Kamis, 09 Januari 2014

Thediabetesfactor.com - Reverse Diabetes The Proven Way - Secret Tips

By on 21.31

Imagine if you could cook up your favourite meal, add a few dashes of a delicious, flavor-added spice, and be on your way to normalising your blood sugar.

The fact is you can!

In just a minute Ill show you what this strange Asian spice is, that you can add to your dinner TONIGHT if you wanted to for added protection from pre or Type II Diabetes.

But first, lets discuss why Type II Diabetes is much, much more serious than most people realize.

Ill show you why you must do everything in your power to avoid suffering from

The Diabetes Lifestyle

The diabetes lifestyle is not fun.

As someone with pre-diabetes or Type II Diabetes, you still have time to reverse the trend and avoid becoming one of the unfortunate 25.8 million people in the United States alone with diabetes.

The Diabetes Lifestyle is the very rigid, structured, and quite frankly, annoying lifestyle required by those with Type II Diabetes

Youll be shrouded with clouds of frustration as you navigate your way thorough a mountain of glucose monitors, blood pressure cuffs, lancets, medications with harsh side effects,  costly doctors appointments, supplements, even more expensive hospital visits, sticking yourself daily with painful needles, and much more!

Unfortunately, thats not even the worst news.

In fact, it pales in comparison to the more serious complications Type II Diabetes or pre- diabetes will cause if you dont do something about it today.

According to diabetes.org, heres what you can expect

  • Heart Disease:  Youll have 2-4x the risk of dying prematurely from heart related problems and a 68% chance of contracting heart disease.
  • Stroke:  In 2004, stroke was documented on 16% of diabetes-related death certificates among people aged 65 years+! 2-4x higher than those without diabetes!
  • High Blood Pressure:  Youll risk a 66% chance of developing high blood pressure which leads to even more complications like heart attack, blood clots, stroke and more
  • Blindness:   27.5% of people 40 and old with Diabetes developed diabetic retinopathy, which can cause blurred vision, missing areas of vision, shadows and trouble seeing at night! Whats even more scary, Diabetes is the #1 leading cause of blindness, even for those as young as 20 years old!
  • Kidney Disease:  Diabetes is the #1 leading cause of kidney failure, causing a total of 202,280 people in 2008 to undergo chronic dialysis or kidney transplants!
  • Neuropathy:  This painful disease results in loss of movement, sensation or other function in the outer limbs, resulting in reduced quality of life and many times ongoing medication to control the pain. Youll risk a 60% 70% chance of developing this debilitating condition if you suffer from Diabetes.
  • Amputation:  Amputations are typically what those with Diabetes fear most, and with good reason, considering 60% of non traumatic lower-limb amputations occur in people with Diabetes!

These are just a small handful of the dozens upon dozens of unforgiving events and diseases you can suffer from with Diabetes.

We havent even discussed the various forms of dental disease complications of pregnancy diabetic ketoacidosis depression feelings of helplessness loss of important close relationships or the dozens of other consequences youll face as a diabetic.

Friends and family members will act strangely, as you struggle with coping. Youll feel as if youre living a nightmare. Except this time, its real life.

Theres no doubt that diabetes is a scary, life-altering, many times life-ENDING disease and its become far too rampant in Western society.

Whats even more scary is the fact that hardly anybody truly understands it. In fact

Traditional Western Medicine
Makes Diabetes Worse!

Walk into nearly any doctors office in America or other Westernized country and tell them you have diabetes. What will they tell you?

Theyll give you some type of new, expensive medication. In many cases, youll be forced to stab yourself with needles several times per day. Or maybe theyll attach a painful, annoying insulin pump to your hip so it can automatically shuttle insulin into your body whenever it needs it.

This. Does. Not. Work.

In fact, it makes it much, much worse!

Because you see, diabetes isnt a sugar problem

Its not an insulin problem

Diabetes Is Caused By
A Failing Pancreas!

Like most other diseases, Western medicine only looks at the surface-level problem. If you have diabetes, they treat your sugar problem.

But why isnt anybody thinking about whats causing the sugar problem?

If you want to completely normalise your blood sugar, you must dig deeper to find the root of the problem.

And it starts with your pancreas.

You see, in a healthy person, the pancreas releases insulin to help the body store and use the sugar from the food you eat.

