Minggu, 28 April 2013

Commercial Real Estate Cash Flow System - Secret Tips

By on 19.27

Dear Future Real Estate Tycoon,

My name is Monica Main and I'm a real estate investor. You may or may not have heard of me but I've already helped hundreds of people just like you get rich in real estate.

And, if you give me the opportunity, I can help you become successful as a real estate investor, too!

There are so many changes going on in real estate right now. And guess what? NOW is the time to get involved if you want to get SUPER DEALS on property. And yes, you can do it with NO MONEY and NO CREDIT, despite what anyone has told you!

And if you wait any longer to get into real estate, you will pass up this once in a lifetime opportunity to finally get rich!

About 10 years ago I was searching for a way to make money in real estate. Just like you I scoured courses, went to seminars, read books, and talked to successful real estate investors trying to find a way to make money in real estate.

Most of what's out there is nothing but a SCAM. I was SCAMMED out of THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. One "guru" (who is still on late night tv) took me for $16,000!

And what did I get out of the deal? Nothing! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

I realized that nobody out there was revealing the "real deal" about how to become a successful investor.

The "Real" Real Estate Millionaires Will NEVER Reveal Their Investing Secrets


Here's what I discovered:

1) People selling stuff about real estate investing usually aren't investing themselves. They are making money selling information products and seminars about real estate investing! They don't actually invest themselves which is why their information products are USELESS! They are selling the same rehashed garbage they rewrote from some other worthless "guru's" course.

2) The REAL investors who are out there making $50,000 or more per month in real estate aren't revealing their secrets because THEY DON'T WANT THE COMPETITION! (Do you blame them? Would YOU reveal your secrets to a $50,000 per month income if it threatened to create too much competition for yourself? I don't think so!)

So, Who Am I and Why Am I Willing to Reveal My Real Estate Secrets?

Am I just another "guru" trying to suck you bone dry with another "scam" of a course? Why am I willing to reveal my secrets to you?

I have a couple of reasons:

When I finally stumbled on the secrets to making a fortune I promised myself that I would SPILL THE BEANS and tell everybody how to really make money as a real estate investor with NO MONEY and NO CREDIT.

I got tired of being scammed and ripped off over and over again and I wanted, more than anything, to show everyone how to get rich doing what I do acquiring properties and making a six-figure monthly passive income. I don't want to see anyone get scammed anymore!

But there's another reason also...a kind of "selfish" reason.

I have an opportunity in my system that allows people just like you to "split" your real estate deal with me so we BOTH can make money. No, this is NOT a requirement. You DO NOT have to "partner" with me on a deal. This is for select students only.

But, if you choose, I have a few openings for people just like you to USE MY RESOURCES, MY STAFF, and MY EXPERTISE to help you on your first (and as many additional deals as you want) deal. I can do the paperwork, negotiate the deal, use my funding partners (for any earnest or down payment money needed), and help you "learn the ropes" while we BOTH profit.

How Much Money is REALLY Possible in Real Estate with NO CASH and NO CREDIT...

Check out some of the deals I have done just in the past year...

  • A 12-Unit "Condo" Office/Warehouse Complex in Houston, TX that Makes a NET Monthly Passive Income of $9,483 per Month
  • A 22-Unit Office Building in Sarasota, FL that Makes a NET Monthly Passive Income of $13,724 per Month
  • A 32-Unit Office Building in Woodland Hills, CA that Makes a NET Monthly Passive Income of $23,458 per Month
  • A 4-Unit Warehouse Complex in Castaic, CA that Makes a NET Montly Passive Income of $2,322 per Month
  • A "Big Box" Unit in Van Nuys, CA that Makes a NET Monthly Passive Income of $4,943 per Month
  • A 12-Unit Retail Strip Mall in Newhall, CA that Makes a NET Monthly Passive Income of $8,215 per Month
  • A 5,400 Square Foot Warehouse in Castaic, CA that Makea a NET Monthly Passive Income of $1,374 per Month
  • A 5,400 Square Foot Warehouse in Castaic, CA that Makea a NET Monthly Passive Income of $1,374 per Month
  • A 16-Unit Office Building in Irvine, CA that Makes a NET Monthly Passive Income of $12,832 per Month

And here are some deals "in the works"...

  • A 14-Unit Office/Warehouse "Condo" Complex in Castaic, CA - $8,230 / Month POTENTIAL
  • A 60-Unit "Virtual" Office Building in Chicago, IL - $32,450 / Month POTENTIAL
  • An 8-Unit Retail Strip Mall w/ a Grocery Store in Tampa, FL - $15,600 / Month POTENTIAL
  • A 106-Unit Apartment Building REO in Las Vegas, NV - $11,375 / Month POTENTIAL
  • A 45-Unit Mixed Use Building in Montgomery, AL - $22,000 / Month POTENTIAL

All of the above deals are NO CASH, NO CREDIT deals that ANYONE can do with the right knowledge and tools!

"How Is It Possible to Make Money in Real Estate NOW When the 'Bubble' Has Burst Wide Open?"


