Senin, 20 Mei 2013

How Do I Get Great Legs - Cellulite Banishing Program - Secret Tips

By on 19.53

This groundbreaking report by Star Trainers Niall Traynor and Daryl Devonish, uncovers the useless and sometime dangerous practices of the Global Beauty Industry, and reveals the two most important strategies to TURBOCHARGE your desire to finally get great legsbefore the Global Beauty industry forces us to take it down.

Want great legs like Jessica Biel?

Yes, you CAN go from lumps and bumps to hard, lean, toned legs in 28 days using the same techniques as this super-fit movie star!

Do you struggle to lose hip and thigh fat?

Admit it, youve tried everything you can to get the fat pockets and cellulite off your legs and hips. Maybe youve tried workouts, supplements and creams, but nothing seems to work. Everyone else seems to be able to lose the fat off her thighs, but not you. Seems like the harder you work; the tougher it is to lose the cellulite.

First off, you need to realize this is not your fault. Over 85% of women suffer from cellulite. If the majority of women still deal with this issue, then there are larger things at play here. Our modern lifestyle and diet are the source of this problem.

You should know you may be actually damaging your skin and putting on fat by using the common cures being peddled by the Global Beauty Industry. With the constant marketing of these phony cures its no wonder so many women are so confused about what to do about the orange peel look on their thighs.

Selling bogus cellulite creams, pills, and treatments is a very lucrative business. The Global Beauty Industry is a $160 billion-a-year business and they have no intention of letting their profits slip.

If youve spent your hard earned money on any of these expensive cures with little to show for it, then you need read this eye-opening report to finally solve your cellulite problems and get the firm, toned, shapely legs that youve always wanted.

What if I told you there is a proven and permanent solution to ridding yourself of cellulite? It doesnt come in a bottle and it doesnt require an appointment at the local beauty salon. What if I told you that you could swap hours of boring cardio and jogging for workouts as short as 20, 18, and even 14 minutes long, that will attack the root cause of cellulite build up?

What if we told you that you could eat more than you do today and torch fat and melt those dimples and bumps away?

Find out below how two STAR trainers discovered the SECRETS thats been keeping women around-the-world from shaving the fat and cellulite OFF their legs to reveal the sexy, lean legs of their dreams.

Read on:

Hi there,
Im Niall Traynor and along with my fellow trainer Daryl Devonish, we have distilled the solution to

torching fat and cellulite and building a truly incredible pair of legs. It wasnt easy. Over the years weve had too many female clients to count who asked our help to get them the abs, booty, and yes, great legs theyve always wanted. Just like you, our clients had tried every phony cure out there. By the time they came to us, they felt hopeless. Together, Daryl and I spent many late nights researching all those cellulite alternatives to see if they had any validity that could contribute to all of our clients.

What we uncovered about these apparent quick fixes was one falsehood and lie after another. Our research and our in-studio experience with our clients over the decades have enabled us to distill a comprehensive solution for cellulite that will work for anyone. But before we get into that

Let me ask you, does this sound familiar?

You cant believe it. Youre by the hotel pool and just about everyone else is enjoying the fun in the sun while you cringe at the thought of stripping down to your bikini to catch some rays. The last thing you want to do is put your cellulite on display for the world to see. Just then, you see the back of an amazingly fit woman long, lean legs, NO cellulite whatsoever and a perky butt. You asked yourself the same question youve been asking for years: How does someone get in such incredible shape? And how does someone get such perfectly smooth, lean, and toned legs?

Shes probably 21, you say to yourself.

Then she turns around so you get a good look at her face and you see that this woman is definitely NOT in her 20s or even 30s, BUT SHE DOESNT LOOK OLD; anything but.

She just SEEMS to have defied the aging process. Anyway you cut it, there is no dismissing her shape as just the advantages of youth.

THEN you say to yourself,
she probably lives in a gym and eats tree bark for breakfast.

until you see her walk up to the bar for a beer

How Does She Look So Great? Especially Those Legs!

Are you thinking back in frustration to all the times youve tried new workout programs and tried new diets and you were never as lean or had such great shape as the woman we just described. Maybe your weight has fluctuated up and down as you tried different things never truly getting the body you always wanted. Do you have a hard time wearing certain long boots because your calves and ankles are too thick? Shy away from shorts? How about the fact that your shape looks okay (yes, okay), but its that god-awful cellulite that truly makes you feel badly about yourself.

Have you tried:

  • fitness classes;
  • home workout programs;
  • jogging (miles and miles of it);
  • weight machines;
  • treadmills;
  • step-machines;
  • popular diets, pills and potions from Atkins to Dukan to Oz??

yet nothing did much more than shave off a few pounds, and even worse, the results were always only temporary.

Nothing seems to lean down your legs or rid you of that ugly cellulite.

DO you want, DEEP down, to have a killer set of legs?

What Is It That She Knows That You Dont?

Today youre going to learn the secret to getting great legs and a truly great body. You will learn the training secrets of celebrities, athletes, and fitnessmodels the world over.

