprofen

They prescribe night splints.  While most people find it helpful to relieve the numbness or pain at night - and it can be a very good idea for many people to use them - they aren't actively helping you to get better.   

You may think you're getting better because you can sleep at night.  But your problem is very likely getting worse. 

In fact, if night splints do make you feel better, the real cause of the problem is muscle imbalance in your forearms.  Most medical doctors are not trained to recognise this.

Next is cortisone shots.  This is often a temporary fix.  Relief may last a few months up to a few years.  Cortisone is very powerful. The majority of doctor's won't give a cortisone shot more than once (some doctors up to three times) in the same place in a lifetime - because it can break down muscle, tendons, and even bone and cause permanent damage. 

The problem however, is drugs and shots only take care of the symptoms

There are Safer Ways.

Numbness in the fingers is caused by pinching of one or more of three nerves.  These nerves run from the base of the neck, then to the front of the neck, then the upper chest, under your armpit and down your arm. 

There are several areas along that path where the nerves can be pinched.  It is almost always caused by muscle imbalance

Most doctors are not aware of the nasty things muscle tightness and muscle imbalance causes.

Physical therapists are aware of the mischief caused muscle imbalance.   Or at least they should be. 

You see sometimes people experience little or no results with physical therapy, not because physical therapy doesn't work, but because of the particular physical therapist not being clued in  to what the real problem was.  

Does that happen?  You bet.  I've had clients who had gone to physical therapy for weeks or months without any improvement. Why?  Because they were given stretches and exercises for the WRONG muscles.  Isn't that unbelievable?  

Often the results are slow in coming - and costly. 
Frequently, the client gives up and resorts to surgery.

Are there Physical Therapists who can help?   Of course.  And most of them use hands on techniques.  Not just stretches and exercises. 

(I include stretches too, but they are not part of my Core Program - which shows you how to find and work directly on the problem, for fast results). 

The main drawback to physical therapy, assuming you found a great therapist, is the time and money.  There's the time to get to and from appointments, taking time off work, waiting in the waiting room, and still having to go home and do the routines they show you.  Plus the money.  Even if you have insurance, the co-pay alone for the multiple visits can cost hundreds of dollars, and without insurance, you may spend thousands.With the Carpal Tunnel Master Program, I show you with videos how to locate your problem and what to do to fix it by spending minutes on it  a few times a day.  

How many days will you have to spend?  That depends on how tight those muscles are.  With some the results will be almost instantaneous.  For others, it will take longer.  But the rewards are worth it.

Then there is surgery.  Surgery should always be a last resort.  It may be necessary if you have let the condition go so long that you are in danger of permanent loss of function.

Otherwise it is not an emergency surgery.  These conditions progress slowly - so you have time. But you just can't wait around and hope things will get better. You have to take action.

Carpal tunnel surgery has a High Failure Rate.

But surgery has a high failure rate with carpal tunnel.  Admittedly some clinics have a higher success rate than the national average.  

About one third of the time there are very good results.

But about one third of the time there are mixed results. The pain may be gone. But the hand is left weaker or can not function as fully as it once could.  

About one third of the time the hand is worse off than before.  Either because of infection, a mistake in the surgery, or it never was Carpal Tunnel Syndrome to begin with. 

Not only that.....

The problem often returns.  Why?  Scar tissue often forms after surgery.  This causes pressure in the carpal tunnel and many people have had multiple surgeries to clean that out. But also...

If you continue to do what you have been doing, the way you've been doing it, if you have had surgery, it will come back.  

Take Action Now.

Often Misdiagnosed

Most of the Time it Isn't Even Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

You see, the majority of programs, as well as doctors, only think about the carpal tunnel. And that is a mistake.

What is the carpal tunnel? 

The carpal tunnel is like a ditch in the wrist that made up of wrist bones and a hard strap called the carpal tunnel ligament.  Within that tunnel are 9 tendons and the median nerve.  If space is limited in there the median nerve gets pinched.