Diabetes happens when one of these three conditions occurs

  1. The pancreas does not produce any insulin.
  2. The pancreas produces very little insulin.
  3. The body does not respond appropriately to insulin, a condition called insulin resistance.

People with type 2 diabetes produce insulin. The problem is that your pancreas either doesnt produce enough, or your body is unable to recognize it and use it properly (AKA, Insulin Resistance).

When there isnt enough insulin or the insulin is not used as it should be, glucose (sugar) cant get into the bodys cells and builds up in the bloodstream instead. When glucose builds up in the blood instead of going into cells, it damages the vital cells of your body, causing many of the diabetes-related conditions we just discussed.

This is why the health of your pancreas is VITAL to keeping blood sugar under control.

Heres the problem.

Todays solutions for diabetes try to mimic your pancreas by secreting glucose as needed. In a sense, many of them do work fairly well.

The problem is that relying on an outside machine to run your body causes your pancreas to get weaker and weaker by the day. Its like any muscle. The less you use it, the more weak it becomes, until at some point its useless.

This makes you more and more dependent on expensive, dangerous drugs the longer you stay on them!

Thats why you must do whatever it takes to cure your body internally from the inside-out.

You have to first eat healthier, more glucose-friendly foods, which well talk about in just a minute.

But you can also follow certain tricks Ive discovered which

Help Regulate Your Blood Sugar Levels
With Little Effort!

Youve likely heard that cinnamon can be used to sprinkle on certain foods and drinks to help regulate blood sugar.

In one study (Study found here), volunteers ate from 1 to 6 grams of cinnamon for 40 days. One gram of ground cinnamon is about half a teaspoon.

Researchers found that cinnamon reduced cholesterol by about 18% and blood sugar levels by 24%, plus just as impressive results for decreasing triglycerides, LDL (bad) cholesterol and total cholesterol. (4)

This is impressive.

But its not quite as impressive as

The Weird Asian Spice Used To Sprinkle Over
Spicy Dishes Which Normalizes Blood Sugar!

Ive discovered a unique ingredient probably hiding in your kitchen cupboards as we speak, which has been shown to provide simply incredible benefits to those suffering from prediabetes or type 2 diabetes.

Here are just a few of the thousands of studies conducted on this amazing ingredient

Clinical Study #1:
Significant Decreases In Several Markers Of Diabetes!

In one comprehensive study, 100 type 2 diabetics received either 300mg per day of this ingredient, or a placebo, for three months.

Results showed that the group taking this ingredient displayed a significant decrease in blood glucose levels, hemoglobin A1C (a marker of the long-term presence of excess glucose in the blood), and insulin resistance, compared to placebo. (Click Here For Trial)

The researchers also noted a significant reduction in free fatty acids.

Clinical Study #2:
Prediabetics Rejoice!

In another study, this ingredient was given to participants with pre diabetes for 9 months, while the other half received a placebo. After 9 months of treatment, 16.4% of subjects taking the placebo were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, while ZERO taking this ingredient were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

Researchers were astounded, citing that this ingredient was clearly beneficial for anyone with prediabetes to help delay or even eliminate the onset of type 2 diabetes (Click Here For Trial).

Clinical Study #3:
Repairs And Regenerates Damaged Livers!

As weve discussed, Diabetes damages virtually every cell in your body, especially your liver. As your body fights diabetes, it puts extra stress on your liver and dramatically increases your chances of developing nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, liver inflammation and cirrhosis.

Thats why youll be happy to know that groundbreaking new research published in the Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand found that this ingredient has been proven to repair and even regenerate the liver tissues! (Click Here For Trial)

So what is this miracle ingredient?


Turmeric is a local spice you can buy at nearly any grocery store. Simply sprinkle it on top of any dish you want to add some spice to, and take part in its many benefits.

Its delicious.

Its nutritious.

And it can help save you from the dire consequences of diabetes.

Whats better researchers have found

Turmeric Has Been Shown To
Improve Over 500 Different Health Conditions!

Use Turmeric regularly and youll receive health improvements going well beyond just preventing type 2 or prediabetes.

Its actually become one of the worlds most thoroughly studied and well-characterized natural compounds, with over 5100 references in peer-reviewed publications, proving real, tangible benefits and improvements in over 500 health conditions!

