Senin, 14 Oktober 2013

Knowledge Quest, Inc. And Homeschooling Abcs - Secret Tips

By on 14.52

Hey Terri, this is brilliant! I love that you are putting this together in such a way that newbies will not be overwhelmed - bravo!

Maggie Hogan -

This is absolutely a MUST TAKE class for all homeschoolers - new or seasoned!  I cannot recommend it enough!

I have been homeschooling for a decade, and last year lost all enthusiasm for homeschooling.  I was prepared "to ship them all off the school!"  Your class has helped me to refocus my goals, remember why I wanted to homeschool and get out of the rut we were plodding through!  Thank you so much!


 Don't let self-doubt, or lack of experience, rob you of the best first year possible! 

All you need are a few basic "how-to's" and your homeschool can be up and running in 48 hours or less.  Plus I'll send you weekly assignment for the next six months that will help you step-by-step to turn this year of homeschooling into the best year ever!

From: Todd and Terri Johnson

All around the country, parents are pulling their kids out of school because of the liberal agenda, worldly curriculum, low academic standards, overcrowded classrooms, lack of individualized attention, problems on the playground, harmful peer-pressure, etc.

And private school isn't necessarily the best solution either.  With skyrocketing tuition fees, more over-crowding and the influx of expelled students from the public school system, parents are realizing that private school doesn't always solve the problems created by public school shortcomings.  This leaves homeschooling as the best, and perhaps only, acceptable solution for many families.

But can I let you in on something that nobody is talking about?

Removing your children from the public school system is the easy part.  Creating and maintaining a healthy, well-rounded, academically superior and God honoring learning environment at home requires some intentional planning and execution.  It doesn't happen automatically.

In fact, most homeschooling parents would agree that it often takes two full years to feel as though they have finally entered their stride and are fostering the home learning environment that they are striving for.  But what about those first two years?  We want them to be great, right?  Wouldn't it be nice if this learning curve could be shortened?

I have good news for you!  Now, it can.

Join our Homeschooling ABCs class and get 26 weeks of step-by-step instruction - all the basics of homeschooling from A to Z - delivered straight to your email box!

Our course will help you to start with confidence and make this year a wonderfully memorable event for your family! Homeschooling is a great educational choice for your children, but if you are just getting started, you may have more questions than you have answers.  And perhaps alot of enthusiasm, but not alot of direction.  But that can change starting today.


You are about to embark on an amazing adventure!

So who are we anyway and why would you want for us to walk along-side you on this exciting new adventure? 

Todd and I have been married 20 years, home teaching our children for 12 years and operating a publishing business ( that specializes in history and geography curricula for the homeschool marketplace for the last 8 years.

We didn't "plan" to homeschool our firstborn daughter but we did choose this path when she was in kindergarten.  We have taught our other five children at home as well.  The first two years were full of trial and error.  There was so much that we didn't know.  There were gnawing questions that we didn't have answers to, such as... "Am I doing enough?"  "Will my child do well on her test?"  "Will he be able to succeed in the outside world"  "Am I forgetting to teach something important?"

And yet, uncertainties and all, we loved the result of teaching our children at home and each year made the decision to continue along this journey.  Now, in hindsight, we realize that we have something to offer you, the brand new homeschool parent - something that we wished that we had had!  Because of our experience over the past 11 years, we are ready to provide you with weekly, step-by-step coaching to help you navigate your way through that important first year of homeschooling.

That is why we are here today offering this Homeschooling ABCs class for beginning homeschool parents.  So that you can benefit from the wisdom and experience of those who have traveled this way before you.

In our class, you will...

  • Determine YOUR philosophy of education -
By understanding what you believe about education, you will be able to impart that education more strategically to your children. And stay more focused and on-track!
  • Understand your children's learning styles - We all learn differently, there is no doubt about that. When we understand how our child learns best, we can cater his education specifically to him.
  • Learn the ins and outs of buying & selling curriculum - Let's face it, if we need to buy curriculum to successful teach our children, we might as well learn to buy it right!

I was sold on the first mini class and started the 26 week course after that!  Thanks for showing us how to start and stay going.  We are excited with Homeschooling ABCs and feel comfortable knowing someone cares about our homeschooling experience being a success.  All the planning is already done for us and we really like the freebies and weekly schedule that make each lesson personal and fun! 

Please tell us this will never end, lol, no really I mean it ! ! !  Thanks Homeschooling ABCs!