You probably noticed that real estate prices went sky high then, in the fall of 2005, PEAKED OUT. Once it hit the peak, real estate prices quickly started dropping like a lead balloon. Here we are in late 2008 and prices are STILL DROPPING with no end in site!

Why would anyone in their right mind purchase a property in this market??


Consider this startling fact:


Those who are real estate millionaires now started investing when the market was down...Those who started investing when the market was HOT ended up losing everything!

That's right!
Your "average Joe" always want to start investing when everyone is in a frenzy and when times are HOT in the real estate market. That is the WRONG time to start investing.

Coincidentially, when the "average Joe" refuses to start investing is when times are LIKE THESE -- a downer real estate market.

This is what separates SMART INVESTORS who go on to become real estate millionaires (and, in some cases, BILLIONAIRES) from the "Average Joe" who follows the herd.

Why invest now?

Because NOW is the time when there are DEALS GALORE.

Property owners are dropping their asking prices LIKE CRAZY just to sell. No one is making offers on their properties. They get desperate. They are willing to try creative financing. They are willing to negotiate. They WANT to work with you or risk letting their property sit for sale on the market for another SEVERAL YEARS before getting any remote interest, let alone an offer, on their property.

Never in my entire real estate investing career have I had so many property owners willing to finance part of the property deal. In fact, 93% of our deals in the past 18 months have been partially owner financed. Some of our buildings are 100% owner financed!


YOU can also negotiate these types of deals where the building owner will "hold paper" or create a private mortgage (or note) on the property up to 100%. This is completely legal and the building will become YOURS provided that you use all of the legal contracts (which I give to you with your course).

You can also have the building owner do a "partial" private mortgage where they hold 25% to 50% "paper" and the rest of the financing comes from a bank or lending institution...

And I Have the PERFECT Financing Secret that Help You Get Real Estate Funding, Even If You Have BAD CREDIT!


It's taken me YEARS to find a broker that can find me loans for my real estate deals.

You see, I had a nasty divorce back in 1998 and, because of the financial chaos of my credit (thanks to the ex), I had to finally file for bankruptcy in 2003. This means that this nasty bankruptcy will stay on my credit report until 2013.

What was I supposed to do? Lay down and DIE until 2013 before I could start investing in real estate? NOT!

Two things happened:

1) I discovered the right real estate investing system that would allow me to invest in AS MANY REAL ESTATE PROPERTIES as possible without worrying about my credit (or money down), and...

2) I found a broker who could get me the financing I needed with my shabby credit and with NO MONEY DOWN!
And I'll be sharing this secret source with you...

But first, you have to understand something...

Right Now Making Money in Real Estate is NOT in Residential Homes...


One of the BIGGEST SECRETS I've discovered in real estate investing is that the BIG MONEY is NOT in residential real estate.

What do I mean by residential real estate?

I mean single-family homes, condos, townhomes, or any other residence where ONE FAMILY can live.

Why isn't the money in residential real estate? After all, every "guru" out there only talks about investing in homes.

The trouble with investing in single-family residences is that the prices of homes STILL haven't come down enough to where you can buy a property and rent it out for a profit (unless you get foreclosures at dirt cheap prices). If you purchase a home, just like how it was in the HOT TIMES, you will be paying MORE for the mortgage than you can reasonably charge for rent.

Now, don't get me wrong. Give it another year or so and you WILL be able to purchase single-family homes and rent them out while making a profit...especially if you get foreclosures or short-sale homes and get a SUPER DEAL on the property.

However, even though I sometimes use this technique to make money in real estate, the BIG MONEY is in a different type of property...

The BIG MONEY is In Commercial Buildings...


What are commercial buildings?

  • Office buildings
  • Retail strip malls
  • Industrial/warehouse
  • Apartment building (5+ units)

So, which type of commercial property is the most lucrative?

There is a lot of money to be made in apartment buildings. However, this course focuses on "commercial-commercial" buildings like office units that are very lucrative.

(If you are interested in making TONS of money with apartments, check out our other course that specializes in apartment building investing: www.ApartmentBuildingCashFlow.com)

Here are the reasons why "commercial-commercial" real estate investing is so profitable:

(1) Smaller office and office/warehouse units are in HOT demand right now because of the number of larger companies downsizing.


(2) Building owners who are trying to sell aren't getting any offers right now which means NO COMPETITION and DEALS GALORE, including drastically reduced asking prices and their willingness to do owner financing.


But don't get me wrong. It's not enough to run out and invest in office buildings. You have to have an exact step-by-step strategy in order to become successful doing this.

Use my nearly one decade of real estate investing experience to help YOU become successful as a wealthy real estate investor.

I can show you how to:

  • Use a precise step-by-step system to acquire at least one massive cash flow property each month
  • Realize a six-figure per month cash flow within your first year as a commercial real estate investor
  • Never have to deal with tenants and have a huge check sent to your mail box every month
  • Retire with a high-six-figure to low-seven-figure monthly passive income from commercial real estate properties within only 36 months!

Is It Really Possible to Make $1,000,000 Per Month in Net Income By Investing in Commercial Properties?