Unfortunately, this is not common knowledge.

Your doctor wont tell you about this.

Most articles you read wont ever mention it.


Because most people are focused on covering up problems with Band-Aid solutions, rather than finding real, proven solutions to ending type 2 or prediabetes.

In fact

Continuing To Follow Traditional Advice
Is The Beginning Of The End

By following traditional advice, youll have no reason to cure the real problem the excess of sugar and imbalance of hormones in your body caused by a weak pancreas.

This compounds the problem and poisons your body little by little each day.

The gradual build up quickly moves past the point of diminishing returns where youre too far gone. Your doctors will tell you to simply deal with it as your body continues to break down.

Youll become just another statistic. Just another victim.

Which of the diseases will you come down with? I have no idea.

But the fact is

YOU Have The Choice To Prevent
This From Happening!

Depending on your specific situation, type 2 diabetes or prediabetes may have been caused simply because you failed to follow the right plan.

The point is that does not matter right now.

Whether or not its your fault, you still must do something about it. Maybe your genes pulled the short stick and made you predisposed. Maybe youre too easily tempted by those around you to eat whatever you want.

None of that matters right now.

What matters is that if you want to avoid the negative consequences of this voracious disease, you must act now to reverse the trend before its too late.

You dont want to look back 10 years from now, knowing you could have prevented it. Knowing youve put your health in danger. Knowing youve caused additional and unnecessary stress to your family and loved ones.

You have to make a decision NOW to reverse this trend.

The best part is its easier than you think!

New Research Scientifically Proves
How To Regulate Blood Sugar Levels!

A ground breaking new study in Diabetologia proved that, indeed, high blood sugar can be normalised through diet changes. Again I repeat high blood sugar is not a one-way street. (Click Here For Trial)

In this study, participants with type 2 diabetes followed specific diets aimed towards normalizing blood sugar levels, among other markers of type 2 diabetes. The results were absolutely staggering, showing decreases of 41% in plasma glucose levels and 33% decreases in hepatic glucose production

This study is one of many showing that non-genetic diabetes, such as prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, can be helped.

In fact

In a groundbreaking study conducted by the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers followed 84,941 women over a 16 year period to determine the individual dietary and lifestyle factors related to type 2 diabetes. During those 16 years, researchers tracked lifestyle factors such as food habits, exercise habits, drinking habits and others.

In this well-known study, researchers discovered that overweight and obesity was the single most important predictor of diabetes. Lack of exercise, a poor diet, current smoking, and abstinence from alcohol use were all associated with a significantly increased risk of diabetes, too.

Researchers concluded at the end of this 16 year study that (91%) of type 2 diabetes could be prevented by the adoption of specific, healthier lifestyle choices.

You see, bad lifestyle choices build up in a cumulative effect which slowly destroys your pancreas. Unless you reverse the trend which caused your pre or type 2 diabetes in the first place, there is little or no choice of reversing diabetes.

You must

A) Discover what CAUSED your pre or type 2 diabetes, and

B) Remove that cause

Doctors from all around the world whole-heartedly agree.

But Theres More To Normalising Blood Sugar
Than Just Eating Healthy

After reading the above paragraph, you may think you can simply shape up your lifestyle and normalise your blood sugar on your own.

Unfortunately, it doesnt work that easily.

Certain foods may appear healthy, and in terms of antioxidants, actually are. But they can destroy your pancreas and increase the symptoms of type 2 diabetes and prediabetes.

In order to truly get your prediabetes or type 2 diabetes in order, youll need a step-by-step blueprint showing you exactly which foods heal your pancreas and stabilize your blood sugar what types of workouts give you results up to 5x faster plus many small tweaks you can make, such as adding turmeric or cinnamon to various dishes.

Because lets face it you arent a doctor or a nutritionist. Im sure you dont understand how certain foods, spices, and chemicals interact with your body processes and either help or hurt.

And Im sure you dont want to spend dozens of hours wading through the hundreds of lies, rumors and myths circulating the Internet, trying to forge your own half-cocked plan that may or may NOT work!

Thats why I created

The 30 Day Diabetes System

The 30 Day Diabetes System is a step-by-step blueprint to controlling and eliminating high blood sugar for good. Its based on sound, scientifically-proven principles and is the single most effective system for normalising blood sugar.