There is something you need to know: getting into truly incredible shape isnt about working harder or longer than everybody else and it isnt about starving yourself.

People who are in truly incredible shape know what theyre doing and where they are going.

Dont believe me? Lets take a look at your average jogger. Do they have perfect bodies? Mostly no. Some are thin and drawn out, looking gaunt and unhealthy; others seem to constantly be carrying extra weight no matter how much they run.

When was the last time you went to a spin or a Zumba class? Sure, theres the odd, fit person in those classes, but on average, how do the majority of those attendees look? Do they all have great abs, butts, toned arms and shoulders, all sitting on top of a great set of legs? I think its fair to say no way.

Can you think of places where you consistently SEE great bodies?

Its KNOWING what to do thats the difference from mediocre, to kick-ass legs.

One of the major problems with typical fitness programs is this:

There are NO specific goals

Traditional home fitness programs, cardio exercises (like jogging, biking and swimming), or group fitness classes are NOT designed to sculpt and tone your core and lower body, particularly your legs. These popular fitness methods arent designed to rid you of cellulite and keep it off.

Why waste time and effort that wont solve the orange peel look on you hips and thighs when for as little as 14 to 20 minutes a day you can look incredible?

Do you have time to WASTE?

I didnt think so

Dont Think You Just Need To Lose Fat?

Jessica Biel has another way of getting fit, and its obviously working for her. Well reveal that below

So often we are concerned with the immediate problem facing us (excess weight and dimpled skin) that we dont see the freight train coming straight for us should we solve this problem.

Whats that you ask? What happens when you lost the fat? The cellulite most often remains not to mention a drained, scrawny appearance. Sure this might look good in a dress but it doesnt look too good on the beach.

So you can look half-decent in clothes if you want but deep down dont you want to look good naked?

Dont you want to look incredible in a bikini or shorts?

The scrawny, malnourished look is not attractive. Lean, shapely muscle on the other hand is down right irresistible. In our system, you will melt the fat away while you are also building the body, particularly the legs you want. In fact, leaning down while building muscle at the same time will get you the body you want even faster!

In fact, research has been shown that weight loss alone wont cure cellulite, and in some cases, can actually increase its severity. Because the type of exercise program you choose will impact your hormone balance (and hormones drive cellulite build up), it is imperative that you understand what forms of exercise will turn you into a hormonally charged cellulite-melting machine.

What do we know?

So you might be asking yourself,

Who are these guys, and why do they think they know how to get great legs???

I mean, first off, theyre GUYS!

Yes, its true. Were not women but we have been studying fitness for many years and over 65% of our clientele have been female, giving us a full spectrum of issues youre going through. That means THOUSANDS of stories. Heres how we arrived at where we are today, and why you, a frustrated woman, is still on this page looking for the truth

How Did We Discover The Secret Recipe to Perfect Legs?

Oddly enough it was the personal journey into the world of fitness that allowed us, two men, to unlock the recipe that women use to build great legs.

Niall: My foray into fitness came from the desire to escape my skinny-kid appearance and avoid being the fodder of high school bullies. It seemed that although I tried so many different alternatives to putting on the slightest shred of muscle, it wouldnt come until I unlocked the secret to building my legs.

I discovered building leg strength transformed not only my legs, but also my whole body. Using the same techniques to build a great male physique oddly enough, also built a great female body. But how could this be?

Instead of getting big and bulky, training for strong legs resulted in my female clients getting lean, toned and smooth over every inch of their body while building magnificent legs, butt, and abs.

It was as if building strong legs was the key to unlocking the best version of yourself. It unlocked ones genetic potential.


On the other hand I was busy becoming an ultra-fast athlete. So it wasnt surprising that after my athletic career I focused on training my clients on a similar approach to fitness. It just made sense. When my female clients came to me complaining of fat, cellulite, and no shape I turned to the one area where I consistently saw women without a shred of dimpled skin; the sprinting track.

There was one problem, so many of my clients were afraid to run fast. In many cases it had been years since they had sprinted. I had to devise a system that could safely and quickly allow them to march, skip, and eventually runand fast. It was almost like watching a child learn to walk for the first time. Let me tell you, it was incredible watching women in their late 20s, 30s, 40s, and even 50s sprinting all out. Trust me when I tell you that many of these women had been inactive for years!

And just as track athletes consistently have tight and toned bodies with incredible legs, so too did the clients that followed my system. These clients slowly and safely learned to sprint and the results were truly amazing.

Niall: Daryl and I had known each other for years when I came to Daryl with one of my most challenging clients, Samantha. Samantha was in her mid-thirties when we met and after several years of marriage, two children and a busy work life, she was faced with a very disheartening opinion of her appearance, mainly her abs, butt and legs.

She had taken time to exercise together over the years, but the challenging pace of life meant she wasnt able to come to the studio often enough, and the pressures of motherhood, raising kids (and eating all their leftovers) and general exhaustion meant she wasnt making the right decisions when it came to her food choices.

