Rabu, 21 Agustus 2013

The Kidney Disease Solution - 75% Commissions - Secret Tips

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STOP: Dont even think about leaving ... till you read this letter

"How To Lower Creatinine Levels, Improve Kidney Function, and Safeguard Your Kidneys From Further Damage - Introducing An All Natural Step-by-Step Program, Proven To Start Healing Your Kidneys Today!"

kidney disease treatment

Discover Why 1,694 People Can Not Be Wrong Read Some of Their
Testimonials Below

Secured: 100% Money Back Guarantee

Medical Researcher, 2nd Generation Naturopath and KidneyDisease Expert, Teaches You How To:

  • Reverse Your Impaired Kidney Function Naturally With GreatResults Which Are Noticeable As Quickly As Within Weeks
  • Heal Your Kidney Disease And Live A Better Quality Of Life By Making SimpleChanges That Have Dramatic Results
  • Improve Your Quality Of Life Even If You Are On Dialysis This GuaranteedMethod Assists Kidney Function Even If You Are In End StageRenal Failure

Find Out What Secrets His Research Uncovered Including AncientRemedies, Not Commonly Known, Till Now that can help you:

  • Recover Your Health Without Using Drugs
  • Reverse Your Impaired Kidney Function
  • Avoid Dialysis
  • Avoid Kidney Surgery
  • Reduce Your Specialist Visits

So ... Getting This Information Is Very Important Every Day Counts when you aremanaging kidney disease.

Introducing: Duncan Capicchiano ND, fully Qualified Naturopath, Nutritionist,Herbalist, Medical Researcher and Author

Dear Kidney Disease Sufferer,

Youre about to find out that its possible to reverse impaired kidney function and avoiddialysis and/or kidney transplant surgery. By following the same step-by-step holistichealing protocols that thousands of people around the world have already followed withsuccessful results, you can improve your kidney function and your quality of life, too.My name is Duncan Capicchiano and over the last 8 years, I have had a special interestin kidney disease because one of my beloved family members, my wifes Nanna, wasdiagnosed with advanced kidney failure without warning.

Once I was over the shock ... love and compassion drove me to research night and day ...investigating ancient remedies through to modern science, finally developing a 100%guaranteed solution that works. Kidney disease sufferers who diligently follow the step-by-step strategies in this system are having astounding results.

And ... Nanna was my first extremely grateful patient. The smile on her face and the joy inher voice when she told us how well she was feeling after following my recommendationswas worth all the sleepless nights and researcher frustration I experienced in finding thiskidney disease solution.


The Kidney Disease Solution is an "all in one" step-by-step program that providesyou with everything you need in order to reverse your kidney disease and improveyour impaired kidney function

  • Kidney Repair Tools including detailed descriptions of every product youneed from ancient remedies to modern science to help your body heal
  • The Kidney Disease Treatment Plan has been tailored to individualcircumstances so you can feel confident that the cause of your kidney diseasehas a solution
  • Comprehensive Nutrition Plan outlining the exact foods that youcan eat to help your kidneys heal and increase your kidney function
  • Free Premier Subscription for the latest news and ongoing free updatesof our solutions ... we are committed to helping you get the best out of yourhealth right now and into the future
  • Email Support if your question hasnt been answered in our FAQ section,contact our experienced team and your question will be answered by email.


Shocked By Impaired Kidney Function Diagnosis

I was really shocked to find my kidney function down,and my sugar and cholesterol levels very high. I wasdumbstruck and decided to be pro-active. After lots ofinvestigation I alighted on your website and purchasedyour package. It was very easy to download, and yourreceipting facilities and follow-up service excellent.

I followed a very precise diet for 6 weeks taking intoaccount your Kidney Solution references! My sugarlevels have already come down and I have lost weight.Plus even my Doctor wants me to maintain this regime.

I have told one of my friends about your program, too!