It consists of a 60-page guide on how to eradicate hight blood sugar from your life forever, plus many bonuses, which Ill talk about in just a second.

I kept it short and succinct very specifically so you can spend more time using the information and less time reading. Most people can get through the main course in 1-2 hours. A small price to pay for better health, stable blood sugar and managing one of the most damaging diseases known to man!

Regularly $49.95
Today Just $27!

Heres What Youll Discover Inside
The 30 Day Diabetes System

The 30 Day Diabetes System is stuffed with useful information, most of which you will not find or be able to put together in a coherent, organized manner like I have inside this course.

This allows you to build your own customized, day-to-day game plan so you can overcome diabetes without the stress, hassle and frustration it normally comes with.

In fact, Ive created this course in a way thats as simple as following a normal cooking recipe. You simply add certain foods to your diet, remove other foods, add specific (and fun) workouts, and watch as your blood sugar levels begin to normalize, ridding you of the pain that comes with for good.

Heres just a small hint of what youll discover inside this one-of-a-kind blood sugar normalising system

Again, the information contained, as well as the step-by-step structure of this program, is usually restricted to scientists, researchers and government personnel.

However Ive pulled a few strings and gotten access to information thats near impossible to find anywhere else.

Together, it gives you

A Three-Tiered Approach To
Normalising Blood Sugar For Good

Diabetes isnt as easy as reducing blood sugar.

For a long-term solution you must go to the ROOT of the problem and fix it. You must heal your body from the inside-out, something todays traditional Diabetes medications simply cant replicate.

Thats why The 30 Day Diabetes System is so effective. It follows a three-tiered approach for faster results.

Heres what happens as you go through the program.

Tier #1: Youll remove the known and unknown causes of insulin resistance and diabetes allowing the body to finally heal itself.

Tier #2: Youll restores homeostasis in your body, allowing for internal healing and encouraging the cells to become more insulin sensitive.

Tier #3: By following my system, youll increase the compounds and molecules inside your body which actively promote insulin sensitivity.

THIS is what makes it different, safer, and more effective than any other Diabetes program or traditional medication for Diabetes.

Ive buried my nose in mountains of research coming up with the single most effective strategy for normalising blood sugar.

Just one example is the

Breakthrough Study Revealing Which
Eating Program Gets 271% Better Results!

In one breakthrough study for those suffering from pre or type 2 diabetes, researchers in Sweden were split up and put on two different eating programs.

Both programs were designed to have participants eat a healthier diet than the diet which created their pre or type 2 diabetes in the first place.

However, these diets were not calorie-restrictive, meaning participants consumed a similar amount of calories. They simply changed the foods.

In this study, researchers discovered that one of those diets decreased blood glucose levels 271% more than the other diet. (Click Here For Trial)

Researchers were stunned.

This marvellous study solidly proved that stabilizing blood sugar levels has more to do with WHAT you eat, rather than simply decreasing calories.

Whats more

100% Of Participants Developed
Normal Blood Sugar Levels Within Weeks!

In the group which makes up the basis of The 30 Day Diabetes System, participants were absolutely ecstatic to watch their fasting blood glucose levels drop immediately after implementing the program.

Even better is that after being tested, 12 weeks into the program, 100% of participants had healthy, stable blood sugar levels compared to just 50% in the other group.

This is why its important not just to eat better, but to follow the most proven, successful program to normalise blood sugar levels and live a normal, healthy life again.

Inside The 30 Day Diabetes System Ill show you exactly what program they followed, along with a systematic guide to creating your own eating program based off this amazing research.

Youll get the full, comprehensive details which dont just explain the study but put it into a real, practical application for YOU to follow.

And unlike many other diabetes prevention programs, medications and painful needles, The 30 Day Diabetes System

Addresses The ROOT Problem
Instead Of Covering It With A Band Aid

As we discussed, the reason youre suffering from prediabetes or type 2 diabetes is an imbalance in your body.

In this case, your beta cells within your pancreas are overloaded with acid, which is damaging them to the point where your pancreas begins to shut down.

Medications needles and the vast majority of diabetes solutions often handed out by doctors do NOTHING to reverse the damaging effects and fix the root problem.

The 30 Day Diabetes System is different.