That, coupled with less time to exercise resulted in her refusal to wear a bikini in public, let alone a pair of shorts. In fact, it had been over a decade since she had put on shorts because they showed her thick thighs and cellulite.

So, as you can see, we see it all and hear it all

You might be saying to yourself: Thats me, my life is so busy I cant focus on transforming my body!

And in many ways you are right! I know exactly what its like to juggle life, work and households, and being married. For Samantha it felt like it was impossible to maintain the body she had in her 20s. The problem was my original program wasnt made up of short workouts. I had to do something that fit into Samanthas tight schedule and would still get rid of that ugly cellulite.

So, we reached out to Daryl Devonish, to see if there was a program we could put together for Samantha that she could do from home

Daryl: When Niall approached me about Samantha, I could see that she had leaned up some, but her results fell way short from both Nialls and her own expectations.

The problem: she obsessed over her weight constantly. She weighed herself first thing in the morning and a half pound move one way or another was enough to send her mood sky high and way down low. It would then ultimately dictate how much she ate that day. The number on the scale meant everything to her.

Get off the scale!

Daryl: Now this wasnt the first time either of us had a client who was hyper-focused on the weight scale! Everyone cares about their weight, but this is a major problem holding people back from making truly great transformations. They are laser-focused on the number on the scale and to put it bluntly, it is a very negative mindset to keep. Often people dont believe they can lose the weight and they expect their fat loss efforts to fail before they have truly given their best.

So if the scale is a negative distraction, what should people focus upon to achieve success? People should focus on getting just a little stronger and a little fasterand it isnt that difficult to do at all. Why? Because doing so causes the exact physical reactions that will optimize your bodies hormonal balance and transform you into a cellulite melting machine.

Niall and I were and are very aware that if Samantha was half as obsessed about getting stronger and faster as she was about the number on her scale, then she would have phenomenal results.

Best of all, the system we created wouldnt take more than 20 minutes out of Samanthas busy day at most, and sometimes as little as 14 minutes.

We collaborated on a series of workouts that would create the most optimal results of weight loss and body sculpting by combining sprint training and core conditioning that would truly unlock Samanthas full potential.

It was precisely this thinking that resulted in one ultimate cellulite-burning, body-sculpting program. The first marching order given to Samantha was that she was allowed to weigh herself only once a month. If she wanted to track her progress, she could only use two metrics, how much stronger she was becoming and how much faster.

Check out these results after just one month of our program. At her first monthly weigh-in, she had lost 9 pounds and 6% body fat, which included putting on muscle. The biggest results were the circumference and shape of her legs. Not only had her thighs and calves lost inches, her cellulite was much less noticeable.

She reported that her legs no longer felt mushy and soft, but leaner and stronger than ever before. Despite her long history of jogging, exercise classes and moderate weight training, she realized that the most important thing she didnt focus on in the past was being stronger and faster.

By the end of the first month she looked really good. Check out her transformation earlier this spring:

Samantha Travis

Samantha Travis

Niall and Daryl!

What can I say? I cant believe how great I look and feel! I was really skeptical about your program at first. As you know, I was a jogger and had been jogging for years! Clearly it wasnt making a difference. Wow, I cant believe the difference. I felt SO good at the beach running around after the two little ones. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. Youve opened my eyes to all the time-wasting I was putting in at the gym and with the running I was doing. Best of all, my cellulite has DRASTICALLY reduced (Im sorry I dont have a before/after pic of THAT but as you probably know, I NEVER take photos of my legs). Im going to refer you to all my friends with the same problem.

Stay tuned for my NEXT big transformation shot as I take on your next level

Samantha Travis
40-yr old mother of 2

We knew that we had put together the magic formula. It had been staring us in the face our whole careers, but we hadnt connected the dots:

Train like an athlete with ultra-short, focused workouts + eat good nutrition to feed your muscles = get the most amazing transformations in the shortest amount of time

Heres the kicker ~ it is exactly because athletes do the type of exercise they do and eat the way they eat that they have perfect hormonal balance and, therefore, no cellulite!

Seems simple right? Wrong. The devil is in the details. There were specific things that people were doing everyday that thwarted their efforts to get a fantastic body.

Theresa BeesleyTheresa Beesley

Im SO proud of the after shots! All hard work and a great diet!

Blanche Israel

Blanche Israรซl

Blanche Israรซl went from a size 12 to a size 4 in under 4 months!

Hormone Balance

The secret to getting amazing legs is about where you set your goals. You need to challenge yourself. It is by reaching for a goal your body needs to get into that optimal hormonal balance that builds muscle and burns fat and cellulite. So its imperative that you are striving to build muscle and burn fat at the same time if you want hormone balance and end the Hormonal Cellulite Cycle.


If you train to be just a little stronger and faster, the cellulite will dissolve and the amazing legs & butt will come. If you train to be anything else you will not achieve the results you desire. Its just that simple.

You dont have to run as fast as Usain Bolt or be able to lift a truck, you just have to be just a little stronger and faster than the average person, and those goals are easy to achieve for just about anyone who puts in just a little effort.