Ellen Fielder, Singapore


  • The Kidney Disease Solution will enable you to provide your body with the vitalnutrients and support it needs so that your kidneys can actually heal. Now, I knowthat doctors say that once your kidney function falls or your kidneys are damaged,there is no way to improve that function or heal your kidneys ... but I am here totell you this is not true, if you know what to give your body and how to support it,your body will do the rest.
  • If I am having dialysis, will this solution help me? Yes, absolutely ...you will find that by following the healing protocols in the program, you willexperience a better quality of life ... your energy levels will increase and youroverall prognosis will improve.
  • How do I know that your solution will successfully treat the cause of mykidney disease? My eBook is the closest thing to having me right there in aone-on-one consultation. This program is laid out in such a way that it is ableto account for everybodys uniqueness by individualising the treatment toyour symptoms and causes.
  • I find it hard to believe that natural medicine can heal my kidneys? Youhave 60 risk free days to try this program and find out for yourself. Its nota matter of believing, youll know it works when you get the results, just likethe thousands of people around the world who are already using the programsuccessfully.
  • Who will really benefit from this program? The people who haveKidney Disease, Chronic Kidney Disease, Renal Disease, RenalInsufficiency, Stages 14 Kidney Disease, Kidney Failure, Renal Failure,Glomerulonephritis; or even if you dont know what type of kidney functionloss you have, as long as:
    • You have a Glomular Filtration Rate (GFR) greater than 15ml/min*
    • You dont have any other major organ failure
    • You are willing to make some dietary adjustments and follow my word (butdont worry, youll want to)

* If your GFR is below 15ml/min, this program is still beneficial, but it is morefor protection, ease of symptoms and providing a better quality of life.


  • you finally have hope that there is a light at the end of the tunnel
  • you can wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, getout of bed and do all the things you want to do without having to go backto bed before morning tea for another sleepyou can walk up the hallway without getting out of breath
  • your symptoms will ease and perhaps youll be one of the people for
  • whom the symptoms disappear permanently
  • you'll feel like your old self in no time
  • you will have the energy for your most important relationships
  • your skin will be soft and smooth
  • your appetite will return and so will the color in your skin


  • increase your energy
  • bring back your appetite
  • help you manage your stress
  • dramatically improve how your urine looks and smells
  • your red blood cells will return to normal
  • your breathing will improve ... walking will be a pleasure not astruggle
  • the anxiety of planning meals that support healthy kidney function willdissolve


  • it will give you a step by step guide to a healing program
  • step by step recipes to follow with a nutritional analysis of each meal andwhy you should eat these ingredients
  • simple instructions for clearing your energy each day
  • free online support for 90 days
  • easy to follow instructions to STOP the downward spiral of depression
  • lifetime subscription to all new research and updates to the program

If you are suffering from kidney disease or impaired kidney function, you can restassured that I am going to help you reverse your kidney disease and improve yourkidney function. You will quickly feel your old vitality return when you start usingthis easy to follow step-by-step 3 phase healing program.

If you are desperate to learn how to reverse your impaired kidney functionpermanently ... and regain your health and wellbeing, without drugs, without typicalkidney disease treatments, and without any side effects, then this is the mostimportant letter you will ever read. I guarantee it and I've got the results to prove it!


Grateful Client #1 Stephen Pepler

In short I was a wreck. I had "End Stage Renal Failure" (ESRF) ... Iwas thrilled to notice I began to feel better within a couple of days.

Dear Duncan, My name is Stephen Pepler. I live near Ottawa, Canada. I am 81years old. I had a stroke in January 2008, before which I was pretty healthy. Thestroke left me unable to swallow and so I began to lose appetite and all food tastedweird. E.g. apples tasted like raw potatoes. I started losing energy and stamina &muscle mass. My sex drive dropped to zero.

I went to my doctor who referred me to a couple of specialists and a nephrologist.After a while this guy told me I had "End Stage Renal Failure" (ESRF) and set me upfor either a kidney transplant or dialysis. I declined this at first but finally, because Icould hardly walk any more - let alone able to do any exercise, I consented.

This is when I came across your Kidney Disease Solution. I was excited when Icame to your statement that one could take your treatment even when undergoingdialysis. So I immediately purchased your eBook. As soon as I had downloaded it(which was a piece of cake) I rushed out and bought bottles of , , and (I already had most of the other recommended ingredients) andstarted the course.

I was thrilled to notice I began to feel better within a couple of days. I told thenephrologist about this, but he had never heard about anyone getting cured of ESRF,but he assured me that I would begin to feel much better immediately after fitting thedialysis catheter. He had never heard of anyone going off dialysis. So I told him thathe should read up on what Naturopaths are doing. The bottom line is that I amgetting set up for dialysis right away, but as soon as my blood work shows that mykidneys are up to par I am going to get the catheter removed. I am feelingconsiderably better today after only being on your course for only about ten days.

I must thank you greatly for your eBook. It explains in perfect detail so much aboutthe kidneys. About what they are supposed to be doing and how they can go wrong.In fact, I know of no other book that contains so much detail about them. I amespecially grateful for the section that takes into account all the individualbackground conditions that start to affect the kidneys and to cause them tomalfunction.

I don't know anyone who is or has been on dialysis, but no doubt I will begin to meetsome in this predicament in the near future and I will surely tell them the greatpromise of enlightenment offered by The Kidney Solution.

