Minggu, 07 April 2013

Mobile Apps2cash: Creating Apps With No Programming Experience! - Secret Tips

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Are You Ready to Ca$h-In With Your Great App Idea But You Lack the Programming and Marketing Expertise to Make It Happen?

Well Dont Worry Because Mobile Apps2Cash Will Show You Exactly How To:
  • Transform Your App Ideas into Cold Hard Cash in 4 Simple Steps
  • Build Passive Revenue Streams That Put Money In Your Bank Account While You Sleep
  • Create World-Class Apps without Any Object C or Adobe CS5 Experience
  • Earn $1,000s Each and Every Month from Each App You Create!
  • Build and Monetize Apps without Investing in Fancy Equipment or Special Training

So Stop Dreaming About Creating and Monetizing AppsGet Started Today with Absolutely NO Programming or Marketing Experience!

Hello, my name is Clark Ken and for 9 years I was a telecommunication core network engineer responsible for setting up and maintaining a huge network in the Phillipines that handles massive mobile traffic. And just like yourself, I watched as thousands cashed-in on the mobile app revolution sweeping our planet and thought to myself:

Why Cant I Do That?

Despite my technical background, I still didnt have the precise Object C or CS5 programming experience to just transform my app idea into reality. Unfortunately, I couldnt afford to go out and hire some expensive App Developer either. PlusI really wasnt sure I could actually trust someone with my idea (I meanwhy wouldnt they just steal the idea and make my app for themselves and keep all the profits?).

And soI decided to go it alone and muddle through trying to teach myself the programming language and just develop my app by myself. What a complete WASTE of TIME! Even with my technical background and using some app templatesit was hopeless. I just didnt have the time to learn this new complex language AND work my regular job AND actually market the app once it was complete.

But then I realized something: I didnt have to actually program and develop the app from scratchI just need a SYSTEM that would do three critical things:

  • Create the App Using Best Practices so It Was World Class Product
  • Ensure that I Retain Full Legal Ownership of App Once Complete
  • Monetized the App to Create a Passive Revenue Stream that Paid Me While I Slept

Its simple: No matter how smart or dedicated you are, NO ONE can take on the programming, design, and marketing functions necessary to successfully monetize an appat least not by themselves. But, it IS possible for one person to come up with the initial idea and then use a simple but effective system to get the app developed, designed, and ultimately monetized using outsourcing and some simple legal documents to protect your interests. And although I had to invest some serious time and money developing the system through trial and error, I finally created the PERFECT system for converting app ideas into cold hard cash:

Aptly Enough, I Call It: Mobile Apps2Cash

Apps2Cash Transforms Your Idea Into a Profitable App in 4 Simple Steps

  1. You Have Idea for an App You Want to Create
  2. Input Your Idea into Template That Will Help Describe App, Its Function, and Major Design Elements
  3. Create Your App
  4. Use My Marketing System to Monetize Your App and Create Passive Income Stream

That is IT! You dont need ANY programming or marketing experience to use my system to develop and monetize profitable apps. And once you get the app createdI am going to show you EXACTLY how to fully monetize it so you can generate continuous passive income so that you actually MAKE MONEY WHILE YOU SLEEP, EAT, and DO ANYTHING OTHER THAN WORK!

So How Much Money Can You Make from Apps While You Sleep?

How Does $90,000+ Per Month Sound? Just See for Yourself!

Fact: If you want to be a lone gunman and do everything yourself, you will NEVER be able to create and monetize apps fast enough to generate this kind of income month after monthPeriod.

Mobile Apps2Cash is specifically designed to help ANYONE transform their ideas into cold hard cash using a SIMPLE, EASY-TO-FOLLOW system that helps you manage every aspect of the process from start to finish. If you can come up with the original idea and just describe how your app would workMobile Apps2Cash will help you transform it into a bona-fide cash-generating product that will put money in your bank account 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!

In Fact, Mobile Apps2Cash Makes the Process So Easy: You Can Create and Monetize an App in Just Hours and Then It Continues to Generate Cash for You Long, Long After!

  • Are you ready to start building your very own app empire and all of the passive income it can generate?
  • Do you have great ideas for apps but lack the time and skills necessary to create and market it by yourself?
  • Are you looking for some extra income but dont know where to start?
  • Would you like to quit your day job and start living life on your own terms?
  • Would you like to jump into one of the hottest growing industries and be successful right from the start?

Did You Answer Yes To One Or More Of The Questions Above?

Then Gain Instant Access to Mobile Apps2Cash To Get Started TODAY Building Your Very Own App Empire!

Heres Just a Taste of What Youll Learn in this Powerful ebook:
  • How to Project Your OWN App Idea
  • A-to-Z App Monetization Blueprint
  • How to Research and Uncover Hot New Apps to Develop
  • Step-by-Step Instructions for Submitting Your App and Getting Approved to App Store
  • How to Develop Your Initial Idea into a Project Brief and Working Wireframe
  • How to Quickly and Cheaply Conduct Market Research to Ensure Your App is a Success Before You Ever Create It
  • Where to leverage your task to a team to achieve your goal.
  • And Much, Much More!