Like we mentioned above, there is a very simple path to getting back to running like a kid. You just need to follow our system to do it easily and safely.

After working with Samantha, and comparing notes of so many other clients we had trained, we knew we were finally onto something incredible.

The How-Do-I-Get-Great-Legs System is designed to put you on a progressive path to develop those amazing legs you desire. It is designed to be challenging while at the same easy to accomplish. A perfect program will always ask you to push yourself just a little more than you thought you were capable of doing.

When that becomes easy, youre asked to do just a teensy bit moreand then a little more. And then all those little mores add up to a huge change. Youll look back and wonder why you were putting off doing something that was so easy to do.

Our program is designed to work your whole body with a tremendous focus on your leg, hip, and core development.

For the running component you will start out simply with walking. Walking will turn into jogging which will turn eventually into sprinting. Remember when you were a kid and running was play.

Well get you back to that feeling. Your workouts will be fun.

Throughout the routine you will see your body respond dramatically respond to these short workouts. These results will drive you to want to do more and more.

In the end you will look and feel absolutely fabulous.

Short Work Outs From Anywhere

Do you like to work out from home, in the gym, or a hotel room? Wherever you are all you need is your own body weight and a decent pair of running shoes to get started. Workouts range from 20 to 14 minutes in length. Unlike many of todays popular workouts you are not being asked to push yourself to sheer exhaustion. Instead the focus is on using perfect form for each of the body weight exercises, sprint drills, and the sprinting itself.

Fast Results

There just isnt a faster, more effective fitness system on the planet. Most training systems are built for the average person. We bring you the elite techniques of athletes and fitness models to get you into truly incredible shape in the shortest amount of time.

Do you need to lose that elusive last 10lbs? It should take you on average only a month to get in the best shape of your life with incredible legs to show for your efforts.

Do you need to lose 30lbs, 40lbs, or even 50lbs? It would typically take one of our clients following our plan only 3 to 4 months to go from flabby to perfection.

Now Imagine This

You wake up tomorrow morning, smiling to yourself as you realize your legs are feeling more tight and toned than ever before. You reach for your favourite pair of jeans and you feel as if youre doing them a favouryou look in the mirror before putting them on and see not a smidgen of cellulite.

Ask yourself how awesome it would be to never, and I mean NEVER, feel insecure about your body or about shopping for clothes or wearing a bikini at the beach. You no longer skip nights out or days at the beach because you feel truly fantastic about your body.

Imagine knowing, not wishing, but knowing that people couldnt help but notice how fit you are every time you passed them by. How good would that feel? You would likely be constantly pinching yourself all the time to see if you were dreaming.

Imagine getting up in the morning and looking in the mirror as you dressed and feeling a sense of pride on the beautiful body you had created for yourself.

Imagine ridding yourself of cellulite and excess fat to reveal lean, smooth, and toned legs! Imagine finally putting on shorts and not feeling uncomfortable about showing your dimpled and bumpy thighs.

What is even more important than this physical transformation is the internal transformation that occurs in people. Imagine the new-found confidence you would have and how this new attitude would transform the way you interact with everyone in your world and how everyone would interact with you.

Best of allyou would look incredible without having to spend hours and hours in the gym.

Our Philosophy

Fit people look stronger and faster than the average person. So if you want to look strong and fast its probably a good idea to become just those very things. Amazing legs and a rock hard butt do not belong to slow and weak people.

Every time I have this conversation with new clients I feel as though Im having an intervention. Many of us want to kid ourselves and believe there is some secret recipe or that someone else is just blessed with genetics. The truth is fit people have to put in a little effort to look the way they do.

The good news is its not all that challenging. You just have to have the right plan.

You might be thinking: that sounds like a bit of work.

Well, yes, there is a little work. But heres the question: do you want to do more of the same and look mediocre, packing on the fat and cellulite year after year? Or do you want to finally flaunt your fantastic legs with an equally fantastic butt and set of abs?

I thought so!

Being a wee bit stronger and faster iswelljust awesome. Life is just easier when youre truly fit; its empowering. Not only do you love the idea of showing off your body more, doing things are just easier! Anything from chores around the house, running after (your) kids, schlepping shopping bags at the mallyou get the idea.

Life is just better when youre really fit. Who wouldnt want their life to be better?

Most importantly becoming stronger and faster are precisely the goals you need to achieve to rid yourself of cellulite and build smooth, sexy legs.

The Science Backs It Up

The amount of lean muscle tissue your body holds has a direct result on the amount of calories your body burns while at rest. Simply put, the more lean muscle you have, the more fat you burn. Considering this it would only make sense to hold a wee bit more muscle in an effort to get lean.

Take it one step further, the bigger muscles on your body will hold more muscle and hence burn even more fat for you.

Remember this is not about getting big. Muscle is much, much denser than fat, so a little muscle will not bulk you up at all! In fact, you will look leaner than you ever have all just by holding a little more muscle.
Your legs are the fat-burning furnaces of your body. If you use them to their fullest ability you will see dramatic results

For leg exercises for example, squats work the entire leg, hip, and core muscle groups. This has two great effects:

  1. Firstly, an exercise like squats will burn a heck of a lot more calories than most other exercises, so you get a lot of benefits for your time and effort.
  2. Also, squats will end up building more muscle on your body faster than simple isolation movements or partial movements. You burn more calories while building more muscle, so you end up getting quicker results!