Debbie in MD

  • Find out how to get and stay organized - You and your children will function better when your school day, school area and school work are well organized.
  • Learn how to teach multiple ages at the same time - Most of us do not just have 1 child and so it helps to learn how to teach more than one child at more than one grade level. You CAN excel at this!
  • Make the most of field trips - Field trips can take school from good to great. Find out how to optimize learning while still having fun.
Oh, I am so glad I found you and this class! I was excited and nervous about this first year of homeschooling, but now... I'm just excited. Thank you!


  • How to handle the "S" question - Socialization - People will constantly ask you how you are socializing your children. Have an answer and a plan.
  • How to start each day WELL and keep it going that way - Keep your children motivated, stay cheerful in their attitudes and quick to finish their schoolwork.
  • Get hundreds of dollars of free curriculum - Many wonderful companies are partnering with us to bring you the best possible first year experience. They will be giving you substantial portions of their curriculum to get you started right!

Why walk this road alone when you can have someone hold your hand and help guide the way.  Homeschooling is a wonderful endeavor, but if you have never taught your child at home before, there are alot of uncertainties.  In fact, you can get downright overwhelmed when you do a Google search on "homeschooling" in order to get more information.  There is so much information out there, but none of it is organized for the beginning homeschool parent who needs step-by-step information delivered in bite-sized chunks. 

That is exactly what this Homeschooling ABCs class is about - step-by-step information delivered to you once a week via email that will include bite-sized chunks of wisdom and advice as well as action steps for that week.  The following lessons will build upon that knowledge, but will not overwhelm you because you will have had a week to digest the previous week's lesson and put it into practice.

Click Here To Order Today

When you join our Homeschooling ABCs class, you will receive an email each week for 26 weeks that will discuss an important area of homeschooling, give you food for thought and action steps to complete.  You will also receive valuable curricula from our partnering companies each month that you can begin using right away.  Over $275 worth of curricula will be given to you over the course of the next 6 months for your family to use and enjoy.  And enjoy you will, as this stuff is amazing!

Thanks so much for sharing everything you know about homeschooling from A to Z..  I am more than equipped now to start our homeschooling.  By God's grace, I hope that I'll be able to educate my children in accordance to what and how God wants me to teach them.  I know that He'll provide everything - physically, mentally, financially and spiritually. 

You have been a channel of encouragement to me.

May God bless you, your family and your company.



I am so glad that I took your Homeschooling  ABCs class.  I know that as I am just beginning this journey that I will be able to look back at the lessons and find encouragement along the way.  Thanks so much for putting your thoughts together for others in this way.  I know that many will benefit from your expertise.  Thank you for all the resources that you included.  They are wonderful!  I am still hoping to start blogging, and when I do, I would certainly recommend your course.  Thanks again,


Dear Terri,

I just wanted you to know that I really enjoy your course homeschooling ABC , I'm learning so much even though I have been homeschooling for some time now.  I also enjoy working on one subject at a time.  It gives me the time necessary to read the free material and thinking it through.  Thanks a lot! I am looking forward to the next sessions! 


You may be wondering if you can find this information elsewhere.  Sure, you can find much of the material that we will be sharing with you spread throughout half a dozen books and multiple websites.  But the truth is... most people will only truly remember and retain 2-3 points from any given book that they read and only apply 1, maybe 2, action points from that same book.

However, with this unique format, you will be sent helpful information - with action steps included - each week for a total of 26 weeks.  You will have an entire week to apply those steps and use that curriculum before moving on to the next area.  This format is much more conducive to seeing positive "change" than from reading a book, or even a handful of books, on the topic of homeschooling.

100% Money Back Guarantee

We are selling these class memberships through Clickbank.  And when we use Clickbank, we agree to abide by their policies.  One of these policies is that we offer to you a 60 day money-back guarantee.  If you are not completely satisfied with the content of the course at any time during the next 60 days, we will refund 100% of your class fees.  No questions asked.  You have nothing to lose.

We only have room for 1000 homeschooling parents in our Homeschooling ABCs class.  There are tens of thousands of families who are choosing to homeschool every year, but we need to cut off the number of spaces in the class so that we can manage it well.  So join now as those 1000 spaces are going fast - as of this writing, there are only 235 class memberships available.

The cost to join our Homeschooling ABCs class is only $10 a month for the duration of 6 months.  That's only $2.30 per class session - significantly less than the cost of a tall mocha.  Which of these delicious choices do you think would be most beneficial to you each week?

