Rabu, 07 Agustus 2013

Sell An Expert Solution To Many Consumer's Needs - Secret Tips

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Home Staging | Sell Your Home | Terry Haas | Staging Home


To homeowners who want to sell their home now...Follow  

 the insider secrets from an HGTV Expert on making

EVERY buyer want your house!


Stop the madness!

Sell your house and move on with your life!

Watch the video below to learn more.


   This is the inside information from HGTVs, Deigned to Sell star Terry Haas and real estate staging expert Julie Chalupsky.  Terry has shown millions of viewers how staging a home and making low cost improvements can help sell a property fast & for top dollar. Together they have created a system which will make your house irresistible!  This eBook will take you step-by-step through the process of preparing your house for sale so every buyer will want to buy your house.  


How can you buy the home of your dreams

if you cant

sell the house you already own?


A buyer knows within seconds whether he or she likes your house. If you dont make a great impression on buyers in that first minute, it doesnt matter what you show them later. They wont buy.

Remember, people buy based on emotion, and then they justify their decision with facts. Your job as the seller is to make them fall in love with the home (just as you did when you bought it) and then give them plenty of logical reasons why they need your house . . .

. . . Like the garage is just the right size for all their toys, plus the workbench and toolbox. Or theyve finally found the house with the backyard big enough for the kids and dogs.

Most houses dont make prospective buyers fall in love with themor worse, they push buyers away.

Do you want to know what buyers are really thinking?

Most real estate agents wont tell you the brutal, honest truth for fear of offending you and losing the listing. Most friends and neighbors wont tell you the truth for fear of hurting your feelings. Would you do what it takes to sell your house if you knew the truth? 

Were not afraid, and well tell it to you straight. Were here to help you make your house irresistible so you can SELL YOUR HOUSE NOW! Follow our advice, your home will show better than any other home on your block. We guarantee it.

We wont tell you to spend thousands of dollars or to remodel your bathrooms, instead we will give you some little-known secrets and tips to get your home ready for sale and show off its greatest potential.

In fact, we will save you money!

Youre probably asking yourself how thats possible. If youre not spending a lot of money, how are you going to show off your home properly?

You will need to spend some time and effort, along with a little money, to get your house ready to sell. But you will be surprised at how inexpensive these secrets will be, compared with remodeling or traditional furniture staging, and how much you stand to gain.

According to Homegain.com, sellers who spent $500 on staging recovered triple their investment when they sold their home.

 Are you ready to be irresistible?

The irresistible house system will take you step by step through each section of your house using the Make   Every Buyer Want Your House EBook, with highlights, secrets, and cheap tricks to make your house the one every buyer wants! 


You might be thinking: Why bother,
Why not just reduce the price?

The cold, hard truth is that homes that are prepared for sale properly sell faster and for more money. 


Because when Betty and Bob Buyer come to see your home, they are looking for two things:

1.  What they love about your home.

2.  What they dont love and could use as a negotiating tactic.

You read that right. Theyre looking for any reason they can find to reduce your price!  To take money out of your pocket and put into theirs. 

There are only two reasons why a property doesnt sell:

its priced wrong, or its ugly

A beautiful home priced correctlywith a value that can be justifiedwill sell, even in a bad market.


So if your home shows like a model home . . .
and the buyers cant find anything to use against you . . .


Were going to give it to you straight from a buyers perspective.No one else will, and you need to know what buyers are thinking. You need this system to sell your home.

Betty and Bob Buyer are pickyand with so many homes on the market, they can be. Theyre told to be picky by the media and real estate agents. The little details will either light them up or turn them off.

Believe it or not, they will rationalize the big detailsbut the little ones, even if theyre easily fixed (like a bright green hallway), will eat away at them. And those little details will lose you the sale.

We will tell you exactly what they are thinking but dont want to say. The focus is not on staging with fancy rented furniture or redecorating your house so it looks like everyone elses. This is how to take the unique, beautiful home you are selling and make it appeal to the most buyers so you sell it.