Thank you so much for your encouragement. A very satisfied customer.

Stephen Pepler (81), Ottawa, Canada

Grateful Client #2 Dave

In 6 Weeks eGFR Gone From A Low Of 22 Up To 28 ... Afterstarting a gluten free diet (in conjunction with the low potassiumdiet he is already on) Dave noticed a difference within a couple ofdays.

Hi Duncan and Erika, firstly, THANK YOU. My partner Dave has IgA Nephropathyand after a worsening of his kidney function, he was advised that he would needdialysis. After subscribing to your program and following all aspects of it, we areTHRILLED to provide some very positive feedback to you all.

In 6 weeks he has had 2 blood tests and his eGFR has gone from a low of 22 upto 25 and now 28. (A graph really shows this remarkable turnaround.) After startinga gluten free diet (in conjunction with the low potassium diet he is already on) Davenoticed a difference within a couple of days. His stomach bloating and diarrhoeahave gone and he feels less tired. Not only has the eGFR improved, but other kidneyfunction parameters such as uric acid also show an improvement. We can see noreason why his improvement shouldn't continue to restore kidney function to normal.

I have a scientific background and I am fortunate to have the knowledge to be ableto understand the nephrology journals that are now available online. Like you inyour quest for your nanna's health, I want to find as much information as possiblethat will help. It is obvious from your kidney solution article that you have spent agreat many hours in research. Your info on the use of such supplements as and etc, as well as the gluten free diet has enabled me to targetthese areas that you have already shown are beneficial. Using your article as astarting point, I have been able to gather together articles from leading Nephrologypublications in a "literature review" to present to Dave's Nephrologist at his nextappointment in May. We hope that by doing this, the Nephrologist will be receptiveto your message and she can help others by suggesting to them what has helpedDave.

Secondly, thank you for the new revised version of the kidney solution which Ireceived and read today. I was very interested in the juicing section in particular.

Update: Dave and I are delighted with his progress. It means so much more to usthan you can imagine, as we live in quite a remote area with all our animals whichare our "fur kids". If Dave had to go down the path of dialysis, home dialysis was notan option so we probably would have had to sell up and move to Perth, (and leaveour animals behind as we wouldn't have been able to afford a house and land atprices).

Constance and Dave, Nungarin, Western Australia

Grateful Client #3 Hank Vreekamp

The results for me are very encouraging a drop of 20 points inthe last creatinine reading ... Thanks for all the good advice in yourprogram - it has helped me enormously. Life is good again.

Dear Duncan, I have been following your advice for a couple of months now, andthe results for me are very encouraging - a drop of 20 points in the last creatininereading (four weeks ago) and a general feeling of wellness which I had notexperienced in a long time. Next week is my next blood test, and I'm anticipatingfurther improvement in the reading. - I'll let you know.

The advice on getting the has had another benefit - no moreheartburn, so the pills are thrown away!

As I came out of major surgery 12 weeks ago, correcting urine flow from the kidneysto my stoma (no bladder nowadays), kidney function very poor, lost a lot of weightetc, I am delighted with the results.

Update: Since last writing to you I have just had the latest blood test results, and thegood news is a further 12 points improvement in the creatinine level. On top ofthat I continue to improve in strength and fitness (weight exercising and walkinghelps), and plan to return to work next month after being unable to for 18 months.Thanks for all the good advice in your program - it has helped me enormously.is good again.

Henk Vreekamp, Lake Clifton, Western Australia

Grateful Client #4 Lanette Buss

My diagnosis of Chronic Kidney Disease hit me from out ofnowhere!!!x Its wonderful to feel so good again!!! Thank youDuncan for giving me a second chance at life!!!

My diagnosis of Chronic Kidney Disease hit me from out of nowhere!!! I just couldn'tprocess those words through my brain. It just would not compute. I am a recentlyretired hospital staff nurse. I was angry. Angry at the doctors, but more angry atmyself. I should have put two and two together and realized what was going on inmy own body!!! But I didn't!!! And I was angry at myself.

Then I found The Kidney Disease Solution Website!!! I ordered the Ebook. Ialso ordered the suggested, and started making thechanges in my diet that were outlined in the EBook.

My blood pressure has gone down tremendously, and I have lost twenty-fivepounds. My body still shows that I am alkaline, put I am going to add in some of thesuggested herbs as soon as my order arrives.

I feel so much lighter, that's for sure! Not so fatigued all the time!!! I actually feellike walking and doing some light exercising. I keep telling myself---take it slow andeasy! I feel so much better now I am afraid I am going to overdo and really hurtmyself. Its wonderful to feel so good again!!! Thank you Duncan for giving me asecond chance at life!!!

