Rabu, 15 Januari 2014

The Fun Factor Ebook W/bonuses - Secret Tips

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 Want to Skyrocket Your Popularity and Creativity Almost Overnight?

Amazing Secret Discovered By An Alcoholic Kentucky Physician Boosts Your Self Confidence, Eliminates Anger, Stress and Fear And Multiplies Your Productivity and Creativity Almost Overnight!

Now you can learn to use your natural ability to magnetically attract new friends with warmer, more intimate relationships almost overnight, having the poise and self-confidence you could only dream of before while moving in social circles exactly where you want to be, boost your earning potential and, if you're like most folks who master these secrets, moving ahead in your career! Impossible? Not if you take the time to read every word of this message and understand how you can quickly, easily, and effortlessly apply these concepts to your life

Jerry Lewis

Here's what this is all about: My name is Greg Kuhn and until very recently I was your basic "social misfit". I was a high achiever in college - class president, student government leader, fraternity president, homecoming king, resident assistant in my dorm, you name it, I did it but inside, I had no self-esteem at all.

I had a love/hate relationship with people some days I'd be the life of a party, maybe even flirting occasionally with all the attractive girls while the next afternoon my life would absolutely go all to hell. I swear I've stood outside countless parties, having lost all confidence just one emotional hair-trigger away from tossing the whole mess and never stepping into another party for the rest of my life.

It drove me nuts! I had no consistency to my life at all. And it began to spread to other areas of my life too. Pretty soon I was having hot and cold streaks at work. I began reading all the self-help books out there and nothing worked until I discovered a secret hidden in my own back yard

My Dad The Destroyer

I was a stressed and unhappy young adult and had been ever since I could remember.  I always thought I wasn't good enough; I thought Id never measure up.

My father, Cliff, was a successful psychiatrist and a jovial, well-liked, highly respected member of the community.  He had been tagged as the future Chairman of the University of Louisville School of Medicine's Department of Psychiatry. He was so well known he was a regular guest on local and national talk radio and television programs.

But growing up at home, I knew his Dark Side. Dad was an alcoholic and his moods changed frequently. One minute Dad would be in a rage and lash out at whoever was around; the next minute, he would be encouraging us to reach higher. We never knew what to expect.

Dad had high expectations for the family. Act your age, he would bellow or when are you going to learn to think? But I knew my role. We had to pretend we were a normal family to prop up his image in the community. After all, no one could possibly think the Emperor had no clothes. When the time came for college, I escaped and was glad to be away from my Dad.

How An Alcoholic Taught Me The Secret To Success!

While I was in college, my Dad made an amazing discovery and transformed his life. The change was immediate. His amazing discovery helped him gain the strength to give up alcohol for good - and led him to reach out to his family; he started by reaching out to me.

After years of mood changes and abuse, my Dad discovered a new way of living. The difference between the old Dad and new Dad was shocking. In place of the old alcoholic, there was the father I never knew. Dad told me of the incredible change in his life and attributed it to something he called, The Fun Factor.

My Dad taught me a powerful secret. Within our personal chemistry we carry a medicine that reduces stress and prevents depression even more effectively than any pill. The secret is our sense of humor. Although often obscured by our own sense of seriousness, our sense of humor is a powerful antidote to all of our woes and insecurities.

Over time my Dad proved that his life changes were genuine and I was motivated to learn about the Fun Factor for myself.  While his acceptance of me made a great impression and helped me start down the road toward self-acceptance, it was learning about the Fun Factor that made the biggest difference in my life.  My self-esteem skyrocketed, I was able to pursue stronger, richer, and more intimate relationships, and all of my insecurities vanished.

The Fun Factor Changes Your Life

My Dad began to put the Fun Factor to work with his patients. I began to apply the Fun Factor to my life. We both began to notice the immediate changes.

With the Fun Factor, Dad began helping more people than ever before discover the inner secrets to change. Because of his previous alcohol problem, Dad was able to connect with his patients on a deeper level and guide them to a new life. He took even the most serious problems and began to reveal humor was the best medicine.

My own experience with the Fun Factor revealed the deceivingly simple but powerful nature of this life-saving tool. My shyness and wariness was gone; in its place was iron-clad confidence. In rapid succession, I secured the job I wanted and met the woman of my dreams. I then began sharing the Fun Factor with my friends. Its rapid success formula was just what the doctor ordered.