Squats, Sprinting, and Lunges Obviously Work for Jessica Biel!

Sprinting not only works all these same muscle groups (and more) it also spikes your heart rate. Do one of our short 14-to-20 minute sprinting workouts and your heart rate will stay elevated for at least another 45 minutes; translation you get all the benefits of an hour of cardio in a fraction of the time.

It also affects your Central Nervous System (CNS) in the best of ways to trigger your body move towards the body ideal state. Your fat is melting off, your hormones are in balance, your cellulite is fading with each passing day, and you feel vibrant and more energetic than you have in a very long time.

Your physical actions, the particular exercises you are doing, are sending the signals to your body to move you towards your genetic potential, to get to your desired look.

Amazing isnt it?

Syonara Cellulite To rid your body of cellulite, you need a multi-pronged approach with strength exercises, sprint drills, and short sprints.

What many women fail to realize is one of the most potent things you can do to fight cellulite is increase your strength and speed. Strength and speed training will actually transform your metabolism to burn fat better than any other approach!

Running vs. SprintingThe Results Are Clear

Trust Your Eyes Just look at a marathon runner versus a track athlete. One looks gaunt and drained while the other looks incredibly fit.

Celebrities hire personal trainers and dieticians to get their bodies into tip top shape with strength training, sprinting, and good food. Quit pretending there is a secret recipe or just dumb luck with genetics. People who have great legs and a great butt have only one approach to building their bodies. We can show you how you can do it.

Who We Are

Coach Daryl Devonish

  • Former Collegiate Athlete, a Celebrity and Pro Athlete Trainer and a sought after Track and Sprint Coach
  • Has over 20 years of experience getting celebrities, athletes, stay-at-home moms, and office executives into the best shape of their lives and looking long, lean, and strong
  • Has appeared on numerous television, news, and magazine publications
  • Teaches Kinesiology Students at one of North Americas top universities

Coach Niall Traynor

  • Former Bodybuilder, Martial Artist (Hapkido, Judo), Certified Olympic Lifting Trainer
  • Has over 20 years of experience teaching clients how to sculpt their bodies into perfection, empowering individuals to become their own motivational machines, and transforming lives through fitness

What We Do

We have devised a foolproof 3 progression system to get anyone on the path to an incredible set of cellulite-free legs. Are you a beginner? Have you not worked out in a long while? Have you become stiff and inflexible? Are you not exactly a spring chicken? No worries. Our system is designed to slowly and steadily build both your flexibility and strength so youll be ready to take on more challenging moves as you progress. As you move from stage to stage you will see yourself getting leaner, feeling better, getting stronger, and those legs and that butt will be looking better and better and better.

Its simple, do the short workouts consistently and youll get the results.

So how bad do you want it?

Just Compare Our System To Other Popular Programs!

How Do I Get Great Legs?Home Fitness ProgramsGym MembershipsTraditional Cardio (e.g. Jogging)
Burn FatGreatGreatSatisfactorySatisfactory
Six-Pack AbsGreatGreatDisappointingDisappointing
Eliminate CelluliteGreatDisappointingDisappointingDisappointing
Build MuscleGreatSatisfactorySatisfactoryDisappointing
Sculpt Your LegsGreatDisappointingDisappointingDisappointing
Lift Your BootyGreatSatisfactoryDisappointingDisappointing

Shawna Kaminski

Shawna KFinally, the truth about getting great legs is revealed! Niall and Daryl hit the nail on the head with their program How Do I Get Great Legs? Im so impressed with their information and step-by-step guide. Its a no fluff program for women to not only work their legs, but to get in amazing shape. In the process of getting great legs, a womans body is transformed and Niall and Daryl figured this out with their plan. Im tired of programs that tell half-truths and misinformation. These dudes tell it all, they dont apologize for deep squats and intense training. If you want great legs, get this program and get ready to sweat. Trust me, it will be worth your time and effort.

Shawna Kamiski CTT, CPT, BKin, BEd

Kyla Gagnon

Screenshot 2014-02-03 10.28.12As a trainer and fitness competitor I hear and see a lot of various strategies in building the best body. Niall knows his stuff, and has proven it time and again with his amazing client results. This is one of the best ebooks on fitness I have read, and am STOKED to implement his system into my training. Niall, your knowledge is laid out in such a clean easy-to-follow format, this book is fool proof!!!
Congrats my friend, Power sprints are in my very near future Every woman wants a backside worth dreaming of
Kyla,, Inside Out Fitness, Magnum Sponsored NPAA Pro Bikini Model

Tricia MacOdrum, Marketing Consultant

Kyla GI started working with Daryl after having my third child. My old exercise routines were not giving me the results I wanted. Daryls program integrated weights into a number of easy programs which gave me a great workout in just 20 minutes. His workouts combined with some cardio have been much more impactful than the intense cardio I used to do.