Lanette Buss, Houston, Texas

Grateful Client #5 Joe Taliana

I truly feel better, no more dizzy spells, my creatinine has gonedown from a staggering 1100 to around the 800 mark and they havestopped giving me the EPO jab since my blood count has improvedgreatly, they have also completely stopped my high blood pressuremedication which is now normal.

Hi Duncan, Im Joe Taliana from Malta, dont know if I mentioned this to you beforebut I have polycystic kidney disease. Before I read your ebook I had dialysis [and stilldo] two times a week, which made me feel very weak, so much so I retired from work(by the way Im 55 years old) most of the days I felt dizzy and dumpy, now after afew months following your ebook I feel much better, no match for Tyson (as if I everwas), but I truly feel better, no more dizzy spells, my creatine has gone down from astaggering 1100 to around the 800 mark and they have stopped giving me the EPOjab since my blood count has improved greatly, they have also completely stoppedmy high blood pressure medication which is now normal.

So all in all, its rather my prayers have been answered or your method is working.Personally, I swear its that tea thats doing the trick. As for medication, Imtaking a ONE capsule daily and I used to take tablets which they have now substituted for tablets daily.These are a new product which I think they are still testing.

Your report was very easy to download and very easy to read, none of that medicaljargon that nobody understands. I would definitely recommend your book, Im sureall those who read and follow would surely feel they are on the road to a better life.

Joe Taliana (Age 55), Malta

Grateful Client #6 Robert Desalvio

I have known I had chronic kidney failure for the past six years. Iwas overjoyed with such fast results. I now feel that by sticking toyour diet and vitamin plan I can hold off dialysis for the rest of mylife.

Dear Duncan, I have known I had chronic kidney failure for the past six years. OnSeptember 16th 2009 my doctor informed me that my GFR had dropped to 18 and toget prepared for dialysis. I thought this was very fatalistic. I then went on the internetand thank god I discovered you. I sent for your ebook and followed your diet forblood pressure related kidney failure. Two weeks later I had another blood test andmy GFR was 21. After two more weeks, October 12th 2009, my GFR was 23. I wasoverjoyed with such fast results. I now feel that by sticking to your diet and vitaminplan I can hold off dialysis for the rest of my life. So a big thanks to you and to yournana in law who sparked your interest in kidney failure.

Update: Apr. 27, 2010

Dear Duncan ... I did receive the second edition of your e-book and had no problemdownloading it. I am still doing well in the battle to avoid dialysis. Im following yourdirections for the blood pressure diet. It was in September that I was prepared fordialysis and told I would need it within 3 months.

Thanks to you and some discipline on my part Im still going strong and enjoyinglife. Im near 82 years old and walk 2 miles each morning and swim in the afternoon,also still trying to master the game of golf. I give credit to your guidance and positiveattitude.

Robert Desalvio (Age 81), New York, U.S.A.

Grateful Client #7 Graeme Ashman

... in mid November [Dad, almost 90, was told] that his kidneyefficiency was 36%. On 7th January 2010 his new blood test resultscame through and his kidney efficiency is now 73% [Dr] said peopleof Dad's age should not have kidneys that efficient!

Hi Duncan, Dad, who will be 90 in February 2010 was told by his doctor in midNovember that his kidney efficiency was 36%.

I first checked with the doctor that the herbs and nutrients would be suitable forDad and he said they would be. I started Dad immediately on the kidney tea,teaspoon twice a day, and other products as described in your book.

On 7th January 2010 his new blood test results came through and his kidneyefficiency is now 73%. The doctor was astonished and wanted to know what wedid. I told him about your website. He said people of Dad's age should not havekidneys that efficient!

PS - I should add that we started the herbs and nutrients on 15 November 2009, andit is now 7th January 2010, so it took less than 2 months!

Graeme Ashman, Queensland, Australia

Grateful Client #8 Charbel

My kidney function was at 9% (stage 5) ... I was dialyzing Monday,Wednesday and Friday, I didnt want a kidney transplant ... Within7 weeks my kidney function went from 9% (stage 5) to 16% (stage4) and ... dialyze Tuesday and Saturday ... [to] off dialysis [withinmonths]!

Dear Duncan, I want to thank you. I have been suffering from Kidney problemssince I was born, due to constant urinary infections. When my kidneys failed in 2007I had to start dialysis, I was 24 years old and 141 KG, and I made the decision to domy own research on body and nutrition.