Introducing: The Laugh Doctor

Dads new unconventional style won him a legion of fans and scores of new referrals. His patients began calling him the Laugh Doctor.

The patients would come in expecting a doctor who would tell them jokes to cheer them. What Dad would do is restore their own natural given sense of humor and teach them how to integrate it into their lives. He demonstrated how rapidly their lives would change if they applied this inner sense of humor to their personal and professional lives.

Heres a real life example concerning the birth of his first granddaughter. When Mom and Dad came into the nursery, the babys basinet was bathed in blue lights because of jaundice. Mom was suddenly worried and panicked because her previous grandchild had miscarried. She tensed up and grabbed at Dad and whispered, Whats the blue light for? Dad, reading the question behind the question and sensing her fear replied, Sweetheart, the blue light means the baby is on sale for the next ten minutes. Mom jabbed Dad in the ribs and said, Cut that out! but the tension, and the fear, were gone.

Become A Humor Being

Dads outlook on humor and healing was profoundly influenced by Norman Cousins and Patch Adams. Dad, however, took this approach to humor and healing to a new level. While Cousins and Adams applied their teachings specifically to the area of healing, Dad found a way to enhance every aspect of life with humor.

Look, while growing up teachers love to stifle a young childs sense of humor:

What are you laughing at?
Wipe that smile off your face!

As we internalize these rules and drive the joy out of our lives, we open up ourselves to disease, suffering, and insecurity. But with the Fun Factor, we cut through it all and you rapidly begin living the life you want.

The Fun Factor

Your Life Change Begins Here!

    • Rediscover your natural sense of humor. You will gain a renewed understanding and appreciation for humor's power to boost your success in any endeavor. And you will learn many strategies and techniques for restoring The Fun Factor in your work, your family, and your life.
    • Reveal an inner energy that is so strong it is capable of getting you through the worst experiences in life.
    • The strongest pharmacy on earth is within your personal chemistry to reduce stress and prevent depression even more effectively than any pill.
    • Youll create a fearless, happy family when you tap into your inner humor being, family arguments become a thing of the past. Youll bypass old difficulties and blast into a new life.
    • Youll give up the old methods of "punishment" when "discipline" is needed. Youll learn to successfully develop self-discipline.
    • Turbo charge your sense of humor and change every area of your life. Youll become more attractive to members of the opposite sex without them ever being able to figure out exactly why.
    • Why change is inevitable, (except from a vending machine!) This "bumper sticker phrase" reflects the truth. As much as we may hate to acknowledge it, the only thing constant in life is change. You can take charge of change and direct your life.
    • How to boost your job satisfaction with any job. Having fun first is what leads to success, not the other way around.
    • A critical mistake people make when they think of using humor in the workplace,. Even most bosses are stymied by their failure to understand its practical applications.
    • Attitude is everything and The Fun Factor reveals how to make others jealous of your attitude.
    • Reinforcing The Fun Factor is all about habitual celebration. And the most successful celebrations for any company are those that focus on people rather than products.
    • Apply these simple principles to your place of business and people will actually line up and beg for a chance to work in that atmosphere.
    • And it just gets better all the time.

Can a simple change like the fun factor really make this kind of difference in your life? You bet it can! Just listen to what these celebrity readers say:

"One of the best 'how to' books I have ever read!"
Jerry Lewis,
Famed producer, director, actor, comedian

"Lighten up, Lite up, and Live. Guru Clifford Kuhn's The Fun Factor will make a difference in your life. An easy, fun read with a powerful message."
Sheldon Bowles,
Coauthor: Raving Fans, Gung Ho, and Big Bucks


"This wise, wonderful, and winning book (can you tell I really like it?) will help you find the fun in not so funny stuff."
Allen Klein,
Author: The Courage to Laugh and The Healing Power of Humor


"Cliff Kuhn is a humor genius and this book should be read by every human being who would like to have a higher quality of life with lots of humor."
Neil Shulman, MD,
Author: Doc Hollywood and Your Body, Your Health


"This is a must read! I found myself stealing time from my schedule to read just a few more pages. Dr. Kuhn has woven a masterful tapestry of humor, real life stories, profound wisdom and practical tips on a background of humility and joy."
Ann E. Weeks, DNS, RN, Nurse Family Therapist,
President, Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor


"Modern research reveals that humor and laughter are vital for mental and physical health. Dr. Clifford Kuhn is a gifted physician who shows us how to find fun and humor in ordinary life. At a time when our world has become so grim, we desperately need this lesson."
Larry Dossey, MD
Author: Healing Beyond the Body, Reinventing Medicine and Healing Word

Are these readers any different than you? No, they are not. They represent people who have dedicated their careers to helping and directing others towards making profound changes in their lives. Even more so, on a personal level, they too were strongly affected by The Fun Factor.