Much different.

The 30 Day Diabetes System youll get a specific formula for reversing the effects of years of imbalances which have now brought you to this point.

Youll discover the unique foods, exercises and other lifestyle habits you must adapt if you want to life diabetes-free for the rest of your life.

In fact, its one of the most simple, well-thought-out ways to become

Normal Blood Sugar Levels In Mere
Weeks Without The Harsh Side Effects
Of Traditional Diabetes Medications!

This blood sugar normalising kit was designed to get you results FAST.

Because lets face it you dont have the time to put yourself in danger.

Although well be working in small increments (meaning youll be making changes slowly, rather than trying to adopt an entirely new lifestyle all at once), the cumulative effect these small changes has will astound you.

But heres the best part.

Ive specifically designed this program so you can

Eat The Foods You Love
Without Guilt!

One of the major complaints of those who adopt a diabetes-free lifestyle is that they have to eat like birds in order to stay within the range.

However Ive discovered a unique way to solve this problem which allows you to still eat many of the foods you love with the quantities you want without experiencing a spike in your blood sugar.

I have never, ever found a single other person talking about how to do this properly.

This little trick is yours, the moment you invest in The 30 Day Diabetes System and is absolutely worth its weight in gold!

Plus, eating these specific foods allows you to bypass the horrors of full-blown diabetes, plus

  • Effortlessly lose weight and look better naked!
  • Improve all other markers of health such as cholesterol, blood pressure and many others
  • Boost self-esteem and confidence about your body
  • Increase cognitive thinking
  • Fall asleep easier, sleep deeper, and wake up more refreshed
  • and so much more!

As you can see, The 30 Day Diabetes System is much more than just a blood sugar normalising program.

Simply put, it allows you to

Reclaim Your Life!

The biggest benefit we hear from folks trying this system is a sense of getting their life back. Because as Im sure you can relate, the moment you were diagnosed, your life took a turn for the worse.

You probably began obsessing over the harmful effects of diabetes, how it would ruin your life, and why your life physically, mentally and emotionally would never be the same.

The good news is you can vanish those thoughts for ever. Because as you begin to stabilize your blood sugar, youll become happier, more joyful and more hopeful about the future.

In other words, youll reclaim your previous life and even improve it!

Plus, youll

Effortlessly Build A Slim Sexy
Fit Body!

As you begin your journey and follow my system, youll quickly notice how easily fat melts from your body. The side effect of following my system is that your body becomes more efficient at flushing away fat.

Your friends and family will be astonished to see how great you look. Your energy will soar as your old clothes begin to fit you once again. Youll sleep more deeply and even have better sex. Plus, losing these extra pounds gives you the added benefit of decreasing your stress levels, sharpening your thinking and building your confidence.

This all happens

  • Without starving yourself (in fact, you can eat until youre full)
  • Without eating any weird, bland foods
  • Without drastically changing your lifestyle habits

As youll see in a minute, Ive included a FREE GIFT showing you the single most effective exercise program for people with type 2 and prediabetes. This unique program has been clinically proven in scientific studies to be up to 500% as effective for regulating blood sugar (and burning fat!).

Plus, it takes just minutes a day and is safe for any age group.

  • No more spending hours on the treadmill
  • No more painful injuries
  • And no more weird protein drinks, sweat gyms or heavy equipment (unless you like that sort of thing)!

This also lets you

Skyrocket Your Energy
And Gain Crystal-Clear Thinking!

The westernized diet consisting of high amounts of sugar, acid and other harmful chemicals does nothing but add a cloud of fog over your brain. If youve ever suffered from the afternoon slump, you know exactly what it feels like when too much sugar is floating through your body.

The 30 Day Diabetes System reduces those toxins from your body and therefore helps your cells maximize how they produce energy while simultaneously assisting your brain neurons in firing faster and more accurately.

This results in higher, more stable energy throughout your entire day mixed with crystal-clear thinking you can count on from morning until night. Once you experience this, youll wonder how you ever survived before!

The fact is I want you to experience what its like to like with higher energy, high mental clarity, more focus, slimmer, lighter, and diabetes-free. Thats why the instantly downloadable 60 page 30 Day Diabetes System comes with

7 Bonuses To Get You Faster,
Easier Results!

The 30 Day Diabetes System 60 page manual is a revolutionary way to break free from the chains of Diabetes. But as I created the program, I began pushing myself to give you more so you could have an entire, comprehensive system for normalising blood sugar levels for good.