Thanks to Daryls routines and his coaching not only have I been able to get back into my clothes but I also feel strong and healthy!

Christine Williams

Christine WilliamsYour knowledge and depth of experience is unprecedented. I have worked with many trainers over the years and only you have helped motivate me to maintain my goals even when I may not be training with you.

Thank you for the variety, the nutrition information and most of all, ensuring that I work out in a safe and effective manner. I look forward to training with you again.

Tommy Europe

I recommend Daryl Devonish to everyone in Toronto who asks me for a referral. Hes got extensive knowledge of body mechanics and works with all walks of life. He truly understands what it takes to get each person the results they want.

Tommy Europe TV Host of Last 10 pounds Boot camp and Bulging Brides, W network and Slice network

Lauren McConnell

Daryl has completely transformed my body AND how I value my health. I couldnt possibly go back to my old ways where physical activity wasnt a huge priority. He has made me accountable and is a constant source of knowledge and encouragement. I have so much more energy and I always feel a sense of accomplishment after every session with Daryl.

Lauren McConnell Actor/Model

Build Perfect Legs, Gain Muscle, Burn Fat, And Get Six-Pack Abs And A Perfect Butt In The Process

The How Do I Get Great Legs? System is the ONLY path to truly great legs.

Inside Youll Learn

  • Why traditional cardio actually sabotages your efforts to build great legs
  • How to get stronger and leaner 3 times faster than traditional workouts
  • How to become lithe and graceful while becoming fit and sexy

You Wont Get Great Legs By Jogging

Take a look at joggers when you see them running on the street. Are they the vision of perfect fitness? Do they all have great legs? Why do so many of them have bad posture and look as if they are shuffling along clumsily instead of running like a gazelle?

So why follow their example?

The most beautiful legs in the world belong to athletes, models, cheerleaders, dancers, and fitness professionals who concentrate on being stronger, faster, and more coordinated. A track athlete doesnt train to get toned and shapely or to be graceful but they sure do look that way.

Our System reveals the training secrets of the fittest women on the planet with the greatest legs. Weve combined techniques we have tested on our clients for over 20 years and put it together as the ultimate leg sculpting system.

You dont have to be a born athlete to have great legs. You just have to have a specific goal and be sufficiently motivated to go for it.

We build your great legs with track training and we build lean muscle on your legs, butt, and abs with body weight exercises you just wont see anywhere else. Best of all workouts are only 20 minutes.

Is 20 minutes of your day too much to ask for Great Legs?

Dont Get Exhausted, Get Great Legs?

Have you ever seen a track athlete train? They train to build up their body, not tear it down. Dont aimlessly follow workouts that just leaving heaving and huffing until you are delirious. Train with a strategic approach to deliver specific results.

Unlike other fitness programs, the How Do I Get Great Legs? System is specifically designed to build you a perfect pair of legs. Because this system has the clearly defined goal of getting you great legs, we have designed an efficient plan that has you do the minimum work for the maximum results.

The success of any plan is dependent on having a specific goal, and designing a plan to reach that goal. Without a clearly defined goal, people amble around aimlessly doing unnecessary work, wasting time, and hoping for results.

Hope is not a strategy.

You want great legs? We have devised the plan for you.

You Cant Look Great Without Great Legs.

Maybe you can get lean, maybe even get some abs, but you will never have that bikini body without great legs. Your legs are the fat-burning furnace of your body. Build them up and youll lean down.

To have perfectly shaped legs from every angle you build all the individual muscles in the legs. Why be a second-rate version of yourself? The How Do I Get Great Legs? System is the only system designed to take you from looking run-of-the-mill to Extraordinary!

We target not just each of the individual muscles in your legs but also the hips and core because to have great legs you need a great body, and to have a great body you need great legs.

You cant have one without the other

The program is not without a nutritional component. You could have the finest legs and butt in the world but if you eat cookies for breakfast no one is going to see it. We are going to show you some simple guidelines to follow to PERMANENTLY change the way you eat. Dont worry though; its still going to be filling and delicious. Were going to show you the secret foods to avoid that are secretly sabotaging your dieting efforts.In the end you will look and feel absolutely fabulous.

But How Much Will It Cost?

How much does it cost to hire a personal trainer? $45 an hour? $70 an hour? Elite coaches can cost upwards of $100 an hour.

To get the information contained in this program you would need to hire a personal trainer, a track coach, and a nutritionist. For 12 personal trainer sessions, 12 track sessions, and a nutrition plan. Even at $45 an hour this would cost you well over $1000.

That doesnt even guarantee the quality of your trainers and coaches and believe us when we tell you there are a great many trainers out there who are very sub-par and will only end up wasting your time. Gyms across the country are littered with personal training clients who see little to no results because they are training under ill-informed fitness trainers.

Can you afford all that money, time, and effort for potentially little results?

I dont think so.

Introducing the

How Do I Get Great Legs?

