Minggu, 23 Juni 2013

Online Dating Explained - Secret Tips

By on 22.08

From the Desk of Adam Pearson (AKA Nitrus)
Date: Friday, February 21st, 2014

Dear Future Love God,

Are you sick and tired of being single?

I know I was

It was November 2009 yet I remember it like it was yesterday.I was once again laying on my bed alone playing World of Warcraft on a Friday night, eating Pizza. I would literally cry myself to sleep some nights I was pathetic and because of this Lucy, who sat one Desk in front of me at work, started to give me advice. Things like Adam you should dye you hair brown, Adam you should stick up your hair etc.

I didnt know why at the time because she was usually a complete bitch to me but I was grateful and even changed my style based on all the little tips she had given me. Still, I was terrible with women and then I read in the paper about a guy who had slept with hundreds of women in 2 years..

I was Jealous, and that is when I realised that my life was completely pathetic and Lucy had only been giving me advice and started to be friendly to me because she had realised that I was this shy, pathetic looser who had very few friends and had NEVER had sex or a girlfriend in his whole 23 years on this planet. That is when i started my Journey to change my life for the better.

I then went on to buy every single Online Dating product available at the time but still I was unhappy because still I was not getting results with women. At the time, I thought it was not working because I was ugly or all the women where fakes or ugly, but then I realised one important thing. All Online Dating Guides at the time where written by good looking guys for good looking guys and this resulted in me deleting my online dating profile. However, I had a dream A dream which changed my life for the better. It was more an extreme moment of clarity, which resulted in me trying online dating one last time

In Hindsight Im glad it didnt work for me the first time or I would not have found the absolute game changer which i am about to reveal to you which will:

  • Give YOU the power to login to Any Dating Website and get the hottest women you can find to give you her number tonight.
  • Give YOU the power to login to Facebook and get the hottest women you can find to give you her number.
  • Get Women contacting you without you even having to send them a message.
  • Give YOU the keys to meet the Women of your dreams face to face.
  • Give YOU the Power to connect with her intellectually (which gives you a massive advantage as you are connecting on a deep level, while other guys are only connecting on the surface level)

If I told you right now that I have slept with more women in the last 2 years than you could ever dream of, and I am not talking about ugly women here, I am talking about the girl of your dreams material you would could call me crazy and ask me one very important question. Adam, Why would the girl of my dreams be on a dating website, when she has guys throw themselves at her constantly?

And you know what? Im going to be honest with you and say I dont know the answer. Even after asking two attractive females, I got two different answers. The first said In clubs I only meet guys looking for one night stands and the other said I have not met Mr Right..

Now i could ask more women and give you a whole list of excuses of why attractive women are single and on online dating websites but Im not going to. Im simply going to say that whatever their reasons, I know one thing for sure: online dating websites are full of genuine hot good looking girls and guys, looking for both the one or a casual relationship, and there is without a doubt a girl or guy wanting the same as you somewhere in your area at this very moment.

Just 18 of the Girls I Have Personally Met From Plenty Of Fish

My Second Profile (This one brand new using ONLY stuff in Online Dating Explained 1.1, Copied And Pasted) and in less than one week as you can see, I had 37 pages of girls messaging me, and I usually delete the replies, So thats 370 girls, and some girls were even willing to travel hundreds of miles to meet me!
My Plenty Of Fish Inbox...

But please, do not just take my word for it when there are online dating success stories all over the internet. So many in fact, that this page would be over 2000 pages long if I included them all of them so instead Im just going to include two from a completely independent source. These are copied and pasted word for word.

I was skeptical about Internet dating, because those people were always portrayed as freaks in the movies. So when my marriage ended in divorce and work and two kids didnt leave me a lot of time and energy to meet guys, I decided to try an online dating website. I figured no one would know but me.

First, I filled out a profile at Match dotcom. Feeling embarrassed, I left it there for a few months. Months later, feeling lonely and not having many prospects for a relationship, I logged on to see what it looked like.

It was a rainy Saturday afternoon and the kids were at their Dads, so I had the rare time to read the comments and browse. One guy (Robert) who had tried contacting me the previous month caught my eye. Turns out he was online at the same time and we ended up chatting on IM for a couple of hours. Soon, I was laughing and having a good time.