Thats why Ive included 7 special bonuses which youll get for FREE when you invest in The 30 Day Diabetes System today.


Bonus #1:
The 30 Day Diabetes Challenge

I want you to get results FAST. Thats why Ive developed what I call The 30 Day Diabetes Challenge. At the beginning of the 30 days, Ill have you get various markers of type 2 or prediabetes checked.

Then, youll follow my step-by-step, day-by-day guidelines to see how fast you can normalising blood sugar  and go on living a healthy life.

Bonus #2:
The Diabetes Cheat Sheet

Some people simply dont want to wade through the entire course and would rather have a simple, step-by-step guide to living a life free of worrying about Diabetes. Thats perfectly fine with me.

If youre the type of person who just wants to be told exactly what to do, and you can follow it, the Diabetes Cheat Sheet is perfect for you.

Just post it up on your refrigerator, bathroom wall, or anywhere youll see it frequently and get results!

Bonus #3:
Diabetes Friendly Smoothies

Want to do whatever it takes to normalising blood sugar , but still want to enjoy the foods you eat?

My Diabetes Friendly Smoothies recipe book gives you over two dozen healthy, yet diabetes-friendly smoothies you can make for mouthwatering meals without dangerous sugar or carbs.

These take just minutes to make, help stabilize your blood sugar, and are low-calorie yet immensely satisfying. Many people report being able to lose weight without any hunger, due to the high fiber content which fills you up without added calories!

Bonus #4:
The Diabetics Guide To Exercising

Exercise is important to regulating your blood sugar. But not all exercises are made equal. Ive read through dozens of research studies trying to come up with the fastest, most safe, most effective exercise strategies for those with type 2 or prediabetes.

Just like everything else, these are done for you programs. Simply follow along and follow it exactly and watch any excess weight melt off you like butter in the hot sun. And as we mentioned, youll be getting the same exercise program clinically shown to regulate blood sugar levels up to 500% faster than traditional exercises!

Bonus #5:
The Diabetics Promise

This powerful promise allows you to firmly commit to the process of normalising your blood sugar and living a healthier life. This is a simple one-page letter asking you to commit to the promise for life-changing results.

Bonus #6:
Free Video And Audio Training

Many people like to listen to information in their cars or on their computers, laptops or tablets. So Ive created several training videos containing the same information as contained in the PDF. That way you can listen to it on the go, wherever you are!

Bonus #7:
Customer-Only Private Facebook Group

Dealing with Diabetes is a challenge and youll need support! Youll join with hundreds of others just like you who are dealing with the exact same thing and trying to do their part to beat Diabetes once and for all.

Regularly $49.95
Today Just $27!

pdf teller

You Will Never Need Any Other
Information About Controlling Diabetes!

This is the single most comprehensive, step-by-step course I could put together. Youll get everything you need, from start to finish, to conquer diabetes and everything that comes along with it.

I promise you I will not waste your time.

Most diabetes course out there are filled with filler. A lot of stories and anecdotes which do nothing but fill out space and waste your time. Theyll go in-depth with scientific talk, so you cant even understand what theyre telling you to do.

The 30 Day Diabetes System is nothing like that.

Youll be able to go through the course and begin living your new life in just 30-90 minutes. Or you can skim it and start with the cheat sheet and get started in just seconds.

How you want to go through the course is up to you. Some people read every word, while others skim it just to get the meat and potatoes. Both are perfectly fine.

In either case, I realize youre probably thinking that a course like this would cost hundreds of dollars. After all its adding YEARS onto your life, saving your from the horrors of hospital vitals and sticking yourself with painful needles, taking medications, developing sores, getting amputations and everything else weve discussed.

I have good news. Its not. In fact, keep reading and Ill show you why

The 30 Day Diabetes System
Is Your CHEAPEST Option!

I recently read an article in the NY times called Reducing The Cost of Care for Type 2 Diabetes.

This article quoted a study done by Consumer Reports Health, which stated Diabetes patients Diabetes patients spend an average of $6,000 annually for treatment of their disease, according to a recent report by Consumer Reports Health. That figure includes monitoring supplies, medicines, doctor visits, annual eye exams and other routine costs.