Look at these bonuses you will get when you sign up for class:

Free Bonus Gift #1 ($12.00 Value) Teaching Less While Your Child Learns More from Living Books Curriculum.  This step-by-step book will show you how you can use living books to provide a quality education at an affordable price. The book includes such things as an explanation of the Seven Keys and Six Tools of a Living Books education, an overview of each subject , articles on narration, living books and planning a Charlotte-Mason style education. Free Bonus Gift #2 ($29.00 Value)  Dive into the ocean with Ocean Habitats (grades 3-6) and Under the Sea (preK-2) Project Packs from In the Hands of a Child.  Each pack includes a Research Guide about the oceans of the world along with hands-on activities to complete a lapbook about oceans! Free Bonus Gift #3 ($10.00 Value) Get started in writing with a gift from WriteShop.  Included in this starter package is a 30-page lesson sample from WriteShop I (grades 6-10), an 8-day lesson from our brand-new early elementary WriteShop Primary, Book A (grades K-2) and StoryBuilders Sampler containing creative writing prompts for all ages! Free Bonus Gift #4 ($7.95 Value) Foundations 1 Bible curriculum (Extra Big Sample).  We believe that God's Word is essential for our children.  Real homeschooling families want to read, study, memorize and apply the Scriptures together. We'll help you lay a firm spiritual foundation for your children.

Free Bonus Gift #5 ($36.00 Value)

TEACH magazine is giving away the Mother Enrichment Package to our class members, which includes two digital issues of the magazine, an ebook entitled Organizing Happiness, and the "Queen of Her Castle" MP3 audio for your listening pleasure.

Free Bonus Gift #6 ($15.00 value) Teaching Science and Having Fun by Felice Gerwitz - a how-to-teach science in the home ebook that makes science fun and doable!

Free Bonus Gift #7 ($12.00 value) The Internet Scavenger Hunt - Introduce your kids age 12 and up to the Internet using MotherboardBooks.coms Internet Scavenger Hunt. Kids gather fun and weird facts about animals and geography as they crisscross the Internet using Google, after setting it to SafeSearch to screen out the bad stuff.

Free Bonus Gift #8 ($5.95 value)  Get Organized! Easy Ideas to Make This School Year Great by Cindy Rushton

Free Bonus Gift #9 ($10.00 value)  Big sample from The Schoolhouse Planner from The Old Schoolhouse Magazine.  31 pages of helpful planning forms, lists, etc.

Free Bonus Gift #10 ($10.00 value) History Not Backwards! from TruthQuest History.  Kids are right!  To memorize the deeds and dates of dead people is the backwards, human-oriented history we learned.  God is Creator: Past, Present, and Future.  So, history should show Him and His truths in convincing action!

Free Bonus Gift #11 ($24.95 value) We, at Knowledge Quest, are giving away What Really Happened During the Middle Ages: A Collection of Historical Biographies that is valued at $12.95.  Plus Globalmania and more. Enjoy!

New! BONUS REPORT - Scope and Sequence Checklist - This checklist spells out what your child needs to know at each grade level.

And that's not all... You will get over $275 worth of curriculum from these and other homeschool curriculum producers over the course of this 6 month class.

Don't forget that we only have 1000 spaces available at any given time and these are going quickly.  Join now while memberships are still available.

Your initial charge will be for $10.  You will then be charged $10/month for the remaining five months of membership. 

Click Here To Order Today

When you place your order, you will instantly receive an email with the link to download your first lesson.  Consecutive lessons will arrive approximately every 7 days.  And the bonuses listed above will arrive at various times when they apply to that week's lesson.

OR If you would rather get all of your lessons today, plus the extra curriculum bonuses right now as well, then click the button below to purchase the entire course today which will be delivered to you within a couple of minutes.  The price to receive the entire course today is $67.

Click this button above to purchase and receive all of the lessons upfront.  $67.00

Best of Success to you on this educational journey,

Todd and Terri Johnson

Knowledge Quest, Inc.


I just have to say, thank you so much for offering this opportunity.  I havent even gotten started (just subscribed), but as I was reading about the offer it brought me to tears.  I want to homeschool and do a good job from the beginning and its been a very scary and unsupported road so far.  I feel a new surge of hope.  You are an answer to prayer.

Thank you again!  Im looking forward to getting started!




P.S. - Remember, all you need are a few basic "how-to's" and you are on your way to having your homeschool up and running (or back on track) within 48 hours. 


Need to contact us?  Just send an email to

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About Syed Faizan Ali

Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.

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