Sabtu, 11 Mei 2013

10 Cash Cow Programs For Mixed Martial Arts Guys In General! - Secret Tips

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Read this entire page so you NEVER gas out again

How Top Fighters SURGE Into The Cage With
Unrelenting POWER and Endless CARDIO
With Just 2 Short Workouts Per Week.

Article by Eric Wong, BSc, CSCS

Youre a Serious Mixed Martial Artist, BUT

 Whats holding you back from being in top fight shape?

From oozing with the confidence of a showboating top level fighter who without a doubt has enough FAITH  in his strength, power and cardio to overcome ANY opponent?

If you want the solutions to these common problems, then youve come to the right place

On this very page that youre reading right now, Im going to reveal to you the most efficient methods of rapidly increasing your gains in strength, cardio and explosive power for MMA while training only 2 days per week. The very same methods Ive used with UFC fighters like Claude Patrick. As you can see, they worked for him in his UFC debut (Im in the background):

UFC fighter Claude Patrick talking with Joe Rogan after his UFC debut win.

WARNING: There are no pills or potions and this will take some hard work, so if youre looking for a magic-fix then youve landed on the wrong site. But if youre looking for a solution to your strength and conditioning needs thats not only based on science and theory but also tested in the Octagon, then the info youre about to read may be the most important info you ever read.

The Problem Keeping You From Your Physical Potential:
Limited Time + Limited Energy

In order to be a successful MMA fighter, youve got to constantly learn new techniques and hone your skills.

But let me ask you this

When two athletes get ready to go to war and theyre equal in skill, who will win?

If you said, The guy in better shape, youve nailed it.

It doesnt matter how skilled you are, if you gas out or get overpowered, youre going to lose.

Even if you simply train for fun, whats more fun Getting tapped out all the time and losing to less experienced guys or being able to pull off all of your skills and train forever and still be hungry for more?

But to be an MMA fighter requires a lot of dedication often 5, 6 or even 7 days a week of training.

This makes it hard to fit your strength and conditioning workouts in, even though you know how crucial they are to training and fighting at your potential.

And most workout plans you find require 3, 4 or even 5 workouts per week impossible to stick to and potentially dangerous, since you can quickly become overtrained and get an injury.

On top of that, the programs you find are based on old-school methods that drain your energy, making your MMA training at best INEFFECTIVE and at worst, COUNTERPRODUCTIVE, since youll end up developing sloppy technique because youre sore and youve already spent all of your energy working out.

The Truth About S&C for MMA:
Most Workouts DONT Work For MMA

The fact is that most of the workouts you find online and see UFC fighters doing on TV wont work for you, especially if youve got a job, school or family to manage too. Theyre designed for guys who fight full time. Guys whose lives revolve around fighting.

But the absolute worst plans are based around old school body-part splits if youre following a body-part split routine, youre KILLING your chances at achieving an elite level of fitness.

These routines arent designed for MMA. Theyre designed to build muscles for guys who like fake tans and wearing neon thong bikinis.

Not what you or I are after.

They wont give you the functional strength and power you need and they require at least 4 days per week of training, further wasting your limited time and energy that you need to survive the grueling training sessions you do as a mixed martial artist.

Finally, theyll make you bulkier, slower and more susceptible to gassing out exactly the OPPOSITE of what you want.

The Solution to Getting Into Top Fight Shape:
MMA Specific Programmed Periodization

Heres an example of a popular myth thats keeping you from achieving an elite level of fitness

Youve probably heard of Tabata intervals before, right?

Youve also probably heard that theyre the best way to improve your cardio.

Now let me ask you this

How can Tabatas be the best method for fat loss, general fitness and MMA conditioning 3 completely different goals?

Thats right, they cant and arent!

What these same coaches wont tell you (or might not even know) is that every method can be useful, but it depends on the time and place the method is used that determines its effectiveness.

Here are 3 areas where many guys screw-up in their training:

Major MMA Training Screw-up #1: Strength

Weight training is crucial in developing your strength and power.

But if youre like most fighters and you dont perform the right reps, sets and exercises at the right time, and change them every 4 weeks, youll stop making gains and plateau and youll never get the best results from your efforts.

Periodization takes care of this and shows you what to do, when to do it, so each phase of training builds on the previous one and you never get stuck on a plateau and get stronger, faster and more powerful each and every phase.

Major MMA Training Screw-up #2: Cardio

There are 3 systems in your body that give you the cardio you need to punch, kick, choke and wrestle your way to victory from the first to the last round: the aerobic, anaerobic lactic (An-L) and anaerobic alactic (An-A) energy systems.

Specific workouts develop each energy system.

Its way too complicated to go in to depth here, but you must understand that just like how your strength training must be periodized, the same goes for your cardio.

If youre just doing the same old intervals or circuits all the time, your body will hit a plateau and youll stop making gains and leave one of the other components under developed.