If the median nerve is pinched you will have numbness or other sensations in the thumb, first two fingers. and half of the ring fingers.

But it Could Be FALSE Carpal Tunnel

When there is numbness or tingling, there is pinching anywhere along the nerve pathway. It could be coming from the base of the neck, the muscles in the front of the neck that can pinch on the nerves, a muscle in the chest, or from tight muscles in the forearms. Often nerve pinching is in more than one place.

If it is FALSE Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, 
most of the time is is because of tight muscles pinching on the nerves.    

If it is TRUE Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from Using Your Hands,
You Also Have Tight Muscles In the Forearms.
It about impossible not to.

And the let me tell you a Secret

 pssst.  (it is really isn't a secret but there is such a lack of information about it, it might as well be).
Do You Want to Know
The Real Reason for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Watch this Video:

If you have carpal tunnel syndrome due to repetitive work, such as typing, hammering,  playing the piano, etc. you also have tight forearms.   It is about impossible not to.

Why?  Because the forearm muscle control most of the movement in your fingers, 

Tight forearm muscles can pinch on nerves going into your fingers. Tight forearm muscles also shorten the tendons which run through the carpal tunnel (a narrow area in the wrist). That makes the tendons thicker.  

Overuse can also cause those tendons to swell.  Instead of drugs, why not loosen up the forearms and the tendons directly.  Trust me, it is not hard to do and doesn't take long.  And you don't have to use your overworked fingers.

But nerve pinching can come from other places too.  Often from more than one place. 

That is why I show you with videos, how to find them, how to fix them. (Anyway, getting those other areas loosend up may relieve other problems such as headaches and pain between the shoulder blades).

Sad Story....  (Not the worst story I've heard, but sad anyway).

A friend of mine married a guy who used to be an great guitar player and played in a small time band that was gaining popularity. Luke (not his real name) began having numbness in his fingers. 

His doctor diagnosed carpal tunnel syndrome.  Although it wasn't full blown, Luke decided to have the surgery while he still had health insurance from his day job.  It looked like the band would soon make him enough full time income.

A month after surgery his hand felt great.  He was telling everyone he knew, "Just have the surgery, dude."  But he couldn't do bar chords yet. 

Two months later he still couldn't do bar chords.  After a lot of struggling and persistence he finally could after about many months.  But it was never easy like it had been. 

Two years later, his carpal tunnel syndrome returned, much worse than it had before.  Luke gave up both the band and the guitar. 

Luckily, Luke had been a skilled tile layer and was doing that when my friend met him and they later married.

The reason, he couldn't do bar chords is because in carpal tunnel surgery they cut the transverse carpal ligament.  This is a hard strap that goes across the front of the wrist (beneath the skin layers). The reason that ligament is there is so the fingers can get leverage.

When it was cut during surgery, the leverage needed for those bar chords was diminished.  (It is also why so many people have a weaker grip after surgery than they should have.

The sad part with Luke is that if he had only known what to do
he would be still be playing his guitar and
living his passion.

Now .....

What if your little two fingers get numb? 

What if your have thumb pain

What if you have numbness in just one finger?

That's NOT Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Those aren't even any symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

But those ARE Problems.  And Most Programs Don't Even Talk About Them.

But my Carpal Tunnel Master program does.

You can prevent... Reverse... Or even eliminate your carpal tunnel syndrome starting today.  As well as the False carpal tunnel syndromes, and other problems like the ones above.

In the process, you very well might get rid of your tension headaches, the pain in your neck and the pain between your shoulder blades.

Pssst.... At least 75% of the time it is not even Carpal Tunnel Syndrome that is causing your problems.

That is why ONLY addressing the Carpal Tunnel is a BIG MISTAKE

Whether you have carpal tunnel syndrome or any of its many impostors....

I can teach you simple, safe, effective treatments that you can do for yourself.