Inside Youll Get:

12 Ultimate Leg Sculpting Routines

Develop every inch, line, and curve of your legs with the secret exercises of only the fittest women on the planet. Build muscle while burning fat that will fall off and stay off. Unlike anything other program these routines are specifically designed to develop each muscle in your leg, hip, and butt area ensuring that you will have perfectly sculpted legs.

12 Run Like A Gazelle Sprint Routines

Build those long, lean, athletic legs that you want exclusive techniques of elite track athletes. Run extremely short distances and get results miles and miles of jogging just cant deliver. You will get your heart rate up and burn fat while improving your coordination, grace, and dexterity.

How Do I Get Great Legs Exercise Guide

The exercise guide will provide you with detailed how-to description as well as photos to make it easy to pick up the movements and do them perfectly from day one. You will also get access to our video library where you can see for yourself how to do exercises.

How Do I Get Great Legs Sprint Drill Guide

Build the kind of booty that will have you wearing shorts with confidence! These are the exercises of elite athletes which are surprisingly easy to do yet so tremendously effective it will astonish you. Reveal the speed, flexibility, and power that is locked inside. Feel the exhilaration of having the wind rushing through your hair as you explore the amazing speed your legs are capable of carrying you. Feel the joy and excitement of a child at play.

Nutritional Guide

Learn about the foods you eat that undermine your efforts to rid yourself of cellulite so you can stop sabotaging your efforts to get those smooth legs.

Follow our simple tips and guidelines to lose fat.We provide you with an easy to follow system that allows you to make smart choices whether you are eating at home or out at a restaurant.

Discover the secret foods that will rev up your metabolism and help turn you into a calorie-burning machine.

Buy Now Bonus #1

How Do I Get Started?

Buy now and you will also get for free the How Do I Get Started? Foundation Plan! If you have been inactive for some time its critical to get on a slow and steady progression path to success.

One of the biggest hurdles to any fitness plan is first developing just the habit of exercising and eating better. The How Do I Get Started? Foundation Plan allows you to easily get back into a fit lifestyle over the course of 30 days.

You shouldnt do too much too soon. Whether its working out or eating differently, too much change is every newbies biggest mistake.

Like the tortoise and the hare, slow and steady wins the race.

During this first 30 days you develop the strength, flexibility, and good nutritional habits to hit the ground running when you start the How Do I Get Great Legs? System. In the process you will lean down and build muscle increasing your end results!

This time, ensure you will start and stick to your fitness goals with the How Do I Get Started? Foundation Plan.

Buy Now Bonus #2

How Do I Get Great Abs?

Dont get us wrong, by itself the How Do I Get Great Legs? System will get you a six-pack. But maybe youre the ambitious type. Maybe you want not just a mind-blowing set of legs but also a set of abs you could grate cheese on. And who doesnt like cheese?

The How Do I Get Great Abs? Plan is a complementary plan designed to be used with the How Do I Get Great Legs? System. With over 24 ab-sculpting workouts that are only 5 minutes long this plan will multiply your fat-burning efforts and get you leaner and stronger faster.
Amp up your results!

Buy Now Bonus #3

How Do I Get A Great Butt?

Double your efforts for a seriously dangerous booty. The How Do I Get A Great Butt? Plan is also designed to complement the How Do I Get Great Legs? System. With 20 workouts all under 5 minutes you can build the booty of your dreams.

These workouts are created to amplify the effect of the How Do I Get Great Legs? System so if you need results and fast, get yourself on track for a complete 180° in your appearance get this now. Do you need to be in a bikini any time soon?

If so, sculpt that booty fast!

Buy Now Bonus #4

How Do I Get Lean?

Getting into great shape isnt all about exercises. This 28-day meal plan will give you a day-by-day guide of what to eat with over 28 delicious recipes. Easy-to-prepare meals with tips on being more efficient with your time, this essential guide plays a pivotal role in your fantastic legs.

Buy Now Bonus #5

Run Better, Look Better

The better your sprinting form the better your results. Want to run like a real sprinter. Heres the tips you need to know to look and perform your best.

Buy Now Bonus #6

Take It Inside

You dont need a track to get the benefits of sprinting. Learn how to do this routine on a treadmill at the gym or in the comfort of your own home

Get Results OR Get Your Money Back.GUARANTEED

Heres the guarantee that removes ALL risk we want you to try How Do I Get Great Legs? System for 60 whole days.

Thats right, we want you to put How Do I Get Great Legs? System to the ultimate test.

If at any time during the 60 days you feel that the How Do I Get Great Legs? System is not meeting your expectations and if youre not getting leaner, tighter, and dropping fat faster than you could have imagined then Ill issue you a FULL REFUND and youre welcome to keep the entire program, including the BONUS item as my gift to you.

Why would we make such a bold money back guarantee like this? Its simple really; We believe in our program. Plus, the droves of people who have gotten amazing results are living proof that the How Do I Get Great Legs? System IS the #1 program for people just like you who want to get GREAT Legs, Abs and Butt!