Order The Fun Factor

Do you want even more examples of how The Fun Factor changes your life?

"After a bout with depression, it is the one thing I have come across that truely changed the way I live my life...I just wanted you to know that you have touched my life. THANK YOU for that!"
Joann Grant
Sacramento, CA

"Dr. Kuhn, you've changed my life and my practice with your book, The Fun Factor. Thank you!"
Henry Laughlin, MD
Founder and First President of the American College of Psychiatrists and the American College of Psychoanalysts

"Your Fun Factor prescription allowed me to shed a lot of unhealthy assumptions I had about humor and fun. I bring these new tools with me in my practice of law, and find that it's far easier to connect with others through the stress...The Fun Factor has made law fun for me again, because I am fun for me again. Many thanks!"
Christopher Manners
Attorney at Law
Frederick, MD

"I read (and live by) self-help information every day...I run a busy self-help website. The Fun Factor prescription, however, is unlike anything I've EVER encountered. I'm so much healthier and happier...you've got to give it a try too!"
Helene Malmsio
Victoria, Australia

"The Fun Factor is a constant reminder that life should not be taken too seriously and that each precious day should be enjoyed. Thank you for expanding my horizons and brightening each day for both me and the people around me!"
Roger Dreyling
Toms River, NJ

"Before Dr. Kuhn's Fun Factor prescription, I was an itinerant journeyman comic struggling to navigate the choppy waters of a life in show business. Today I am the King of Macedon. Thanks Dr. Kuhn!"
Mark Klein
Professional Comedian/Speaker
GQ Magazine's "King of the One-Night Standups"

"Being free from stress allows me to focus on the needs of others. The benefits of The Fun Factor are unmeasurable!"
Charlotte Leedy
Lexington, KY

Look, so many people have changed their lives with The Fun Factor, and I know you will too. In fact, Ill make you a deal. Up until now, the only way you could get The Fun Factor was to order it online and wait for it to come. But when someone wants to make a life change, they dont want to hear that its still days away. I will let you have a Ebook version of The Fun Factor for a fraction of what others will have to pay.

Order The Fun Factor

And the best part is, you can begin making profound changes in your life in just minutes!

Lets say you had a really bad day at work. It doesnt matter if it was an argument with a boss, co-worker, or customer; you want to change your mood now not a few days from now.

What if youre walking on eggshells because of a fight you had with your spouse? If you let the situation simmer, it will just get worse. The Fun Factor reveals how to turn things around fast and put your relationship on the fast track to intimacy again.

That's Dad and me on the right...we're best friends today!

If you, too, can simply put your doubts aside for a short time, you will see for yourself just what The Fun Factor can do for YOUR life. You will skyrocket your self confidenceand self esteem, and eliminate uncomfortable and awkward situations from your life, with just a smile!

Even Better, You'll Get The Same Skills For A Fraction Of What Everyone Else Has To Pay!

Listen: A lot of folks from all over are going to be furious with me for sharing my Dads secrets with you especially since you won't be paying even part of what they had to shell out for one session with Dad if they could get on his schedule.

But that's just too bad. It's been a secret for too long. Oh, it'll take a while for this life changing technique to become common because most people arent interested in change until its too late! That's just human nature.

Besides if you've stayed with me this far, you aren't like other folks anyway.

So let me tell you what the deal is: You can order one of four safe and secure ways:

  1. Click on the link below to order RIGHT NOW; it's only $47! You can use your credit card its fast, safe and 100% secure ten times more secure than using a credit card at your favorite restaurant!

Order The Fun Factor

  • Call my office between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM EST (remember, Dads former patients are not going to be happy if you get Rolls Royce service at Volkswagen prices!) at
    (502) 262-6419. Ask for Department HL1.
  • (Yes, thats a real southern accent answering the phone!) Tell whoever answers that you want the Risk-Free deal of The Fun Factor.