As if that werent bad enough, they continued

But the total doesnt include the costs of medical complications that often result from Type 2 diabetes, like heart disease, strokes, liver and kidney damage, eye damage and a susceptibility to infections and poor healing that can lead to amputations. The C.D.C. estimates that diabetic patients on average pay twice as much as those without the illness for health care.

For now, lets pretend its as simple as $6,000 per year even though in the long run its much, much higher than that.

$6,000 comes out to roughly $500 per month or about $16.66 per day just to LIVE with diabetes. Again, this does not include any of the costly medical complications that can hospitalize you for weeks, or worse, lead to amputations or other lethal complications.

As you can see, this is EXPENSIVE.

Compare that to the alternative investing in The 30 Day Diabetes System.

With this program youll be able to not only eliminate diabetes but live healthier, longer, happier, with more energy and hope towards your future. Youll feel better, look better and function better.

In this course youll get the full 60 page manual dictating everything you need to know to get control of your pre or type 2 diabetes, and youll also get

  • The 30 Day Diabetes Challenge
  • The Diabetes Cheat Sheet
  • Diabetes Friendly Smoothies
  • The Diabetics Guide To Exercising
  • The Diabetics Promise
  • All additional audios and videos
  • And, membership to the exclusive Facebook Group

for a small, one-time payment of just $27!

Considering the enormous cost of going the traditional route, The 30 Day Diabetes System is by far, hands-down, your cheapest option for managing and normalising blood sugar .

Regularly $49.95
Today Just $27!

So What Kind Of Results
Should You Expect?

Let me be fully upfront with you.

The results you get from this program are going to vary from person to person.

The entire program is based off scientific evidence and clinically proven methods to normalise blood sugar.

Im hoping you understand that in order to make that happen, YOU actually have to do follow the program! Im hoping you dont expect to be able to sit around eating ice cream and bon bons all day, and not suffer any consequences.

The fact is, results range from getting zero results (for people who dont follow the program) to normalising blood sugar entirely or at least substantially regulating your blood sugar levels  (for people who do follow the program). The closer you follow the program, the better results youll get.

In EITHER case

If You Arent 100% Happy With The Results
You Dont Pay A Dime!

Completely Normalise Your Blood Sugar
Or Ill Give You $100!

I am absolutely, thoroughly, unequivocally convinced that this will work for you. I know it will, because it has been proven dozens of times with thousands of people all over the world both personally and in clinical research studies.

So Id like to give you a DOUBLE guarantee.

Unconditional Guarantee #1: Give The 30 Day Diabetes System a test-drive today and see if its right for you. Give it a full test for 60 days and watch as your blood sugar levels begin to drop until they become as normal and stable as someone without pre or type 2 diabetes. If that doesnt happen for you, simply send us an email within 60 days of purchasing and youll get a fast, courteous, no-questions-asked, 100% refund.

Conditional Guarantee #2*: If you can prove to me that you followed my advice by sending me screenshots of your diet log for 30-60 days along with any receipts for the various vitamins and herbs I recommend, yet you are still having Diabetes issues, I will send you $100 for wasting your time. Thats how confident I am in this system!


I want to give you EVERYTHING you need to make sure your type 2 or prediabetes never gives you a problem. Thats why your order today includes
  • The 30 Day Diabetes System ($99.95 value) As the main core of this program, youll discover my step-by-step and clinically proven program to erasing high blood sugar levels from your life for good. This short 50 page report is straight to the point, easy to read, and provides a step-by-step approach to normalising blood sugar!
  • The 30 Day Diabetes Challenge ($9.95 value) This day-by-day guide shows you how to dramatically normalise blood sugar in the first 30 days of using the program. Just follow along and enjoy your brand-new life!
  • The Diabetes Cheat Sheet ($14.95 value) This cheat sheet gives you a 1-page summary of everything you need to do to normalising your blood sugar. Just print it out, post it on your refrigerator or something similar, and follow the guide!
  • Diabetes Friendly Smoothies ($9.95 value) These 21 recipes for healthy, delicious recipes are perfect for anyone looking for a delicious meal thats both diabetes-friendly yet very filling and satisfying!
  • Diabetics Guide To Exercising ($27 value) This special report shows you my unique exercising method which has been shown to stabilize your blood sugar levels up to 500% faster than traditional workouts!
  • The Diabetics Promise - This powerful promise allows you to firmly commit to the process of normalising blood sugar and living a healthier life. This is a simple one-page letter asking you to commit to the promise for life-changing results.
  • Audios And Videos These give you another way to go through the material for enhanced learning and more in-depth information to get you better results. Listen to the information on your laptop, smartphone, mp3 player or tablet!
  • Private Facebook Group Exclusive to customers, this group gives you the added support and community youll want to help you get your Diabetes under control using this diet plan.
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee ($19.95 value) This program works. Its been scientifically proven in several clinical studies to be the single most effective way to normalising blood sugar ever discovered. But if for any reason whatsoever you dont think this is for you, Ive made this risk-free for you by giving you a 60 day, 100% money-back guarantee.