The techniques are the same for both preventing and reversing your condition whether it is carpal tunnel syndrome or something else..

And if it does come back, you will know exaclty what to do about it.

You do not have to endure the pain, the numbness, the inability to fully control your hands, the fumbling,  
your hands keeping you awake at night...

No special equipment needed.

In the process you may get rid of the pain between your shoulder blades, tennis elbow, rounded shoulders and even your tension headaches and a variety of other symptoms.

Ive spent years developing the techniques inside the Carpal Tunnel Master video series... and Ive helped many people overcome their painful conditions and live life the way they want...
And for the first time ever, Im unleashing it on the general public...

Please welcome the...

Carpat Tunnel Master and Beyond
Inside this ground breaking video series there are Two Parts.


bullet Clear, easy to understand video format... these aren't vague, "pie in the sky" theories about what might work. You get precise knowledge on how to apply everything you learn to recover in the fastest possible time...


How to eliminate your carpal tunnel syndrome... without  gizmos, cortisone shots, drugs, risky surgery, clunky gadgets, or equipment,. (And best of all, you see results quickly). In fact, you could do the techniques in just mere minutes a day.  Anywhere.bulletHands Off Self Massage Techniques for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome  that get far quicker results that stretching or hand exercises or attaching things to your hand every night.

bulletHow to test yourself to find out if you have TRUE or FALSE carpal tunnel syndrome.

bulletPinpoint the location of the SOURCE of the numbness...
because it can be, and usually IS different from where you actually feel it. 
bullet Easy, Safe, Effective techniques to directly loosen up the tight spots in muscles that are creating so much grief for you.  bullet How to apply the techniques without using your hands in most places, or else with minimal tax on your hands which are likely very weak.bullet  Unexpected Benefits of doing these can include eliminating headaches, tennis elbow, pain between the shoulder blades, jaw pain, cold hands, sore forearms, and more.


Just the Core Videos alone should be enough.  And I suggest that everyone start with them.  But I include a LOT more, most in video, some in 
audio format.

bulletStretches that many Physical Therapists use for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  Although I have seen that specific massage techniques in the Core Videow above are the quickest way to get results, I do include LOTS of optional stretches you can use.bulletStretches for Other Areas that create muscle imbalance that pinch the nerves that go down your arm. Such as in the front of the neck, the back of the neck, and the chest.  bullet  Do's and Don'ts for Stretching.  Doing it wrong can either be not very effective or harmful.bulletAdditional Helpful Topics
  • Do Supplements Help?
  • Why anti-inflammatory Drugs are Bad 
  • Using Ice, When and How to use Ice
  • How to Find a Professional who can Actually Help You with Non-Invasive means.
bullet Specific Other Conditions that most programs never touch on.
  • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
  • Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
  • Swelling from Lymph Node Removal
  • Thumb Pain
  • Scalene Muscles and the problems they cause
  • Pectoralis Minor Muscles and the problems they cause
  • Pronator Teres Syndrome
  • more
Over 2 Hours of Original Videos

Self-Treatment Takes Just Minutes a Day.

Then once you relieve your problem -- just minutes per week or even minutes per month for prevention if needed.

..But Dont Just Take My Word For It...
If youre sceptical right now, thats perfectly OK... in fact, some of my previous customers were sceptical too -- until they saw how well my program was working for them now they enjoy their lives without having the hassles of an all too common problem.  Here are just a few testimonials from some of those helped by my videos.

Hello Hilma,

Thank you for your great videos and blog, I am learning a lot.  I purchased your video set a few nights ago and found immediate relief by massaging my forearm tendons just below the wrist.  I do not have any pain but suffer from extreme numbness and tingling.  It is well worth the $47 - 100 times over - to learn these techniques.  From the first night after viewing your videos, I woke up with my hands so uncomfortably numb and was able to get blood flow into both  hands quickly by massaging the tendons.  I am so grateful to you, thank you.