  • Send a check or money order for $47 to:
    Laugh Doctor Enterprises
    7010 Green Spring Drive
    Louisville, KY 40241
  • Write: "I want the Risk-Free deal of The Fun Factor!" Be sure you include your full name, address, telephone number, and email address. Make sure you print as neatly as humanly possible (typing the information is even better).

  • Click on the link below to order using your fax machine. As above, you can use your credit card its the same fast, safe and 100% secure service as above ten times more secure than using a credit card at your favorite restaurant!
  • Your $47 Fun Factor package is as close as you can get to having Dr. Kuhn personally coach you. It includes an instant download of The Fun Factor as an
    Ebook. It's the exact same book my Father has sold thousands of at his speaking engagements and in bookstores around the country.

    (Ebooks are a simple, convenient, fun, and FAST way to read...and I'll make sure you know exactly how to get your Fun Factor Package on your computer. You'll be able to read it immediately and/or print it out too. And you can always email or call me if you have any questions at all!)

    Plus I'll make sure you know how to take full advantage of every golden word in The Fun Factor by including A Prescription for Fun: Your Guided Tour through The Fun Factor. A Prescription for Fun is Dr. Kuhn's special companion Ebook, written to accompany you, step-by-step, through every life changing lesson in The Fun Factor.

    In A Prescription for Fun: Your
    Guided Tour through The Fun Factor
    , you'll:

    • Learn, as if being coached one-on-one by Dr, Kuhn, how to use humor for incredible levels of personal and professional happiness and success.
    • Reveal my patented,unique secrets to (GASP) ENJOY your work experience. And it doesn't involve anything inappropriate to your workplace. In fact, the majority of employers will love your new standards and want to promote you!
    • Discover how, by practicing selfishness, you can banish being self-centered forever and, perhaps, never be unhappy again.
    • Uncover how to rid yourself, forever, of whatever bugaboos have been haunting you - included smoking, weight gain, sexual problems, and many, many more. And all accomplished with the almost magical power of humor!
    • Learn how to avoid the most difficult "temptation" to resist when you are in the full flush of your success.
    • And so much more!
    Plus you're getting Living Happily Over Laughter, Dr. Kuhn's special daily meditation Ebook. You'll start every day with a quote and an affirmation Dr. Kuhn has selected specially for you. You're going out your door...supercharged!

    In Living Happily Over Laughter, you'll:

    • Discover how to trounce 99% of your competition... without resorting to sneaky tricks, or even having to try hard. You'll find that by making this simple change you (or your organization) can race past others with a mere thought. Living Happily Over Laughter
    • Reveal how to apply, firsthand, my Ten Commandments for fun and happiness that you can easily remember and carry (and use) wherever you go. These will help you become the person you WANT to be and, therefore, help you be the kind of person you want to be to friends, colleagues and family.
    • Uncover a little-known, yet amazingly powerful secret, to working half as hard, and getting twice as much done! Whether you work for yourself or for someone else, this is guaranteed to get fantastic results.
    • Become instantly happier by learning the difference between transcendence and avoidance, between your wants and your needs, between being guaranteed the opportunity to pursue happiness and being guaranteed happiness itself, and between being fueled by fear and being fueled by fun.
    • Learn how to immediately recognize the warning signals that you are developing a victim mentality and stop suffering needless physical, emotional, or spiritual pain today.
    • And so much more!
    Plus I'm also sending you a special bonus Ebook Dad wrote for his patients and clients called Easing Transitions With Humor.

    In Easing Transitions with Humor, you'll:

    • Discover a "lost art" that boosts your immune system, makes you feel relaxed, relieves pain and stress, and draws successful, happy people to you like bees to honey (if they weren't happy before, they will be when they see you using this technique!)Easing Transitions with Humor
    • Learn how to know exactly what to say, and what people want to hear, just by listening "properly". Misuse of this technique is prevalent in over half of all problematic personal AND professional relationships!
    • Uncover how to turn "manure" into a goldmine of opportunity - just by a simple change of mindset. (NOTE: This one will turbo-charge your relationships like you wouldn't believe)!
    • Find the key to holding a family together through a traumatic event. (This one has survived domestic disputes, alcoholism, and more - while making families stronger and more happy then ever before)!
    • Reveal how to completely overcome your worst happiness-killer - your guilt. Guilty describes a verdict, but guilt is nothing but an "ego trip." You need never be haunted by it again!
    • And much, much more!
    Plus I'm sending you another special bonus Ebook Dad wrote for a group of professional journals called Laugh Your Way to Success!