My kidney specialists that I had seen said that my kidney function will get worse andwithin 2 years I will need a kidney transplant. In June 2009 my kidney function was at9% (stage 5) my Creatinine was at 705 (60 - 125), Urea was at 55 (2.5 - 6.5) and myCalcium was at a low 1.55 (2.13 - 2.63), so low that I had a seizure and I was gettingfluid build-up.

I was dialyzing Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I didnt want a kidneytransplant because I spoke to a lot of patients who have had it and they say youhave to take over 120 tablets per week for the first 2 years and you have to take 3tablets per day after that for the rest of your life.

When I was told I needed to do tests in August for kidney transplant I stepped up myresearch and thats when I found you.

So I got all the information from my research along with your information andcombined them together, and guess what? Within 7 weeks my kidney functionwent from 9% (stage 5) to 16% (stage 4) and now I only dialyzeSaturday, and Creatinine is now at 388 (60 - 125), Urea as low as 19 (2.13 - 2.63)and Calcium is at 2.44 (2.13 - 2.63), my urine is as clear as ever and noThe kidney specialists, doctors, and nurses, are amazed and confused at the sametime at how can this be. I was telling everyone when I was on Dialysis that I amgoing to come off Dialysis, and everyone was laughing at me thinking that I wasdreaming. They thought I was in denial as they were when they first started onDialysis. The kidney doctors said that my kidneys are in honeymoon mode but Iknow the real reason.

So thank you so so so so so so much for all your hard work in research because Iknow research is time consuming and takes a lot of energy, you have saved me a lotof time and money and you have also confirmed a lot of doubts I had.

Update: I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart, and guess what I am nolonger on dialysis, OMG its incredible, my kidney specialist and the kidney dialysiscentre are puzzled coz they dont know how I could have had all the kidney damageall my life and then have 91% of my kidney damaged and within months not onlydid I drop to 2 days but my results were so good that I was able to get off dialysiscompletely.

I know that there is a very high chance I can go back on dialysis but so far so good,and as of this Thursday it would be 1 month without dialysis.

Charbel (age 24), Sydney, Australia

Grateful Client #9 Archie de Chavez

I was diagnosed with stage 4 chronic kidney disease with renalanemia secondary to hypertension. The feeling that theres hopeafter all the advice that I will not be well was overwhelming.

I found out about my CKD a few months back when I suffered from long agonizingleg cramps. Initially, our company doctor thought I was just dehydrated and advisedme to rehydrate once in awhile (Gatorade if possible).

The episodes persisted and I decided to go the doctor again to ask for a laboratorycheck-up; thats when I found out that my potassium levels are erratic and mykidneys cant regulate it anymore. I went to a nephrologist and found out that itsworse than dehydration, the doctor ran a couple of tests and The physical sufferingwas no match with the emotional and mental anguish my wife felt during that time.

During my lifestyle change, I did countless research to seek alternative cure for mycondition; I was advised that kidneys dont heal and the high dosage of medicationsIm taking is just to prolong my kidney function.

I chanced upon Duncans site through Google and read through the introductions.The feeling that theres hope after all the advice that I will not be well wasoverwhelming. I called up my wife and asked her to study the site and we madethe decision to download the e-book. For me its a mutual decision with my spouse,because shes my support system and I know with her help the instructions in the e-book will be realized.

Today, based from my last laboratory, my Creatinine is down by 25 points and my RBCwent up to 13 points. Aside from that I have lessened my skin dryness, improvedmy urine output and color, lessen urine bubbles, lessen lower back pains, andlessen the feeling of exhaustion. I increased my energy level; sometimes I still feelenergized at night after hours of working and driving to and from the office.

I have recommended this e-book to a friend of mine whos suffering with the samecondition. I recommended it because its practical, easy to follow and natural.

Archie de Chavez, Manila, Philippines


Clinical trials are medical research trials that are performed on humans under doubleblind conditions. This means that the researchers and the patients do not know whois receiving the trial product or the placebo. You can be assured of the safety ofevery product you put in your mouth or on your skin when you know that it has beenproven by clinical trials.

These are the results of some of the clinical trials that provided me with clues whenputting this unique program together to reverse kidney disease and improve kidneyfunction.

Coenzyne Q10

In clinical trials with coenzyme Q10, the coenzyme Q10 group showed a significantreduction in serum creatinine, blood urea and a significant increase in creatinine clearanceand urine output compared to the placebo group after the 4-week trial period. After 4weeks, the subjects on dialysis were significantly fewer in the coenzyme Q10 group than theplacebo group (36.2% vs. 90.0% , p

Treatment with coenzyme Q10 improves renal function in patients with chronic renal failureand decreases the need for dialysis in patients on chronic dialysis.