Order Mobile Apps2Cash Now for $37

Act Now and Not Only Will You Gain Immediate Access to Mobile Apps2Cash For the Insanely Low Introductory Price of Just $37Youll Also Receive These FREE Bonuses to Help You Quickly Build Your App Empire NOW!

  1. Step-by-Step Guide to Make iPhone Apps with No Programming Experience

iPhone apps are some of the most popular and lucrative products to develop and this sensational, step-by-step guide shows you exactly how to create iPhone apps with absolutely NO programming experience!

  • Create World-Class Apps without Any Programming Experience
  • Learn Insider Tips for Getting Your App Approved and Published in the App Store
  • Learn How to Research and Identify Hot New iPhone Apps
  • How to Get Your App to the Top of the Apps StoreFAST!
  • How to Name Your Next Big iPhone App
  • How to Earn Money with Free iPhone Apps
  • How to Correctly Price Your New App
  • And Much, Much More!

iPhone users are a very distinct and app-hungry crowd and this incredible resource shows you EXACTLY how to create hip, popular, and most importantsuccessful iPhone apps and is valued at $49 but is yours FREE when you order Mobile Apps2Cash today!

  1. Outsourcing for Maximum Profit

If you want to truly be successful in the apps market, then you need to be able to quickly and cheaply develop your ideas into working apps. Outsourcing for Maximum Profit is a powerful, step-by-step resource dedicated to helping you:

  • How to Find and Retain a Professional Design and Development Team on a Shoestring Budget
  • How to Manage Virtual Employees to Maximize Efficiency and Profits
  • How to Create an App Development Project Brief to Ensure You Hire the Right People Every Time
  • How to Create Protocols to Find, Hire, and Pay Freelancers
  • And Much, Much More!

If you want to transform the ideas in your head into bona-fide, world-class apps but lack the programming and design skills/software necessary to do sothen Outsourcing for Maximum Profit is VITAL to your success. This incredible resource is valued at $79 but is yours absolutely FREE when you order Mobile Apps2Cash now!

So Dont Sit There and Think About Creating the Next Great App

Order Mobile Apps2Cash Now for $37

Your Investment is Completely Safe and Secure

60-Day Money Back Guarantee

Im going to make this very simple: If you arent submitting your first App to the App Store for approval in the next 2 weeks or if you are dissatisfied with Mobile Apps2Cash for ANY reason whatsoever: Then you have a full 60 days to contact me to receive a FULL refund of your investment within 2 business days or less.

  • No Rude Customer Service Reps to Argue With
  • No Return Authorization Numbers to Worry About
  • No Restock or Hidden Fees

You either love Mobile Apps2Cash and are using it to build your very own App Empireor you just contact me within 60 days and Ill make sure you get every penny of your investment back. Simple as that.

But If You Follow My Simple Step-by-Step Blueprint, You Will be Transforming Your App Ideas into Bona-Fide Revenue Streams Just Like These Success Stories!

I already have 3 apps and counting!

Ken has truly mastered the app market like no other because when someone like mewho I promise can hardly use an app let alone actually program or design onecan create and make money from the very first app idea I developed.then anyone can do this! I already have 3 apps and counting! I strongly recommend this to anyone who wants to start making REAL money from apps!

Dave N.

Im already making more money than I was working my full-time job

I was blown awayblown awayby this book. I honestly took my idea for an app and turned to page one and before I knew it, I had a full project brief with specs ready for my app and it was off to the races. Well that was 3 months and 5 apps ago and Im already making more money from my apps than I was making working my full-time jobwhich I just quit thanks to you and Apps2Cash! I cant thank you enough!

Siva Taye

It took me less than a week to get my first app created

I couldnt find a job after graduating from college and was living back at my parents house when I came across Mobile Apps2Cash one night surfing for a job. It took me less than a week to get my first app created and now that I have 8 apps on the App StoreI just paid the deposit on my new apartment and finally dont have to worry about living at my parents any more! Thank you Ken!

Steve R.
Boston, MA

What Are You Waiting For? With My Money-Back Guarantee, You Are Either Guaranteed to Be My Next Success Story or Receive a FULL, Zero Hassle Refund! You Have Absolutely NOTHING Lose and an App Empire to Build, So

Order Mobile Apps2Cash Now for $37

To Building Your Empire,

Clark Ken

Creator, Mobile Apps2Cash

P.S.: With 1,000s of apps created each week, dont let someone else beat you to the punchtransform your app idea into cold hard cash starting today! Order Now

P.P.S.: Remember: Your order is backed by my unconditional money-back guarantee so the only thing you are risking here is missing out on one of the biggest money-making opportunities of this generation. So dont delay and Order Now!

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About Syed Faizan Ali

Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.

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