Turned out that Robert was an hour and twenty minutes away and he was raising a daughter as a single father. That didnt sound good to me, so I put the breaks on a face-to-face meeting.After about 6 weeks of chats on Match and Facebook, we decided to meet. The chemistry was immediate. (It took this guy 1 and a half months (6 weeks) to get a face-to-face meet because he did not know exactly how to handle her objection to him being a single father because he did not know what he was doing, But i am 100% confident that with Online Dating Explained you could reduce this to less than one week.)

We dated off and on for a year. Our families met. Roberts daughter wanted to move to a bigger school to play on a better sports team (tomboy) and we lived in a good school district, so the next thing you know, Robert got a transfer to move within 10 minutes of the house. The kids got along and everyone has a good attitude, so Robert and I will be married this June.

Online dating works.

- Elizabeth

So I rejoined one of the big online dating communities after my relationship came crashing down in flames. I wasnt looking for a serious relationship, but I wanted to jumpstart my social life again.

The next thing I know, Ive met Travis. Turns out the two of us went to rival high schools in the same area and graduated the same year. Then it turned out we went to the same university, but never met. Travis and I had the same interests in music and movies and he looked hot in his profile pictures.

We took it slow at first, though. Travis was driving out of town on the weekends because of a family illness, so we became online penpals. Because of his family situation, Travis spent all his extra time on the road. We would each log on at 11pm and talk almost every night, sometimes for 2 minutes, sometimes for 2 hours.

In that time, I helped Travis deal with the loss of his mother to cancer. We became a whole lot closer than any online friends have any right to be, which was strange, since we had never seen one another face-to-face. Somehow, the impersonal nature of our connection let us connect in a way I never had with a man. I became his amateur shrink and his own personal clown, to help him through the bad times and give him something good to look forward to. At a point, I would give Travis his IM joke-of-the-day, which he asked for.

So his mother dies and I felt bad not attending the funeral, because I felt like I knew her. (I sent flowers.) Travis told me he didnt want that to be our first meeting, but we agreed to meet about a month after.

We agreed that we had a good friendship, but neither of us knew whether we would have any romantic chemistry at all, after the way we met. The two of us discussed a date, but we also discussed expectations and how we might be better off as friends. Travis and I decided we would be totally honest with one another, if the sparks werent there. Thats an odd way to meet a romantic partner, we both agreed.

When we did finally meet, it took five minutes to realise there was tremendous chemistry. The physical attraction was wild, while the two of us felt like old friends. It was like some love affair in a movie. Once we met in person, it was only a matter of filling in the blanks: getting to know the voice, the touch, the smell.

That all came soon enough and Travis and I havent been apart since that first date. I couldnt ask for a better relationship, one forged at a vulnerable time in one of our lives.

- Kira

Now, I just made a pretty bold statement that the guy in success story one could have cut the time from 6 weeks to less than 1 week and you know what? He could have, because the real key to objections women give you is how you handle the objection, if you handle it the wrong way you will completely lose her, or it will take you longer to get past that objection but if you handle it the right way, it becomes a non-issue, which allows you to get to know her quicker and also connect intellectually. That makes the first meeting even easier since you both feel like you have known each other for a while.

How do you know you can deliver on this, I hear you asking me. Its actually very simple.

Online Dating Explained is backed up by real-world experience made up of thousands of hours on online dating websites and Facebook messaging tens of thousands of amazingly attractive, fun, intelligent women.

Unlike a lot of other training programs which include things which could work or worse things which should workbut dont.


  • When I tell you that you should be using a certain opener, its because Ive tested it and IT WORKS!
  • And when I tell you the EXACT responses you should use when she asks you questions to not only get her attracted but connect with her intellectually, its because Ive tested it and IT WORKS!
  • And when I show you how to girls numbers in less than 24 hours with almost zero work or effortits because Ive done it and it WORKS

So, in other words, when I tell you something worksIT WORKS

Right now, you are probably thinking Adam, It works for you but it wont work for me. Sorry to say this to you but you are WRONG. Shall I tell you why you are wrong? Because I have PROOF it works for ANYONE! AND Even Offer A 100% Money Back Guarantee (Yes, thats how confident I am in Online Dating Explained)

Do you want to see the Proof that it works for anyone?