Ram, B., et al. Randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trial of coenzymeQ10 in chronic renal failure: discovery of a new role. Journal of Nutritional &Environmental Medicine. 10(4):281-288, 2000. (Peer Reviewed Professional Journal)

Dan Shen Clinical Studies (aka Salvia miltiorrhiza)

The effects of Salvia miltiorrhiza on TGF-beta1, ROS and PAI-1 induced by angiotensin II inrenal mesangial cells were conducted under clinical trial conditions.

Conclusion: S. miltiorrhiza can alleviate glomerular sclerosis. The kidney protective effects ofS. miltiorrhiza may be due to its ability to decrease Ang II -induced PAI-1 andsecretion and cellular ROS level.

Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi. 2007 Nov;32(22):2400-4.


There is growing evidence that dietary phytoestrogens have a beneficial role in chronicrenal disease. This review summarizes the recent findings from dietary intervention studiesperformed in animals and humans suggesting that consumption of soy-based protein rich inisoflavones and flaxseed rich in lignans retards the development and progression of chronicrenal disease. In several animal models of renal disease, both soy protein and flaxseedhave been shown to limit or reduce proteinuria and renal pathological lesions associatedwith progressive renal failure. In studies of human subjects with different types of chronicrenal disease, soy protein and flaxseed also appear to moderate proteinuria and preserverenal function.

Velasquez, M. T., et al. Dietary phytoestrogens: a possible role in renal disease protection.Am J Kidney Dis. 37(5):1056-1068, 2001. (Peer Reviewed Journal)



There is more to healing than just taking some products and eating foods thatsupport the rejuvenation of your body. There is the emotional and mental side tohealing as well ... and when you have a question about what is happening to you,you need and want to know the answer. Who better to answer these questions, thanthe people who developed the program?

Not only can you ask questions from our expert team, but we continue to email youbringing you our latest research findings ... and we also follow up with you to seehow you are going, and if there is anything we can help you with.

So ... when you start your healing journey to reverse kidney disease and improveyour kidney function, you are not doing it alone, there is support, and we are pro-active with our support.

Thank You For Your Emails And Your Encouragement

Dear Duncan, I feel like I'm writing to an old friend! Thank youfor your emails and your encouragement. Yes, it a few monthssince I purchased the "Kidney Disease Solution". I am sendingyou the latest figures from my appointment with my Doctor. Tosave you time I have included the first figures and the mostrecent so you can compare them easily. I think they are a storyon their own

Latest Readings in BOLD
Urine Albumin 266.2 mg/L (reference range
Urine Albumin 46.2 mg/L (reference range
Urine Creatinine 7.6 mmol/L (8-17 mmoI/24 hours)
Urine Creatinine 6.9 mmol/L (8-17 mmoI/24 hours)
Albumin/Creatine Ratio 35.0 mg/mmol (3.525 mg/mmol)
Albumin/Creatine Ratio 6.7 mg/mmol (3.525 mg/mmol)
Urine Protein 9.4g/L(
Urine Protein 0.15g/L (

They dont believe the figures!!!!!! My Doctor didnt know what to say and had to lookat the computer screen twice and then compare with the printout. Needless to say Iam keeping on with the treatment. Thank you again Duncan, your Kidney DiseaseSolution is really effective and I truly think it has given me some more quality time onthis planet.

Dave Sparkes, Goowla North, Australia


Naturally, results will depend on many different circumstances that are uniqueto you. However, in saying that, testimonial and anecdotal feedback is that youwill start feeling positive benefits within weeks, and possibly days if you are a lucky one ... certainly within 6-8 weeks peoplefollowing this program are seeing improvement in the eGFR, Creatinine, and other blood testresults.

However in the majority of cases it can take up until week 12 for 99% of our participants to appreciate thebenefits of this program in full.

As you know, you can try this program risk free for 60 days (2 months) and if yourkidney function hasnt improved or you dont feel better overall, ask for your moneyback. You havent lost any money and you have the satisfaction of knowing thatyouve given this unique, cutting edge program a good period of time to work for you.

However, I am confident that you will be delighted with your results, like David below.

I Was Rather Cynical About Any Results ... In 2 weeks I am Starting To FeelGood. I Am Rather Excited Now!

Hi Duncan, about 2 weeks ago my GFR had a reading of 15with creatinine 351. The only way out according to thedoctors was dialysis. I began looking on the net and sawyour article about your Kidney Disease Solution, and after alot of hesitation, decided to buy it.