Even if the workouts are hard.

Remember its not just about training hard, but training smart

The ideal is to train hard AND smart. If youre ready to do this, youre ready for explosive gains in your fitness.

Major MMA Training Screw-up #3: Power

Medicine ball exercises are the best way to develop knockout power because they allow you to train your core in rotation where power comes from.

But most guys totally blow it by doing way too many reps and not resting enough so that the exercises are a quarter as effective as they could be if done right, which youll learn about soon.

Heres the golden rule of power development:

Keep sets short, 15 seconds or less, and rest fully between sets, at least 8 times the length of your set, sometimes more, depending on the exercise.

And thats why MMA Specific Programming and Periodization is so important because it allows you to train strategically AND synergistically, working the right attributes at the right time, avoiding these major MMA training screw-ups and resulting in consistent gains while completely eliminating excessive soreness, fatigue, overtraining and injury.

The program Im about to share with you has been tested, tweaked and proven in the UFC, in championship fights and in local shows by over 523 1,342 fighters (and counting) from over 28 countries around the world.

So what kind of results did they get?

Take a look for yourself:




Or perhaps youd like to do your own research for fighters around the world who have taken their strength and conditioning to whole new levels by following the Ultimate MMA S&C system:

  • Claude Patrick (won UFC debut by guillotine in the 2nd round cornered by Eric)
  • Chad Leonhardt (scored notable KO in Bellator by devastating knee)
  • Rocci Williams (turned around a 1-6 record to become a dominant force)
  • Subaig Singh (won first 2 MMA fights, trained by Eric)
  • And literally hundreds more

And a BONUS For Following This Method:
Your MMA Skill Set Will Skyrocket

The honest truth is that there are only a few athletes in every club who will get the true attention of their coaches, since its impossible to help everybody equally.

Being in top shape will get the respect of your coaches, guaranteed.

If youre one of these lucky few, youll get more detailed instructions, youll get more tips when youre sparring and rolling and your development will skyrocket.

Whether youre currently a star pupil or not, the best way to get and keep this elevated status is to be in peak shape.

Just look at it from your coachs perspective would you rather spend more time and effort with the guy who gets sloppy and forgets technical details because theyre winded, or the athlete who can soak up everything you throw at them, has endless energy and is always ready for more?

So instead of spending time trying to catch your breath or recovering from a tough sparring session, youll be right back on the mats improving your game, asking questions and honing your MMA skill set, rapidly accelerating your development as a fighter.

The Ultimate MMA Strength and Conditioning Program outlines in an easy-to-follow format everything you need to never have to worry about your conditioning again, including:

  • How to develop explosive one punch knockout power with a simple tool and the exact exercises, reps, sets and rest times to follow
  • A simple and powerful method of tracking your workouts use this method and youre guaranteed to consistently get stronger, more fit, and more feared by your opponents and training partners.
  • All the background science and theory behind the development of the program for those of you who think its important to understand WHY youre doing what youre doing
  • And most importantly, exactly what to do, how to do it, and when choose between an 8, 12 and 16 week training template to follow that outlines everything including: intervals, cardio, bodyweight circuits, medicine ball training, weight training, core, NRG System Complexes and more, with exact reps, sets, rest periods and every detail you need to reach your physical potential

Heres a summary of everything youre getting:

Ultimate MMA Strength and Conditioning

The MASTER MANUAL reveals the science and secrets behind this program that allows you to spend less time in the gym but gives you better and faster results. Results like increased strength, power and cardio. To see the Table of Contents listing all of the sections in this info-packed 99 page manual, click the image below:

(Click to Enlarge)

Ultimate MMA Strength and Conditioning

The TRAINING GUIDE includes the following:

  • 8, 12 and 16 week Periodized Training Calendars - choose one of these templates depending on when your upcoming fight is (if you have no fight, choose the 16 week calendar your first round through and the 12 week calendar after that).
  • My Closely Guarded 5 Phase Resistance Training Blueprint - each of these 5 phases builds upon the previous one so you continue making gains and never hit a plateau.
  • The ULTIMATE Warmup there are 5 components to the optimal warmup and Ill show you exactly how to perform each of these components to get not only your body primed for your workout, but also to fire up your nervous system so you have the best workouts of your life.
  • Printable Resistance Training Worksheets - these worksheets show  you every exercise, rep, set and rest period with space for you to track your progress.
  • Progressive Interval Training Programs youll see exactly to perform the 3 interval training methods to develop endless cardio and how to progress them workout-to-workout for maximum results.
  • 2 of my Patented NRG System Complexes once you reach the Power Phase youll feel like an animal after only 2 weeks of these truly revolutionary MMA conditioning routines. Finally, youll be able to go the distance with complete confidence in your conditioning.