Thanks again!  I know many people with RSI/CT and have sent them all a link to your blog, encouraging them to make the purchase, or at the very least, watch the free videos.

Many thanks to you!

L. Martinez

 Some days I hated to use my hands at all because they hurt.  I had a whole variety of pains, sometimes it was like electric needles in the palm, sometimes one hand or the other and sometimes both. Frequently I had pain in the base of the thumb. Sometimes the fingers would throb like the blood couldn't get thru. A lot of time they bothered me at night  and they would ache up to the elbows if I had cut the grass or snowblowed. Sometimes the pain in the palm of my hand felt like bones on bones and it hurt to stretch my hands. Almost always they felt numb.

I've had this condition since '94 and just lived with it. I never sought medical treatment because I didn't like the advice that  was given   (surgery or pills)  For quite a while I took B6 200mg a day and that did help, but I never took aspirin or motrin..Just out of curiosity one day I decided to look on the internet to see if there was anything new on this problem.

Well, I bought Hilmas course. I started with scalene stretches and got immediate relief. Then the next few days as i got thru the videos I used the tennis ball to massage the forearms and upper arms and did the stretch against the wall. Right away I was practically pain free and  now I can hardly remember what the pain was like!  The numbness is gone and my hands are more limber and I'm going to keep them this way! 

Just an interesting story, I was my aunts caretaker at home for quite a few years. She just passed away last Oct she would have been 105 yrs old  nov.13. She had terrific hand pain, the Dr. wanted to operate years ago but she said no. I used bengay and warm mittens, hot packs on her hands, never thought of massage and the Dr. or hospice didn't either. She always had neck pain too In hindsight I think all the pain came from her scalene muscles.  The last few months of life she had  so much pain in her neck and hands she was put on morphine  Her  neck contracted so she couldn't lift her head to drink and couldn't swallow well  I believe this was all because of those scalene muscles and if  I had known about this program I really could have helped her  I am so relieved about this, because I thought I was destined to end up like my aunt someday, and I was afraid of getting helpless. My hands were getting stiff, it hurt to put on gloves, I'm an LPN  (semi retired) and  I used to have to wet my hands to get those rubber gloves on, so the would slide on easier.  I told the man who did my taxes about your website and I will be referring others . 

Thank you for all you do for people  Jackie

Dear Hilma:

I wanted you to know how much your video helped me. I had numb fingers in my right hand for several months and was finding it very hard to do my work as a bookbinder, plus it was depressing me--scary. Out of frustration I searched the Internet and found your excellent website. I did all of the exercizes you suggested and showed and it worked. Thank you so much for mounting this useful information. It's hard to believe that the numbness started under my arm, especially as you say, I felt it in my shoulder blade area. I never would have figured it out if it weren't for your videos. I think I traced the source of the problem to some intensive flax spinning I had been doing, in combination with bad posture while spinning. If it happens again, I'll know what to do much sooner than before. You are truly a healer.

Many thanks, Mindy Dubansky

Your carpal tunnel course is awesome ----   this, along with yoga and swimming are beginning to slowly help......    Was not able to get on the computer at all (not able to work at the moment due to 9-10 hrs computer time). Today, have been on the computer for 1/2 hr with no pain (1st time!! Yeah!!!).

It is amazing and sad how the doctor's push for the surgery/cortisone injections....   am a nurse and fully understand the consequences of these.....  do not want any part of it. Am very willing to put in the effort...... 
Will keep at it ...   Hoping for a full recovery....

Blessed Day and thank you again.

Hi, My name is Norman Hussein. I am a physical therapist and practice at my own clinic here in Karachi, Pakistan. I have a patient who was misdiagnosed with Carpel Tunnel, whereas she has tight scalene muscles. I was already using some stretching techniques on her but Hilmas excellent videos helped me understand and further counsel the patient better.

Thank you very much. As we like to say: True contribution to the profession.