I have been on medication for about 2 weeks now; my creatinine has come down to340 and I have been noticing quite a bit of change aroundthe ankles. My skin was really rough around there, andI have notice after 2 weeks my skin is becoming smoothagain. In that time I have gone off diet drinks have lostabout 6 kilos and I am starting to feel good.

I must admit though when I bought the ebook I was rather cynical about any results. Iam rather excited now and looking forward with anticipation to my visit to the doctorin 2 weeks to have further test.

The e-book was very easy to download, and simple to understand. You are left inno doubt what tablets you are to be taking regardless of stage you are in. I wouldrecommend the e-book to

David Holt, Cairns, Australia


I am a fully qualified Naturopath with an Advanced Diploma in Natural Medicine anda full member of the Australian Natural Medicine Society. I am also a co-founder of aleading wellness clinic in Melbourne, with a remarkable 13 natural health therapistspracticing together and helping thousands of patients achieve their goals.

Having grown up with a parent who practices as a naturopath, living a life based onholistic principles is inherent ... and gives me a great advantage over 1st generationnaturopaths.

I have been a practising Naturopath for 8 years and during this time have notrelented in my pursuit of holistic knowledge to help my patients. So, have gone on tocomplete Diplomas in Nutrition and Herbal Medicine as well as many other holisticmodalities.


Everything in this program is natural. However, as you know, people can haveadverse reactions to foods and plants that can be dangerous.

I have not had any feedback that the herbs and foods that have been recommendedin this program have caused any health problems for my clients.

If you are concerned about any of the products in the program, discuss them withyour local naturopath, physician, or email us at the support desk and well help youmake an informed decision before taking any products you are concerned about.

It is important to make mention here that there are some herbs that you should notbe taking if you have kidney disease. These herbs are listed in our program on page47.

If I take a higher dose of the supplements, will the process be quicker? No,definitely not. You can have too much of a good thing and therefore increasethe chance of unwanted side effects. Always stay within the recommendeddosages for all your medicines and supplements.


Yes, some of the information is general and can be readily found on the internet.However, my research led me to investigate the history of holistic medicine in manycontinents and most of this information is not freely available on the internet.

In fact, this program has been comprised of long held secrets from the orient thathasnt been shared with the western world and youll only find it in this program.

So Much Knowledge That I Have Not Found Anywhere Else

Hi Duncan, my name is Bally Sandhu and I am from Coventry in the UK. I purchasedthe kidney solution some six months ago and have been following the programmereligiously. There is so much information on the net these days and my first thoughtswere that the kidney solution was one of many write ups about kidney health, Ihad no hesitation in purchasing The Kidney Disease Solution which was easy toorder and understand and I am so glad that I did. The Kidney Disease Solution ispacked with so much knowledge that I have not found anywhere else.

Bally Sandhu, Coventry, UK


The Kidney Disease Solution is the only program available in the worldwith solutions that can reverse kidney disease and improve kidney function.

  • A toolkit of natural remedies shows you what you need to take to literallyrepair your kidneys from the inside-out (page 28)
  • A step by step guide on what to do to eradicate the root cause of your kidneyimpairment quickly and easily (page 49)
  • Learn how to make Nannas secret tea recipe that she attributes togiving her life back (and as does many of our happy customers) (page 82)
  • Learn a solution so simple to help your kidney function thatyou will wonder why it hasnt been discovered before (page 81)
  • Learn the 6 essential rules you must know before you decide to exercise(page 93)
  • Learn proven relax on demand stress management techniques (page 99)
  • Learn what foods to eat and what foods to avoid to revitalise your kidneyhealth (page 79)
  • Get the monthly newsletter filled with handy hints and tips, plus the mostrecent cutting edge research findings
  • Get LIFETIME access to updated versions of The Kidney Disease Solution
  • Get UNLIMITED email support from our experienced team for 90 DAYS
  • An entire section about juicing specifically beneficial for kidney function (page84)

The Kidney Disease Solution eBook is now available for $129.97 $67.00. 3 months ofFree email support by a qualified team and Free access to the latest cutting edgeresearch, tips and hints we discover each month.

Try the complete program for a full two months, and if in the unlikely event you are not thrilled with the results, simply email me directly at: support @ beatkidneydiseaase .com within 60 days,for a complete 100%no questions asked refund.

Immediate access is available to this program after making your secure payment. Itincludes:

1. The Kidney Disease Solution eBook outlining step-by-step guide to repairingyour kidney disease and improving your kidney function.

It contains everything you need to get started on healing your kidneys. All remediesare supported by scientific research. Everything is laid out in laymans language andeasy to understand and follow.