Ultimate MMA Strength and Conditioning


Youll get over 90 minutes of high quality, detailed instructional videos for EVERY EXERCISE. Thats right I show you exactly how to perform each and every exercise in the program and give you the coaching points I use with my fighters. Heres a short preview of what it looks like:


Ultimate MMA Strength and Conditioning

I received a few requests from customers for a PDF version of the exercises, so I obliged and put it together. While the videos give much more detail and you can see the exercise being performed properly, the PDF manual is handy as a quick reference guide.

Inside this guide youll get detailed instructions for the over 75 exercises included in the warmup and the 5 distinct phases of training that make up the Ultimate MMA Strength and Conditioning Program.

Ultimate MMA Strength and Conditioning


Youre getting a ton of info with this program.

There are a lot of videos.

Thats why I put this 1 page checklist together to make sure you know exactly how to get started on the path to explosive power and endless cardio.

If you want to start on this program TODAY, read this checklist FIRST and youll know exactly what you have to do.

To show you the value of this package, let me illustrate a simple point

To train with me for an hour personal training session costs $90.

To teach you everything included with the Ultimate MMA S&C Program would take at least 16 sessions, which would run you $1440. And thats if youre a fast learner. 

With this package, your getting over 16 weeks of programming that includes 9 distinct resistance training workouts, 2 NRG System Complexes, the ULTIMATE Warmup, 2 medicine ball workouts, a post-workout flexibility routine and 3 different interval training protocols everything you need to get in top fight shape.


Heres My Special Offer For You:

Ill let you have 21 days to try out the latest version of the
Ultimate MMA Strength and Conditioning Program
for only $19.95.

Read through the program, watch the videos and start using it and if you like it Ill charge you the remaining $57.05 in 21 days.

You have nothing to lose. If you dont like the Ultimate MMA S&C Program, just let me know and I wont charge you the remainder. So there is NO RISK to you. Its a great opportunity to get you started on the path to achieving explosive power and endless cardio with the most EFFICIENT program available!

Click here for your 21 day trial of Ultimate MMA

Note: This is a digital multimedia program. You will NOT receive a physical package shipped to you in the mail. The entire package will be immediately available for you to download after ordering. This program is NOT available in stores you can only access it through this website.

Plus, youre 100% backed by my


Guarantee #1: Immediately after you read through the e-books, youll feel 100% confident in starting the workouts because youll understand exactly why everything is put together the way it is and why its so efficient and effective.

Guarantee #2: After just 2-3 weeks of following the program, youll notice more energy, better cardio and less soreness compared to what you were previously doing. And if you werent doing anything before this program, youll notice the same things.

Guarantee #3: Within 60 days, a training partner or coach will comment about your improved strength and power and someone will ask you for your secret. Ill let you choose if you share your secret or keep it to yourself. ;)

If none of this happens I insist you ask for a refund by sending me an email. Youll get every penny back on the spot, no questions asked, no hassles.

This way there is no risk. Youve got a full 60 days to take this program for a test drive.

Get Started RISK-FREE Today:

But let me warn you, if you are LAZY and are simply looking for a magic bullet solution, this is not the program for you.

The simple fact of the matter is this: the Ultimate MMA Strength and Conditioning Program is NOT a quick fix. Its a SMART fix to a very complex problem that consequently yields the fastest gains in strength, power and cardio imaginable.

Oh, and did I mention that youll probably even GAIN a couple pounds of solid, functional muscle while losing useless fat?

At the same time, I want to make sure Im being very clear: make no mistake, this program takes work, and if youre one of these people who simply cant fully dedicate 2 days per week to achieving your physical potential, do not invest in this program.

But for those of you who are serious, those who are ready to put for the effort, the Ultimate MMA Strength and Conditioning Program will absolutely yield the fastest results youve ever experiencedGUARANTEED.

The truth is this: if you really put your mind to it, went back to school and graduated with an honors degree in exercise science, trained dozens of fighters in person and hundreds of fighters around the world while receiving feedback and tweaking the program to make it better and better, in about 10 years or so you could probably develop, perhaps, an equally effective strength and conditioning program for MMA yourself, just like I did with the Ultimate MM Strength and Conditioning Program.

I mean, it could happen.

But if youd rather:

1. Skip all that work
2. Rely on the fact that I already did ALL of that for you
3. Start getting results now with the proven Ultimate MMA Strength and Conditioning Program
4. Do so completely risk-free with your results guaranteed

Then this is probably going to be one of the easiest and best decisions youve ever made.


Heres My Special Offer For You:

Ill let you have 21 days to try out the latest version of the
Ultimate MMA Strength and Conditioning Program
for only $19.95.

Read through the program, watch the videos and start using it and if you like it Ill charge you the remaining $57.05 in 21 days.