Pretend we are walking with you through your home, telling you what needs to be addressed. With this system, we're going to go inside, outside, upstairs, downstairs. Were going to open doors, open closets, and peek in places you might not want us to. 

Because Betty Buyer will. 

She will look in your cabinets to see if there is enough space for her dishes, and she will open your closet to see if her clothes will fit. She will even open your medicine cabinet to see whats in it (so make sure its empty). Ask your realtor. He or she can tell you horror stories of how far buyers will go in checking out a home.

The goal of home preparation is to improve the home's appearance in the eyes of potential buyers, with the ultimate goal of selling the home quickly and for the highest possible price. The key to selling your house quickly is appealing to the largest audience.

The first step in selling your house starts with your mindset. After you put your home on the market, its no longer really yours. Its a house, a product to sell, and you need to detach yourself from your home so you will be less emotional and more objective.

Think of the last time you sold a car. You cleaned it, took care of details like chipped paint, and made sure the interior was spotless. Youre going to do the same thing with your house, with our help.

Betty and Bob Buyer want to walk in and picture themselves living in this house. They dont want to see clutter, wear and tear, and things they need to update.

Here are a few statistics about what buyers want and how that benefits sellers:

    • According to a Maritz survey, 63% of buyers will pay more for homes in move-in condition.
    • A staged home will sell, on average, 17% higher than an unstaged home. (U.S. Housing and Urban Development)
    • In controlled tests selling identical homes professionally staged versus those not staged, the unstaged houses sold in 102 days, while the staged houses sold in 45 days! (RealEstateStagingAssociation.com)


You need to get the facts and get started selling your home
before your neighbor does!


Make Every Buyer Want Your House gives you everything you need to know,
and you can start in FIVE minutes!

Heres a quick rundown of whats included with the Make Every Buyer Want Your House Ebook

Chapter One tells you how to boost your homes curb appeal. The first thing buyers will see is the outside of your homethe front lawn, the driveway, and the walkway. Youll want to pay close attention to this section and read about...

    • What you must do now to make buyers want to look inside your home.
    • What buyers know about your house before they pick up the phone to call the realtor.
    • How to use flowers to make your house stand out from the crowd, and how your mailbox can kill your chances of selling the house.
    • How to look at your home through a picky buyers eye.
    • How to fix up the exterior of your home quickly and inexpensivelywithout painting or residing.

Remember, 82­85% of buyers are shopping on the Internet before they contact sellers or an agent. The first picture they see online is usually the front of your home. This first look has to be impressive to get them through the front door.

Curb Appeal Before and After - Home Staging

Curb Appeal Before & After:

Note the overgrown lawn, dead plants, and dirty walkway in the photo on the left. See the transformation in the picture on the right with the freshly cut grass, freshly planted flowers to give color, newly framed door, freshly painted door, mailbox, and light fixture.

Simple changes make a big difference!

Chapter Two discusses the living areas of your home and how to make buyers see themselves living and playing there.

    • How peeking into your coat closet helps buyers judge your home.
    • Why you dont want to use area rugs.
    • How to use the Martha Test when deciding what to touch up or fix.
    • Why cosmetic details are anything but minor, and when boring is best. Trust us on this one.
    • How your wall decorations can tell buyers how hard to negotiate.

Chapter Three tells you how to revamp one room that can make or break your sale: THE KITCHEN.

    • Why Betty Buyer will be peeking in all your cabinets, and how to make sure she likes what she sees.
    • How to make your appliances appear more up-to-date and gourmet.
    • How to take advantage of the cheapest, easiest, and fastest way to update your house. Hands down.
    • What to leave on the counter for prospective buyers. Nobody thinks of doing this, but buyers love it.
    • Why you really need to think about your countertops.