2. Unlimited email support (90 days) and Access To Cutting Edge Researchand Updates Of The Program (Lifetime)


Your Kitchen Companion Guide ToThe Kidney Disease Solution

This is a sensational 133 page e-cookbook that has beenspecifically created for you. The feedback from happycustomers has been that they wanted more deliciousrecipes that supported kidney function. So, here it is!

Youll be amazed to discover how much what you eataffects the balance of your body. So ... with this KitchenCompanion, you dont ever need wonder again if you areeating the right food for optimum kidney function.

The recipes are easy to follow with all your daily nutrients for each meal listed under the instructions.

A Complete Health & WellnessAudio & Guide eBook Program

Unlocks important emotional, spiritual and physical fitnesstechniques, teaching you how to enjoy a lifetime of healthand fitness.

  • Scientific evidence exposing the Incurable Disease lie
  • The one (and only) medical fact that all experts agree on! (This will shock you)
  • What truly makes pain so powerful and how to eliminate pain and it's "silent secret"
  • How to get healed with mathematical precision and certainty
  • The secret to eating anything your want without the fear of poisoning your system with preservatives, toxins and other additives

Glycemic 101 eBook

This comprehensive guide shows you how to balanceout blood sugar for diabetics with kidney disease.Not only is this a great bonus for people sufferingfrom diabetes. If you suffer from hypoglycaemia(unrelated to diabetes), or persistent migraines thatare difficult to manage ... this bonus will be a lifesaver for you.

All the mystery is taken out of finding low GIfoods.

MP3 Audio Stress Buster Healing Meditation

International Medical Intuitive and Healer, JulieLewin, has designed a unique healing meditationfor you that guides you to cut all connections to yourenergy body from all sources.

This guided meditation takes you through anenergetic cleansing and leads you into a deeprejuvenating and regenerating sleep.

Even people who believe they can't meditate orvisualise can do this easily and effortlessly underJulie's expert guidance ... and with fantastic results.

How to Vastly Increase Your Energy Levels in 7Days

The secrets in this ebook are like GOLD. VeryPrecious. And has information you desperately needto know to restore your energy levels.

These strategies will get your energy skyrocketingthrough your body and you'll be asking yourself whydoesn't everybody know about this and why aren'tthey doing it, too.

Dealing With Stress NaturallyeBook

Learn long term strategies, new perspectives on life and every day healthful practices that can help you transcend these insidious threats to your health and sanity to become a happy, healthy proactive individual once again!

You can keep doing what youre doing ...Feel terrible | Have No Hope | Deteriorate MoreOr ... For Around The Cost Of A Doctors Visit

$129.97 $67.00

You can avoid dialysis and surgeryYou can live with hope ... and dream againYou can have your whole life back

So, please, trust your instincts ... use the programrisk free for 60 days

And, in the unlikely event you do not experiencesignificant health improvements ... or for any reasonyoure not satisfied with the program ...email me within 60 days and youll get a full refund no questions asked


The bottom line is that this program works.

You will reverse your kidney disease (even though doctors say that you cant dothis), you will improve your kidney function, you will generally feel much better thanyou could have hoped for, or you will have a full refund.

Why am I so confident? Because this works, people all around the world are gettinggreat results. I have had nothing but positive testimonials and thank you emails sinceI released this program on the internet.

So lets get you started on your recovery program. When you do your part I knowyou will be 100% satisfied. If you are not, as Ive said, request a refund within 60days and I will gladly issue you a full refund. Simply email your request to the email Iprovide.

To your positive health.

Duncan Capicchiano, N.D.
Naturopath, Author, Researcher
Upwey, Melbourne,
Victoria, 3158, Australia

P.S. The way I see it, you have two choices: 1) You can keep feeling tired anddepressed all the time, keep wasting money on doctors bills, taking drugs, etc,etc ... or 2) Try The Kidney Disease Solution completely risk free and beginexperiencing greater energy, increased GFR, less or no fluid retention, positiveoutlook and all other health improvements that go with this. The choice is yours.

P.P.S. Remember: The hard work is done figuring out the solution. Ive done theextensive research. Ive perfected my method by working with real, live patientsdin my clinic in Melbourne. All you have to do is click your mouse and turn your lifearound!

P.P.P.S. Not only is this program designed to get to the root cause of all kidneydisease as if you have me right in your lounge room consulting with you ... but youhave 3 full months unlimited email support with our qualified team so you dont feelalone and isolated on your journey to recovery.


NOTE: The Kidney Disease Solution is a downloadable eBook. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the ebook and all the bonuses onto your computer. The ebook format is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC.

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About Syed Faizan Ali

Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.

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