You have nothing to lose. If you dont like the Ultimate MMA S&C Program, just let me know and I wont charge you the remainder. So there is NO RISK to you. Its a great opportunity to get you started on the path to achieving explosive power and endless cardio with the most EFFICIENT program available!

Click here for your 21 day trial of Ultimate MMA

I literally cant waitto hear about the incredible results you experience, training only 2 days per week.

Excited for your new level of strength, power and cardio,

Eric Wong, BSc, CSCS
MMA Strength and Conditioning Coach

P.S. Remember, with my Triple-Threat Money-Back Guarantee, Im giving you 60 risk-free days to discover what countless others already havethis is the most strategic MMA strength and conditioning program EVER developed. Click here to grab your RISK-FREE 21 day trial today.

P.P.S. Have a question? Its probably already answered below!

Q: How can I only workout 2 days per week and still get results?

The Ultimate MMA Strength and Conditioning Program is designed so that you only have to dedicate 2 workouts per week to your strength and conditioning program.

The secret is in the setup. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, has been perfected to work together to increase your strength, power, endurance and cardio.

Every single workout, every single exercise, every single rep you do on this program is for a very specific reason that contributes to the overall continual and rapid results you get from the program.

Simply put, when you learn how to unlock the right methods in the right combination in the right sequence, the strategic, synergistic results are profound. And thats exactly what the Ultimate MMA Strength and Conditioning program does.

Q: What kind of equipment do I need to follow this program?

All you need to get in the best shape of your life is equipment youll find in any gym:

  • Barbell
  • Dumbbells
  • Squat rack
  • Bench for bench pressing
  • Chinup bar
  • Swiss ball

And while medicine balls and cables arent absolutely necessary, you will get optimal results if you have access to these as well.

Q: Can I do CrossFit while Im on the program?

NO. In fact, doing CrossFit while on the program will prevent you from getting optimal results and might even cause an injury because youll be in a constant state of neural and muscular overtraining.

While CrossFit is good for someone looking to develop a general level of overall  fitness, the lack of periodization will stop you from making consistent gains and the volume could result in an injury or at the very least, draining your energy for your MMA training.

Q: Can I follow the program more than once?


Because the program is based on a periodized template, exercises, reps, rest periods and more change at least every 4 weeks.

That means you can continue to cycle through the 8, 12 or 16 week training templates and continue to make gains, week after week, month after month.

Q: Im not an MMA fighter, I just want to train like one. Will this work for me?

First of all, I know why you want to train like a fighter because they not only have insane levels of strength and conditioning, they also have chiseled, athletic physiques that most guys (and girls) are after.

Although this program is designed specifically for guys who compete, inside the manual Ill show you exactly what to do if youre not training MMA at the same time and you can train 3-4 days per week using the program to make up for the time youre not doing MMA.

Q: I want to start getting in top fight shape right now; will I have to wait for you to ship me all this information before I can get started?

No! The entire program will become immediately available to you via download after your purchase no shipping fees, no waiting for results you can start right away!

Q: Im not in my 20s or 30s, will this program still work for someone considerably older?

It does, but to prove it to you, why dont you check out the results that some of these older guys have gotten from the Ultimate MMA Strength and Conditioning Program:



Q: Is this program suited for a complete beginner?

If youre a beginner, then this is the best way to get on your way to optimal strength, conditioning, power and cardio for MMA.

Youll actually make even faster gains than more experienced guys because you wont have any bad habits to break and youll be doing everything properly right from the beginning.

Q: What if it doesnt work for me?

Then its all FREE.

Simply put, if you follow the Ultimate MMA Strength and Conditioning program exactly as outlined in the materials, and do NOT gain more strength, power and endurance than you ever have previously, just contact me and Ill refund your money. Its that simple.

I stand behind my program as the best MMA strength and conditioning program ever created, and if doesnt yield those results for you when followed, you get your money back. No hassles, no hoops to jump through, just a prompt, courteous refund.

As you can see, the burden to deliver is 100% on methe only thing you need to do is let me prove it to you!

Introducing v2.0 of the Ultimate MMA
Strength and Conditioning Program


Heres My Special Offer For You:

Ill let you have 21 days to try out the latest version of the
Ultimate MMA Strength and Conditioning Program
for only $19.95.

Read through the program, watch the videos and start using it and if you like it Ill charge you the remaining $57.05 in 21 days.

You have nothing to lose. If you dont like the Ultimate MMA S&C Program, just let me know and I wont charge you the remainder. So there is NO RISK to you. Its a great opportunity to get you started on the path to achieving explosive power and endless cardio with the most EFFICIENT program available!

Click here for your 21 day trial of Ultimate MMA

Note: This is a digital multimedia program. You will NOT receive a physical package shipped to you in the mail. The entire package will be immediately available for you to download after ordering. This program is NOT available in stores you can only access it through this website.

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About Syed Faizan Ali

Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.

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