Kamis, 20 Juni 2013

Self Help Dating - Use Selling Skills To Meet Women And Get Dates - Secret Tips

By on 12.12

The high probability dating process (HPD) emulates the process professional sales people use to sell successfully.  Whether it be high ticket items like automobiles, machinery or computer hardware/software or low ticket items in retail, successful sales people follow a process. 

Just like successful sales people target potential buyers who are most likely to buy; HPD is designed to help you find and get you dates with prospective women who are most likely to go out with you.

This is no different than how top sales people find opportunities that have a higher probability of becoming a sale. 

Learn easy to use techniques, methods, processes and technology that top sales people use to sell.   

But not for selling, they are for getting you dates.

Sales people use the skills and technology they have learned over time to find customers and close sales, these same processes, methods and even the technology they use can be used to find women, attract women, and keep track of the dates you will have

  • Learn the Process of Selling Applied to Dating
  • Sales Lead Generation / Prospecting for Women who will Date You
  • See How Sales People Plan, Observe and Adjust
  • How Sales People use Questioning and Dialouge to Gain Trust and Converse
  • How to Research
  • Listening and Body Languge
  • Use the Technology Professional Sales People Use - FOR FREE
  • Find Women That Will Legitimately Date You, Without Leaving Your House

Why Wait Any Longer:  Date Now!
Use the Skills Successful Sales People Use To Make Money - To Get Dates.

You know what you have been doing is not working.  You may have met a few people, but havent sustanined a relationship.

You try to bring women home from the bar or club with no success (wrong move by the way), I will show you a much easier, less expensive way.  

For the cost of 2 drinks at club or bar, you will have the tools you need to get numbers and get dates.

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You can achieve dramatic improvements in your dating life!

In order to get dramatically improved results - much higher closing rates- you need to radically change what you're doing. Radical changes can be uncomfortable to learn, and uncomfortable to utilize. Most people, therefore, don't choose the uncomfortable route. They don't change very much of what they're doing, with the exception of performing a few dating techniques somewhat better. Yet, they expect their results to change dramatically. That's not how the world works! Dont be victimized by dating myths perpetuated by stories form friends or websites, and stop victimizing others by perpetuating those myths, you will enjoy real dating success. When you differentiate yourself from your dating competition, know how to open and maintain real dialogue with women, know how to develop mutual trust and respect, and focus your Dating efforts only on viable (High Probability) prospects, you can enjoy considerable success. You don't have to work harder; you have to more competently! Good dating and Good luck in dating and life!

See What Others are Saying About Using Selling Techniques to Close on Phone Numbers and Dates!!

See what users of HPD have to say:

It just makes sense. Brilliant! JohnPlumber

I have tried the bar thing with no success and never even considered taking a sales oriented approach to dating. Amazing! PeterManager

I was meeting women, but not getting many dates.  This is so cool!  The technology section is awesome, not only am I the best at remembering every conversation I am using this stuff for everyday life!!  Money well spent!Tim HAccountant
HPD is cool, it works, and is easy to learn and use... I highly recomend it.KyleSmall Business Owner

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Simple easy Key Points to Selling...   Applied to Dating... Best $20 bucks you will ever spend

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About Syed Faizan Ali

Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.

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