    In Laugh Your Way to Success, you'll:

    • Erase the fear of ridicule, humiliation, rejection, and phobias with a few simple techniques that anyone can remember. This also works on other people - imagine what you could accomplish if you could cure someone dear to you of an irrational fear?
    • Discover how to create your own impromptu games that create laughter, coerce the family to bond together and strengthen relationships by a startling amount. A few of these and your family will be just like the Brady Bunch - but without the cheesy, campy feeling!
    • Enjoy learning how to master any craft - be it making money, sports, music, art, or whatever - can effortlessly shrug off failures that would doom a "mere mortal", and furthermore, completely turn their outcome around the very next time? We'll show you how!
    • Develop the foundation that every happy and successful person NEEDS just to keep their head above water. This secret alone has cost thousands of dollars worth of research, hours of painstaking tests and more. And, surprise, no one's telling you about it.
    • Know how to teach self-discipline to anyone around you, and reap the benefits. How much more could you get done if your employees didn't keep slacking off, or your children (or spouse!) did their assigned jobs on time and without complaint?
    • And so much more!

    Plus I'm enrolling you in Dad's Fun Times newsletter (you can easily unsubcribe yourself anytime you want).

    In The Fun Times:

    • Every other week, Dad will email you timely messages, insider tips, and professional-grade secrets for using humor to be at your best
    • Dad will even answer your questions personally!
    • It's like getting a high-dollar life-coach for FREE.

    This incredible package (your life-changing copy of The Fun Factor, AND A Prescription for Fun: Your Guided Tour through The Fun Factor, AND Living Happily Over Laughter, AND Easing Transitions with Humor, AND Laugh Your Way to Success, AND your subscription to The Fun Times newsletter) is a $185 value and its yours for far less. You are saving 75% off the regular price!

    These prices wouldn't even buy you 15 minutes of time with Dr. Kuhn at his regular hourly fees the thousands of dollars that people have been giving him for years for personal sessions. Yet, for the less than the price of what people spend on coffee in a month with The Fun Factor, youll have revealed everything you'd learn in private sessions!

    And that's exactly how and why Dad created The Fun Factor package the way he did!

    That, my friend, is the bargain of a lifetime for a person who wants to transform their life like yourself.

    What's more, the money is actually irrelevant, because

    You Also Get A 3-Month No-Risk
    100% Money-Back Guarantee!

    Here's how it works: Order The Fun Factor, and use it for 3 whole months. If, for any reason or for no reason at all, you aren't completely satisfied after 3 entire months (by which time your life will have dramatically changed!) Just tell me you're not satisfied and I'll personally guarantee that you get a complete refund of your purchase price right away. No questions asked. No hassles or forms to fill out. No problems at all.

    Your satisfaction is guaranteed

    How can I afford to be so generous? Easy so far, every single person I know of who has experienced The Fun Factor has been using it ever since with results people brag about.

    So I'm pretty darned confident it can work magic for you, too. Think about it: Your self confidence is at an all time high, you meet the people you want, your relationships work, and you have more friends with greater popularity than you can imagine.

    And you have absolutely nothing to lose with this super-generous money-back guarantee! I stake my reputation on my promises. Perhaps more important, I'm a humor being, just like you and I honestly want to share this amazing new program with you, and I don't want you to have to worry about getting "taken" or anything. I've been "gyped" by phony experts trying to get me to buy into their phony junk before. It's hard to find someone you can trust. That's why I'm being so generous.

    Order The Fun Factor

    Use any of these credit cards

    So click or call right now. You have nothing to lose and man-oh-man, are you ever gonna be happy with your copy of The Fun Factor in a very short time!

    Greg Kuhn

    Greg Kuhn
    Laugh Dr. Junior

    P.S. Please order your life change right now, while you're still reading. There's NO risk, no reason at all not to try this amazing package for yourself and yet this hot deal may never be offered again! So don't let this chance to change your life forever slip you by! The number of my office is (502) 262-6419 Thanks.

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    About Syed Faizan Ali

    Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.

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