I knew you would so I Gave the Exact Online Dating Explained eBook that I am about to give to you, to my Friend Jason when he finally admitted he had not had a date in 3 years. You know what? After sending only 10 Messages, he got 3 replies and 1 message from a girl he had not even messaged all within a couple of hours( and Jason is ridiculously lazy and inpatient.) I am almost certain that if he had of noted the usernames down of who he had messaged, I would be able to prove to you now that even more messaged him back. It just took them longer than 24hours as they had not checked the dating website in a couple of days want to see the proof? Here you go

Jasons Inbox

Jason's Plenty Of Fish Inbox

After ONLY 2 Message her giving Jason her number. (He added some of the REs manually based on a Psychological loophole which makes her think she has sent you more messages than she did!)

Jason's Plenty Of Fish 1 Message Number Close.

Jason Being opened again

Jason Being opened on Plenty Of Fish again

And again

Jason Being opened on Plenty Of Fish again and again...

And again

Jason Being opened on Plenty Of Fish again and again...

Being invited round to her place (She opened him, he replied literally twice and now she is inviting him round and I dont think you need me to elaborate any further other than to say use your Imagination!!)

Jason Being Invited Round on Plenty Of Fish...

As you can see everything that i said would happen did happen and not just to me but they happened to Jason too who like me is not a toned or attractive guy and who prior to me giving him Online Dating Explained had not had a date in 3 years! And YOU TOO CAN HAVE THE SAME OR BETTER RESULTS.

Even An Experienced Online Daters Found Our eBook Contains New Never Seen Before Concepts, You can read his Testimonial below:

I liked the content of this book and I think it would help improve someones ability to meet women online. Ive been meeting women online for well over two years and have spoken to hundreds of women in that time.. after reading this book I still found a ton of fresh new insights and Ive got a list of a few new things to try.

Jon Jones From IWillTeachYouToMeetWomen.com

Here is just some of what you will discover in Online Dating Explained:

  • The Mind-Set Of A Successful Online Dater
  • Example Profiles Which Intrigue girls to message you
  • Opening Messages With REAL LIFE Examples
  • Proven Ways to Connect with Women With REAL LIFE Examples
  • Proven Ways to Make the conversation FUN With REAL LIFE Examples
  • How turn text into a date With REAL LIFE Examples
  • And Much Much More

Online Dating Explained Has Helped Guys Who Are Shy, Nervous And Have No Confidence Get THESE REAL GIRLS:

PLUS Online Dating Explained Comes With Not One, Not Two, But THREE FREE Bonuses

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Approx. 1 hour of Audio Training.

Value: $47

My #1 Most POWERFUL Online Dating Program of ALL Times as an Audio Book, so you can listen on the train, on the way to work or in bed without having to carry around either a printed copy or an electronic screen device to read the 20+ page eBook again. You can just sit back, relax and listen to the Audio version of the eBook on your mobile phone, iPod or Mp3 Player.

BONUS #2: Access to the Exclusive Online Dating Explained Members ONLY forum

Value: $187

On the Exclusive Member ONLY forum you can ask any questions you have about Online Dating, or if you have any trouble formulating a good reply to her because you have come across something I have not included (even if i made the main eBook thousands of pages, including every single conversation I have ever had with a women online, you may still across something which I had not included.) I will personally help you by offering advice, because I genuinely want to help you improve with women and either Meet the one or get a casual relationship.

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Value: $47

What this does is send all your matches on Plenty of Fish an email notification that someone wants to meet them, this can produce 100 to 120 Women messaging you within an hour to a few days of starting to use Auto Match Clicker.

This can be repeated on a weekly basis as Plenty of Fish updates your matches on a weekly basis.

Best of all, Online Dating Explained is an INSTANT download so Youre only two minutes away from discovering the secrets to Online Dating.

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The normal price is eBook $197 + Audio Book $47 + Exclusive Members forum $187 + Auto Meet Me Clicker $47, which totals $478 but you can get it all right now for only $27! If you are not 100% satisfied with Online Dating Explained, I will personally give you Every Last Penny back on the spot for 60 Days so there really is no risk on your part.

P.S. The $451 Online Dating Explained Discount will Expire on Friday, February 21st, 2014, After Friday, February 21st, 2014 Online Dating Explained will return to its usual price of $478.

P.P.S Online Dating Explained comes with a 60 Day, 100% money back Guarantee, so even if you ask me for your money back on the 59th day you will still get every last penny back on the spot.

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About Syed Faizan Ali

Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.

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