Norman Hussain

I'm an obsessed guitar player and a Land Surveyor. The combination has proved very hard on my back and wrists. Sledgehammers and machetes and standing for hours in the cold, hopping fences and fighting off dogs... 

I'm getting some help from a Chiro and masseur for my back but I think it's more of a forearm issue since it is so tight.

Anyway, I feel like I have found someone who actually "gets it".

Thank you so much.


Hilma I would like to thank you for putting up the pec minor stretch and massage info. I am a final year chiropractic graduate in Sydney and have had the carpal tunnel pec minor condition for at least 10 yrs from various sporting exploits.

I came across your website when searching pec minor stretches for myself and my clinic clients for whom I am an intern presently. I must say this is the first time I have come across something that works instantly, at least for myself.

Thank you so much for putting some great stuff out there.
Andrew Hull

Hilma, your site is a treasure! Thank you for sharing this very helpful and restorative information with the world. Your pec stretches have made me a new woman - the muscles around my shoulder blades were almost locked down, but no more. Ditto the helpful forearm massages and the scalene exercise. It makes such a difference to KNOW what is going on/wrong with ones muscles and tendons and how to properly counteract (and prevent) overuse and strain

Thank you for the valuable information. I am a professional pianist/organist and have been suffering with numbness in both hands for over 5 months. I've gone to 4 doctors who have not been able to diagnose the problem or provide any relief of the pain. I watched all your videos and have been doing the exercise you demonstated. My pain and numbness has decreased considerably. I have now scheduled a visit to a LMT for more therapy. You are a credit to your profession. Thanks again

Hello Hilma,

Firstly, thank you so much for your exercise videos for the scalenes. They are absolutely wonderful. I have very tight scalenes, and no other exercise Ive encountered has been nearly so effective as yours. Im feeling a big difference after only two days.

Claudia Contessini, PhD

More Testimonials

If you follow my techniques:

You Can Get Your Hands Back. 

To sum it up:

You only need to spend minutes at a time.  They can be done while watching TV.

No traveling to appointments.  No Waiting in Waiting Rooms.  No taking time out of your busy day.  

Courses and Gizmos that only are for carpal tunnel syndrome will not help you if that is not your problem.   -- Or will have limited value if your problem is coming from more locations than just the carpal tunnel area.

If you have previously had carpal tunnel surgery and your problems are coming back again, this course can very likely help -- assuming your surgery did not cause irreparable damages.  

How Much?  Just $47.00Gee, That's less than I charge for just one massage
Compare: Justa single consultation with a doctor will cost (depending where youlive) $50to$200 dollars.  Then to see a specialist may run $200 to $500for a diagnosis - which is not always accurate.  Or if you gotoa physical therapist for help at a cost of $70 to $250 for a 45 minutesession, with them wanting you to come back once or twice a week for upto three months. Carpal Tunnel Surgery including rehab runsbetween $4500 and $10,000 with $7000 being about the average.  And I give a 60 day money back guarantee, they don't give any guarantees.

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

60 Day Unconditional Guarantee

Don't wait for your problem to get worse.
Get Immediate Online Access

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This is an On-Line Multimedia Course.  The videos and audios can be played on-line.  Or you can download them if you wish.  Plus all updates are Free.

NOTE: Videos CAN now be viewed on iPods and iPads.

P.S.   You will save hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on  Doctors, Physical Therapists, Massage Therapists, Risky Surgery,
Questionable Gimics.  Hey, I charge more than that for just one massage.  P.P.S.   Remember, if you are not satisfied, there is a 60 Day Unconditional Money Back Guarantee Securely Backed by Clickbank.

P.P.P.S. You have nothing to lose, but pain, numbness, tingling, fumbling, etc.  What is it worth to you to get you hands back?

P.P.P.P.S. If you don't do something about  your problem it will only get worse.  

Start today.


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Thumbs up photo from www.broken-arts.com/

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About Syed Faizan Ali

Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.

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