Kitchen Before & After - Home Staging

Kitchen Before & After:

Note the outdated appliances, old inexpensive countertops and floors, poor use of space, and evidence of dirt and pets on the left . . . and the updated appliances, better use of space, removal of pet gear, and modern design (backsplash, color) on the right.

Chapter Four enters the bedrooms and bathrooms to give you some extra-special tips, such as...

    • How to set the right mood in the master bedroom.
    • What the master bath should look, smell, and feel like to a buyer.
    • Where you want natural, bright light . . . and where you want softer light.
    • How to remodel your bathroom so inexpensively youll be shocked.
    • How moving the TV into the bedroom can help sell the house.

Guest Bathroom Before & After - Home Staging

Guest Bathroom Before & After:

Note the dated look and dirty appearance on the left and the clean, fresh design on the right.

Master Bedroom Before & After - Home Staging

Master Bedroom Before & After:

Note the cluttered, disorganized, and dark and dirty feel on the left and the modern design, better use of space, clean feeling, and lack of clutter on the right.

Master Bathroom Before & After:

Note the cluttered, dark appearance on the left and the bright, open feel and lack of clutter on the right.

Chapter Five ventures into the garage and laundry room, often the forgotten areas of the house.

    • How to make the garage feel larger, so Bob Buyer can visualize all his toys neatly parked in their proper places.
    • Whether the garage doors should be open or closed during a showing.
    • How to quickly make the laundry room smell as if you just washed a load of clothes.

Chapter Six takes you into the backyard to help you create the play area Betty and Bob want.

    • How to help buyers picture their children or pets playing happily in the backyard.
    • What Bob Buyer wants to do in the backyard, and how to make him visualize it.
    • How to dress up the deck or porch furniture.
    • When to leave the kids play equipment, and when to move it.

Chapter Seven guides you in decorating your house to show it off during the holidays.

    • How to know whether to put out decorations.
    • When to use holiday scents.
    • How to decorate tastefully and not distract buyers.

You already have everything you needyou just need to know what to do with it, and thats why we wrote the Make Every Buyer Want Your House EBook. You need a simple, quick, easy blueprint to get your home ready for the market. The text is only 36 pages, so its a quick read, and as youll see later, weve got some extra-special goodies to make it even easier to sell your home for the price you want!

Sim S - Home Staging Testimonial

My realtor gave me this book as a gift, and I am so grateful. It made me realize that we both have to work together to get my house sold in this market. Thank you for your honest approach.

Sim S. - Los Angeles, CA

Why you as a seller need this Ebook . . .

     1.  Youll eliminate the obvious reasons a buyer would want to discount the price of the home.

2. Your home will look better than your neighbors' homes and will sell faster, at a higher price.

3. Youll get the highest price possible, and your home will prove the value of your asking pricebuyers will appreciate its condition.

4. Organizing your home now means your move will be more organized also.

5. Youll increase the number of potential buyers because your home appeals to more people. Agents will show your home more often. This equals more traffic and more chances to sell!

6. Preparing your home for sale always costs less than reducing the price!

7. The Make Every Buyer Want Your House eBook reveals secrets that other sellers don't know, giving you a clear advantage.

8.  Your home will be irresistible and everyone will want to buy it!



We have the answer youve been looking for . . .

The real estate game can be a challenge. We want you to have all of the tools and resources available to make you the maximum profit by getting the best bang for your buck.

The Irresistible House system gives a detailed explanation of what buyers are thinking and why changes need to be made. It includes top-10 lists and easy-to-read tips, so you can read through it quickly and easily.

You will see this is a system that works!


Click below to watch a Q&A video with Terry & Julie

Remember: if you dont care, your buyers NEVER will.


 Weve included FREE bonus materials when you BUY NOW!