To be perfectly honest, I'm not at the $1,000,000 per month mark YET...but I'm WELL ON MY WAY!

Why am I not there yet?

I didn't always invest in commercial properties. I didn't discover this "secret" until about 5 years ago. And even still, after I discovered this secret, I made so many stupid mistakes that I saw set-back after set-back and even lost almost $300,000 on a single property deal!

Plus, I didn't have the benefit of starting when the market is in a slump. I started when prices of properties were SKY HIGH and that didn't put me in a great position with some of my properties.


You DON'T want to make the same mistakes and see the same set-backs that I have! I can help you AVOID the pitfalls and get directly to the heart of success by showing you my precise, tested, and PROVEN step-by-step commercial real estate investing system!

If you go out there and bumble your way through the process, you'll come off looking unprofessional to sellers who won't respect you and will probably try to take advantage of you (or blow you off completely).


You won't be able to find a loan to fund your deal. You probably won't even know how to write an offer or a private contract!


And your experience will be a disaster!

I think that's why many students start trying to invest in real estate and come away SCARRED FOR LIFE because they weren't able to make it work. Don't set yourself up for that kind of failure.

Always know this...

There is A Lot of Money to Be Made in Commercial Real Estate...
But Only IF You Know What You're Doing!

If you want to become a doctor, you would naturally expect to go to medical school. It's not enough to pick up a book at Borders on brain surgery then go out the very next week and saw open someones skull and get to work.

It never ceases to amaze me how someone is willing to spend tens of thousands of dollars for a worthless college degree that will NEVER make them big money or teach them how to become a millionaire and yet they balk at spending a few bucks for a REAL education.

If you want to become a real estate millionaire, you MUST:

1) Learn from someone who HAS DONE IT and is still doing it, and...

2) Implement an exact step-by-step wealth system that eliminates making mistakes and can lead you directly to success!

It's that easy!

No, it's not enough to get a book from the bookstore, read it, and expect to become a real estate millionaire.

You MUST have a step-by-step plan and you must BE WILLING to do the plan.

I have cut to the chase and created that plan for you. I tell you exactly what to do and what NOT to do to become a successful commercial real estate investor.

I guide you through the process and even offer unlimited email consulting to ask me ANY QUESTION you want. I charge $250 per hour for phone consulting and $500 per hour for one-on-one face-to-face consulting. This direct access to me is INVALUABLE!

How many times do you wish you could have access to the other "gurus" out there to ask them specific questions about your deals or the course materials but couldn't because they're unavailable??

Well you'll have direct access to me so GET USED TO IT! Get used to working directly with a real estate success story!

Now Is The Time to Start Cashing In Since There's NO COMPETITION!


As you know, the real estate "gurus" out there sell courses on flipping homes and condos. None of them talk about investing in residential commercial properties (retail strip centers, office buildings, warehouse units, etc.). So, all of their gung-ho students run out to buy houses after their last rah-rah real estate seminar. DROVES of these people are trying to latch onto single-family properties. That makes the competition IMPOSSIBLE.


There is NO competition in buying commercial (except with me) and this leaves the field WIDE OPEN for you. I just don't understand why no one has discovered this secret! (I think it's because people think it's too hard or expensive to get multi-unit properties.) There's MORE MONEY in commercial properties...




It's much easier to deal with commercial property owners because they are business people and know that your numbers have to work as much as theirs do. They know business. They know real estate. And they know what their goal is long-term whether it's to buy, sell, or hang onto their property. When they want to sell, you don't have to worry about dealing with a flake (most of the time) who changes his mind about the deal every five minutes.


"But Isn't Now a Bad Time to Buy ANY Kind of Property?"


As I said before, let me say that the biggest and wealthiest real estate millionaires and billionaires have ALL started in a slumped real estate economy. The real estate investors who were stupid enough to start when times were HOT in the market are all BROKE, have tons of foreclosures on their personal credit report, and probably won't ever be able to own another lick of property again!


You DON'T want to wait until times are great in real estate in order to begin investing otherwise you will be making a HUGE MISTAKE!


Commercial properties are the biggest money maker right now.


Because businesses need to keep running, even during a recession. Shop owners and business owners KEEP PAYING THE RENT to keep their businesses afloat because it's their livelihood! Not paying their rent on their office or business unit means they won't be putting food on the table at home. Rent is, first and foremost, their BIGGEST PRIORITY!


What kinds of commercial properties are profitable?


Right now, the most profitable units are retail stores and small office space. Smaller industrial spaces like warehouses of 3,000 square feet and less are also hot right now. Why? Because many larger companies are DOWNSIZING into smaller units and cutting back on the excess unneeded square footage.


What about apartment buildings? Yes, those are profitable but this particular report is ONLY on commercial properties. If you are interested in apartment buildings, please click here!


The other upside is that you can pick up many of these properties with NO DOWN PAYMENT and NONE OF YOUR OWN CREDIT!


Here's why you want to get started investing in commercial properties:

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About Syed Faizan Ali

Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.

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