The total value of The 30 Day Diabetes System, including ALL 7 bonuses you receive today, is $181.75. However order today and youll receive ALL of this for the low price of just $27. Thats a pittance compared to the peace of mind, knowing youll have diabetes under control once and for all!

Youll get instant, downloadable access to this entire course, bonuses included. Simply click the Add To Cart button below and youll be taken to our secure order form.

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If You Think Eating Cookies Daily
Is Worth The Cost Of Losing A Limb
This Is Not For You

You have a simple choice today.

You can decide to go back to your previous ways of living, continue to worsen your diabetes condition and suffer the disastrous consequences or you can decide today to change your life and begin living in a way that normalises your blood sugar .

The choice is, of course, yours to make.

However I caution you to think

Would you rather eat cookies or your other guilty pleasure and eventually end up losing a leg a foot an arm or other limb or maybe go blind or develop one of the dozens of terrible diseases diabetes is known to cause

or would you rather follow a simple, step-by-step program which still allows you to eat delicious meals but simply shows you which ones to avoid?

The choice is yours.

Just know its YOUR decision to make.

If you decide to pass this by, know that you are making the decision to not help heal your body and normalise your blood sugar.

I respect any decision you make, but I hope you make the right one.

Either way, I hope youve gained more insight simply by reading this page and I wish you the best of luck.


P.S. This program works for all people, regardless of your sex, race, color, creed, nationality or religion. The principles are universal.

Disclaimer: The advice contained within the 4 Week Diabetes System is based on the results of multiple scientific trials, it outlines natural ways in which to manage and control diabetes. Results vary from person to person; please consult a doctor before you make any lifestyle changes whatsoever.

Got a question? Email me at Jonathan (at) TheDiabetesFactor.com

Click here to access our Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions and Disclaimer


1. Lim, E. L., et. al. Reversal of type 2 diabetes: normalisation of beta cell function in association with decreased pancreas and liver triacylglycerol. Diabetologia. June 9, 2011.

2. Hu FB, Manson JE, Stampfer MJ, et al. Diet, lifestyle, and the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus in women. N Engl J Med . 2001; 345:790-7.

3. Lindeberg at al. A Palaeolithic diet improves glucose tolerance more than a Mediterranean-like diet in individuals with ischaemic heart disease. Diabetolgia (2007) 50: 1795-1807

4. A. Khan et al. Cinnamon improves glucose and lipids of people with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2003 Dec; 26 (12) 3215-8.

5. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research. August 2012. Volume 45, Issue 8. Pages 1188-1357

6. Chuengsamarn, S., Md et al. Curcumin Extract for Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes Care. July 6, 2012.

* Terms and conditions of the $100 guarantee: to be approved for the $100 refund, you will need to show that you have indeed followed the system. A 2 week food/exercise diary will need to be shown as well as the receipts for at least 4 of the herbs and 4 of the vitamins and minerals recommended in the book. Claims will be void if a refund has already been processed through clickbank. To ensure that the system has been given a proper chance to work, claims must be made AFTER 60 days of purchase, claims before hand will be null and void from future claims.
Send claims to Jonathan(at)thediabetesfactor.com

Evolutionary Insights Pty Ltd ABN: 39 159 533 070

8 Seafarer Ct, Surfers Paradise, QLD, Australia, 4217

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About Syed Faizan Ali

Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.

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