First, youll receive a bonus chapter (valued at $20)

with tips for showings and open houses----


Here are just a few of the tricks youll learn to make your open house go off without a hitch:

    • Create a foolproof system to get yourself and your home ready for the open house.
    • Schedule your open house for the best turnout.
    • Get the most mileage from signage and flyers.
    • Remember all the little things that make a big difference, but are easy to forget . . . from opening the blinds to putting out water for your guests.
    • Make the buyer fall in love with your housejust as you did.
    • Use criticism to improve your chances of selling your home.


Next, if you want to get started right away, youll get a

15-page notebook (valued at $30) with 107 easy tips and tricks

to make your house sparkle and grab buyers----


A few choice tidbits:

    • Numbers on the house need to be legible. Consider getting new or larger ones if it would make it easier to find the address from the street.
    • Fresh mulch or pine straw around the base of trees and flowerbeds gives a fresh and maintained look for a small amount of money. Be aware of what is standard in your geographical area.
    • New door hardware is essential in making a great first impression. It is the first time that the prospective buyer is going to touch his or her new home.
    • Squeaky doors? Add a little WD-40 to remove the squeaks.
    • Door locks need to work easily.
    • Bathroom faucets and knobs should be not only clean but also shiny. Take the time to make them sparkle.
    • Bedroom window treatments should be light and airy, allowing natural light to come in.

. . . Plus 100 more tips!


Finally, for quick reference to keep you on track and organized,

well send you a checklist (valued at $20) . . .

27 pages taking you room by room

in logical order with plenty of space for notes----



Youll get those little details right, like a pleasant sounding doorbell, a welcome mat, and remembering to remove the pet door. Youll also have the big details covered . . . like providing the inspection report, cleaning the windows, and improving the landscaping.

Everything is laid out neatly in front of you, so you know exactly what to do and when to do it. Weve taken the guesswork out of staging your home.

Thats a total of $70 in bonuses---FREE

Bruce and Jill - Home Staging Clients

"We love this book! Thank you for your humoryou take a sensitive subject and make it fun and motivating. The checklist and notebook were the perfect tools we needed to get our house in shape and ready to sell.

Bruce and Jill H. - Yuma, AZ


Lets take a look at what youll get today ...

1) The Ebook packed with explanations, tips, and tricks to get Betty and Bob Buyer to fall in love with your house and pay you what you want.

2) The Bonus chapter telling you exactly how to create an open house that will bring in the serious buyers.

3) The Checklist to keep you organized and on track.

4) The Notebook with 107 quick and easy fixes to boost your home's appeal.


What would you expect to pay for the ultimate sell-your-home package?

The bonuses alone are worth $70, and the ebook is priceless if it helps you get your asking price, fast.

Numerous real estate professionals told us we should charge upwards of $200 for this package.

We wanted to make it affordable for everyone, so we didnt want to charge that.


We thought about $100 . . . and it would have been a steal at that price.

But still, not affordable for everyone.


For a limited time, you can purchase the

Make Every Buyer Want Your House System

for only


The sooner you buy, the sooner your house will be ready to sell. Buy it today, and get started! We cant be right there to walk you through your house, but we wanted to give you the next best thing.

This price will be going up $59.95. We wanted to give everybody a great deal on a resource that we know will help you sell your house. So take advantage of this great offer today!

We are offering a 100% Money Back Guarantee!  If for any reason you are not happy let us know, we will refund the money and you can keep the book! 


**Please read before ordering**

Make Every Buyer Want Your House is an electronic book, or ebook. After you put in your payment information, you can instantly download the ebook to your computer. We show you how, so be sure to follow the prompts on your screen. Well also send you an email with the download information.

You will not receive a hardback or paperback copy. Not only is this a "green" business practice, but it also saves you money since we dont have to print the book. It gives you instant access to the information, no matter when you order, without waiting for it to be delivered or having to drive to the bookstore!



What's coming next?
How to hire a real estate agent who's perfect for you!

If you need any help, please contact us at info@youwinguide.com

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About Syed Faizan Ali

Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.

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