And if you feel that the How Do I Get Great Legs? System doesnt deliver EVERYTHING that weve promised, then we dont deserve to keep your money. Fair enough?

You owe it to yourself and now you have nothing to lose to try out the How Do I Get Great Legs? System.

Take Advantage of Over 40 Years Of Training Experience

If Daryl and Niall could go back and change anything in their personal lives it would be that they sought out expert knowledge in those early years of their own training. Their clients tell them time and time again they wish they had found them years ago.

A great deal of my time was wasted on trial and error with my training and nutrition. That added up to a great deal of frustration I could have avoided.
- Coach Daryl

As ecstatic our clients our by the results we bring their happiness is often mixed with the regret of not having found us sooner.

Dont put it off. Begin today and make a commitment to yourself to change. Today is the first day of your transformation.

If You Are Waiting For An Opportunity To Make A Change, This Is It!

Do you have thighs or do you have legs? Does someone with sexy legs even call them thighs? No thighs are something your mother has. Legs are something Jennifer Aniston, Jessica Biel, or Vanessa Hudgens has.
You want legs. You have thighs.

Think about the last time you went into your wardrobe and there seemed like you had nothing you wanted to wear.
When did shopping for clothes become an ordeal instead of a fun day out?

When did the fear of showing cellulite make you stop wearing shorts altogether?

Lets face facts, this problem isnt going to go away. You can bury your head in the sand until the next day out by the pool or on the beach or you can decide to do something about it now.

What are your next 10 years going to be like? Will you look in your best shape ever or will you continue to get bigger and more dimpled thighs, building up insecurity, and feeling pretty terrible about yourself. The decision is yours.

Click on the Buy Now button above to get the How Do I Get Great Legs System now!

What if I want my money back?

Were so confident youll LOVE your results with HDI that you wont be asking us for a refund. In fact youll be excited to keep following our proven methods for accelerated muscle toning and fat loss. However, if this isnt the right fit for you, we do offer a 30-day money back guarantee.

How do I download the information once I purchase?

Once you purchase the product you will be emailed very specific instructions on how to download the ebook and videos so you can get started right away.

Do I need to be a member at a gym to use your HDI system?

Not at all! You might need to invest in a few dumbbells or kettlebells but you can easily do this workout from your home or local park.

What if I have a history or injuries, illnesses or I am really obese?

This is a tough one. Without knowing your medical history first hand or being in a position to give you an assessment, we would highly recommend you not purchase or try any program without getting verbal or written consent from your doctor and/or therapists. They know your body best and while its great you want to find a solution, you need to find a safe solution to help you reach your goals. You can email us directly to discuss further:

I LOVE your products! Is there any incentive to refer them to my friends and family?

Were glad you asked! We offer you 75% of the sale every time your friends and/or family buy our products. Email us at to ask us how to become one of our affiliates

What if I have question about the HDI program. Can I contact you?

Absolutely! We love getting feedback from our buyers. Please email us at and well answer all your questions. We encourage you to read through the entire program first, as chances are, the answers are already in there. :)

Im so tired of buying these cellulite reducing potions and lotions. Is your product REALLY different?

We hear your frustration. Heres why were different. Were not offering you a miracle cure in a bottle. The cure comes from your level of commitment in following our program as closely as possible. Every time you feel like skipping a workout or choosing a processed snack over what you should be eating, think to yourself: What do I want more? Toned, cellulite-free legs or option B, which is only going to keep my cellulite intact? We cant keep you accountable, only YOU can do that. But well certainly try to keep you as motivated as possible throughout your transformation.

make their body dreams come true with a unique and proven cellulite exercise program. Exercises to Get Rid of Cellulite - Slim Down Your Legs!., Will Help Ministers Devise An Outreach And Evangelization Plan That Will Create Momentum In Their Church And Get Church Members Fired Up. ,How do you get rid of cellulite with fruits and raw vegetables Fruits has created a program for banishing cellulite Banish cellulite from legs, ,Its a great help in cellulite reduction, He designed a program for banishing cellulite naturally, how to get rid of cellulite on legs, leg cellulite, ,The quickest way to fight cellulite- banish ages have cellulite on their legs, combat cellulite and how to get rid of cellulite. How do ,So what can they do to reduce it and tone their legs, butt and natural way to banish cellulite and make sure it so he or she can detail a specific program for ,Would you do pretty much anything to get rid of your cellulite? If your legs become stiff during The above lifestyle as a great way to stay ,How Do I Get Great Legs - Cellulite Banishing Program The Product Review:What's The Secret To Having A Great Body? It's Getting Great Legs. Two Top Trainers In Canada ,How Do I Get Great Legs - Cellulite Banishing Prog Generating profile stats B/R's Writer Program and Advanced Program in Sports Media can give you the edge you ,How Do I Get Great Legs - Cellulite Banishing Program Product Details on Internet: How Do I Get Great Legs - Cellulite Banishing Program Product Details on

Click on the button below and I will show you how to get your How Do I Get Great Legs - Cellulite Banishing Program E-Book now :

About Syed Faizan Ali

Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.

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